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New consoles/E3 2013 thread


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I know it's a little early to make a E3 thread, but tomorrow the new Xbox will be revealed. So maybe we could discuss that in this thread.


It has of course been heavily rumored that the next Xbox will be required to be always-online to play games, and it is almost a certainty at this point. While I can understand that from a business perspective, I think it's incredibly stupid, and it will most likely led me to jump on PS4 wagon next generation, even though I've been a massive fan of the 360. And I really liked what I saw at the PS4 reveal, and it seems Sony is really trying hard to appeal the "core" gamers (I hate that term).


Plus the Xbox reveal will probably be 65% kinect wank, 20% new useless applications, 10% time-exclusive DLC and 5% games. I really hate the direction they are going, they should really try to appeal to the early adopters of a new console this time, instead of all those things we really don't care about.










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Apparently they've back tracked on the always online thing. I think they just put these "rumours" out there themselves to see how people react to it, the reaction has been pretty terrible so they're not going to do it. There aren't enough people around the world who could manage an always online situation, so financially it's a terrible idea.

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If all, or just some, of the rumors are true, it'll likely be a PS4 for me too.


Not that I care about any of the new consoles. I just want GTA V. They could launch all these consoles tomorrow and I'd be like "meh". The MS conferences have provided me with many lols though, so maybe I should watch this too.

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There's absolutely nothing of the next gen releases that even remotely interests me, I'll stick to my PS3 and indie PC releases until one of them breaks.

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If all, or just some, of the rumors are true, it'll likely be a PS4 for me too.


Not that I care about any of the new consoles. I just want GTA V. They could launch all these consoles tomorrow and I'd be like "meh". The MS conferences have provided me with many lols though, so maybe I should watch this too.


Likewise on both counts.


Wii U has been brilliant though eh?


Best E3 presentation ever right here:


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I'm excited for new things also. But what things? What next gen games have been announced worth looking forward to? I buy consoles for the games they have, not the technology.

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I'm excited for new things also. But what things? What next gen games have been announced worth looking forward to? I buy consoles for the games they have, not the technology.


Watch_Dogs looks like a pretty awesome launch game.

Anyway, we'll know tomorrow what we can look forward to. But in general, I'm always excited about new things.

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I think the PS3 had a few more worthwile exclusives than the X360. Obviously there has been no new Xbox announcement yet and if Microsoft would show us some new interesting IP I'd consider switching. But if it's going to be a new Forza, Gears of War, Dance Central and other Kinect crap I'll stick to Sony's console.

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I'll probably get both new consoles. Prolly PS4 first, and then Xbox180 whenever something good comes out. I should probably just donate my money to charity instead or open a soup kitchen. I love soup.

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I'm actually not excited either. All the new console generation seems to be able to offer is slightly better graphics.



SLIGHTLY !! It's going to have been 8 years since the release of the 360, the hardware of the 2 main consoles has been a drag on gaming graphics, since release and as the years went by it only hurt the user more, because all the big developers make cross platform games, so they had to factor in whether it would run on the ancient tech chugging away under ppls tvs.



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Guest Frankie5fingers

this is the first time that im not slightly interested in the next gen console release. if the Xbox is online only than im skipping out completely. i think it was Rubin that posted an article talking about the next gen stuff. and they were saying that the Xbox will be more of a media hub while the PS4 will be more focused towards gaming. if thats the case than im going PS4.

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To be fair, the last three gens haven't really had any killer apps. But I tend to buy consoles for weird games. I bought the 360 to play Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved and the PS3 for Tokyo Jungle.

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I have an absolute beast of a super computer in my room.



I never turn it on.




The "master race" doesn't even like pc gaming.





inb4 the defence force

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