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Woolwich attack


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  1. These times i was just going to the shop for some fruit and veg and i see all that!

  2. Then the next breda try buss off the rusty 45 and it just backfires and blows mans finger clean off... Feds didnt pet to just take him out!!

  3. The first guy goes for the female fed with the machete and she not even ramping she took man out like robocop never seen nutn like it

  4. Then thats how u know they were on sutn cos they actually went for armed feds with just two machete and an old rusty lookin revolver

  5. Then boydem turn up!! Woolwich feds didnt want it... They had to wait for armed response.. Helicopters everyting...

  6. People were asking whyyy whyyy they were just saying we've had enough! They looked like they were on sutn! Then they start waving a recolver

  7. The two black bredas run this white guy over over then hop out the car and start chopping mans head off with machete!!

  8. Mate ive seen alot of shit im my time but that has to rank sumwhere in the top 3. I couldnt believe my eyes. That was some movie shit

  9. Oh my God!!!! The way Feds took them out!!! It was a female police officer she come out the whip and just started bussssin shots!!

  10. Woolwich #se18 whyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! Fuck!!!! Right next to a primary school!

  11. Ohhhhh myyyy God!!!! I just see a man with his head chopped off right in front of my eyes!

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It's beyond sick. Never thought I would see this in the UK, but I suppose given the way we have conducted ourselves on the global scene, perhaps i shouldn't be so surprised. Thoughts are with victim's family and those that knew him.

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Guest jasondonervan

Seriously hope that the kids in that nearby primary school didn't see it happen... that's the kind of thing that would traumatise them forever.

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I don't understand the video of the guy justifying this because he disagrees with the government. If you disagree with the govt., don't kill an innocent person.

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  1. The two black bredas run this white guy over over then hop out the car and start chopping mans head off with machete!!

  2. Mate ive seen alot of shit im my time but that has to rank sumwhere in the top 3.








Even after reading about it and getting rather sick at work thinking about it, I lol'd at that "top 3" tweet too.


I don't understand the video of the guy justifying this because he disagrees with the government. If you disagree with the govt., don't kill an innocent person.


It was a innocent bystander specifically to strike more fear, that's the point of terrorism attacks, isn't it? Even if the person was a cadet of uniformed military serviceman, he was still just a mere solider, not a high ranking official or political leader any kind.

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I don't understand the video of the guy justifying this because he disagrees with the government. If you disagree with the govt., don't kill an innocent person.


It was a innocent bystander specifically to strike more fear, that's the point of terrorism attacks, isn't it?

I guess. Obvious answer to question about terrorism is obvious.

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  1. The two black bredas run this white guy over over then hop out the car and start chopping mans head off with machete!!

  2. Mate ive seen alot of shit im my time but that has to rank sumwhere in the top 3.








Even after reading about it and getting rather sick at work thinking about it, I lol'd at that "top 3" tweet too.


i'd love to know what the other two are...actually i probably wouldn't.

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I don't understand the video of the guy justifying this because he disagrees with the government. If you disagree with the govt., don't kill an innocent person.


It was a innocent bystander specifically to strike more fear, that's the point of terrorism attacks, isn't it?

I guess. Obvious answer to question about terrorism is obvious.



This is still just fucked up. The video was just surreal.

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how is it possible that a murder of a soldier right outside of a military barracks took 20 minutes for the police to respond to?

seems like a ridiculously delayed response, and clearly these guys wanted to be filmed.

the whole thing is just really fucking weird. less than 1 month after the Boston bombings the UK incurs a highly televised public broad daylight terrorist attack. Haha now i'm beginning to think these Boston false flag people aren't so crazy afterall. shit's just strange as hell

edit: I'm not saying anything definitive or that i believe it was some kind of false flag, but it's just really bizarre to me how all of the sudden seemingly out of nowhere we have a ricin letter, boston marathon bombings and now this all with 24/7 news coverage following it.

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how is it possible that a murder of a soldier right outside of a military barracks took 20 minutes for the police to respond to?


seems like a ridiculously delayed response, and clearly these guys wanted to be filmed.


the whole thing is just really fucking weird.


I was wondering that! Not just barracks, but barracks in the middle of a metropolitan area too. Was it that long for armed police to arrive, or just police in general? The whole incident is bizarre regardless.

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