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New consoles/E3 2013 thread


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Guest Gravity

HOLY SHIT! The player you control, his arm looks so realistic you can see the dirt under his nails and dogs are even more realistic!


gonna go play thomas was alone


Agreed, that HD Arms™ technology made my jaw drop. Makes my arms look bland in comparison.

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Guest Gary C

Now I care even less about the next gen of games. Just give me GTA V,

This really. Really.


I haven't been interested in anything I've heard about the next-gen consoles. A blu-ray player would be nice, I guess. But fuck all that TV bullshit Microsoft were burping out. Fuck the social-everything of Sony. Fuck not being able to play second-hand games. Fuck always-on mechanics (because you know they can't say it now cos' it's dirty, but it's coming, and they'll do it regardless). Fuck games-on-rails (I find that the more high-tech the graphics look on a console, the less you'll play).


I'm going to play GTAV and I'm going to shit my balls off. Then I'm done with consoles. Maybe I'll be swayed if Rocksteady ever get their arses together and making a new Batman or Ninja Turtles game...


But really. I'm gonna have to start looking at PCs once I'm ready to move on from GTAV.

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Guest Gary C


Why did no bloggers have the balls to stand-up and leave in disgust? Would've garnered massive online respect... I guess they're all too excited to even be invited and don't want to piss off industry contacts.

I would've had no reason to stay sat there. Especially when the ghost of Spielberg started talking about Halo TV. And Quantum Break sounded like it could be interesting, but it was an advert for a TV show with a random CGI boat crash.


Fuck everything about that presentation.


E3? I honestly can't think of anything that will sell these consoles to me. I fully expect the media aspects of Microsoft's site to be utterly empty and I want them to see how much no-one fucking cares.

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Guest Gravity

Can't believe MS still hasn't learned from the past about not having quality, unique exclusives. What the fuck. Always with the Call of Duty at the end too. Damn...


Maybe they'll show some interesting stuff at E3, but until then I'm more interested in what Sony's doing. New Smash Bros & Mario from Nintendo should be cool, I believe they said both will be playable on the show floor? Might be wrong. Nintendo's also going to have select titles from E3 playable at Best Buy that week which is an interesting move.

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Maybe I'll be swayed if Rocksteady ever get their arses together and making a new Batman or Ninja Turtles game...




not sure about the latter but the former is in development right now.

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tea bee tea bee tea bee


The only reason i'll buy this console is to play Fifa 14 so i'm happy.


The TV thing could be nice as long as is in HD and we are able to record tv shows to watch them later and stuff, maybe they'll show live sports events like the garman football league in HD.

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worst console announcement I can remember. I won't buy this piece of shit console based on the "no used games" business alone, nevermind factoring the other shit factors in.


Honestly, if I pay 60-80$ for a brand new console game I want to play it on any console, that's my right. I purchased the disc to use on the console itself, not exclusively in my house.


Lots of games like fighting games, sports games, or racing games are ones you'd want to bring to friends houses... wtf is this shit that your friends have to pay full purchase price to use the disc on their console?



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I know it is all about the games, but what's up with the minimal bang & olufsen design?




Looks like a standard 90's cd player. I'm not too worried about the second hand games barrier they're throwing up, something for hackers to take care of.

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Guest jasondonervan

All I need to know is whether that new controller a) has a wired version and b) works on my PC.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

controller looks good and may even be an improvement on the 360, good design, kinect looks like it'll work how it should do, improvements in graphics and ai, the ability to skype while playing games or watching sport, I'm excited. it looks great.


this wasn't about showcasing games, I'm sure e3 will fill us in with that. (was it 15 exclusives ready for the first year? can't remember how many new IPs).


think this will be the 1st year I want all the new consoles and they can all fill different roles. how typical of the internet to hate anything new.

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If they did press-conference to get all the technical/application/non-gaming stuff out of the way, and exclusively focus on games at E3, then it might actually not be so bad after all.


But I doubt it, and if the main focus is kinect games, then noboby will give a shit. And I already know way to much stuff about this console, to know I'm probably never getting one. Mainly becuase of the DRM/used games stuff,


I don't really buy used games, but the fact that I can't sell my old games I don't play anymore, is kind of bullshit. I've already paid for the game, so I should be able to do whatever I want with it. And a lot of the money I make on selling used games, I spent on new and more expensive games. This kind of thing would force some people to spend less money games in the future.


edit: here's how the whole DRM thing will work on it http://kotaku.com/the-xbox-is-not-always-online-but-seems-to-block-used-509077987

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Yea, people clearly hate this just because it's new.

Yes definitely this, and not because the entire presentation was an abomination


- Yay watch TV on your TV !

- Cool, talk to the console that probably wont hear you when the TV is turned up or if you have any accent other than 'generic American', pressing responsive buttons is old tech

- deadmau5, cos I'm like the cool kids too. Really dope sounds.

- Ace, some sports games that look exactly like the presentation EA gave when the PS3 launched

- High def dogs, look at soldiers fingernails and hairy arms #nextgen

- Fish that move out the way, what will they think of next ....

- Of course I want to pay a fee for playing second hand games, in fact we should have to pay a fee just for thinking about the second hand games (not actually in presentation but it's such a great idea all the same)

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Forgot to mention that there's no backwards compatibility with the 360. Hooray!


If that goes for the Xbox Live Arcade too then they've really fucked the dog.


But disregard all these good points.. I guess because I'm on the internet I'm just.. hating?

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If that goes for the Xbox Live Arcade too then they've really fucked the dog.

Admittedly a hi-definition textured dog.



With some great flowing fur effects and a TV show dedicated to it.

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Guest jasondonervan


If that goes for the Xbox Live Arcade too then they've really fucked the dog.

Admittedly a hi-definition textured dog.






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