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Woolwich attack


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don't want to derail, but compson is seriously a cause for concern lately. if he isn't trolling he needs some help.


i think some know him irl?


I've been told that compson is sup's irl brother



Might explain a thing or two? Or not? I don't know.

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Guest Gary C

I'm sick of this story now. Sick of the issues and arguments.


I only hope that no-one else gets hurt as an effect of the original murder.


I want to turn off the media. I can almost certainly avoid newspapers, radio and televised news, but the internet is going to be mighty difficult. I want a break from this disgusting planet.


Everything about this makes me sick.

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i had some pretty decent chats with compson in chatmm, but something seemed to snap in him a few months ago that left his entire persona as a staunt anti-islamist, which was upsetting but also fuck the guy. his posts were fucking mental.

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also im curious in the UK is a machete another name for a meat clever? All the news media is still calling it a machete beheading, and it may seem like a technicality to people but I think using those terms makes it seem even more horrifying (if it already wasn't horrifying enough). A machete is one of these, at least in the US


what attacker is holding:


i don't know why reporters think that using more intense wording is ok to do these days, i find it pretty insulting and shameful myself.

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im pretty sure it was called a machete because of the intial tweets that happened literally is happened, where it was called a machete not by a reporter, but by a member of the puclic ambling past

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don't want to derail, but compson is seriously a cause for concern lately. if he isn't trolling he needs some help.


i think some know him irl?

i think Luke knows him, and i posed the same question on the forum but I don't think people who know him in real life are concerned.




i've met him a few times briefly, that's all. haven't spoken to him outside the boards for at least a year, not really my place to have an intervention with him, lol


fwiw he's a rich kid living on an island in his parents basement going to art school, last i talked to him anyway. that's all info i gathered from when he'd be in chatmm a few years ago, nothing he confided in me. provides a bit of context for his worldview bubble though.

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watmm: dont post about poo or feet or anyting that reminds people of sexual acts but u can be a complete lunatic racist prick and not get banned



Exactly this. Fucked-up morality JR and the gang have.


yeah, I have said this exact thing to JR several times, specifically referencing chunky. To be clear, as much as I may disagree with him, I DON'T want him to be banned (if you're reading JR). But I do find the forum's double standard a bit ridiculous. Personally, I find many of the things chunky says more offensive than any cock or boob I've seen on watmm.



Compson was formerly known as Karma Kramer no?


I had no idea, they seemed different to me


whaaaaat? Karmakramer was pretty cool, I thought. Wow.

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great article


"When I asked on Twitter this morning what specific attributes of this attack make it "terrorism" given that it was a soldier who was killed, the most frequent answer I received was that "terrorism" means any act of violence designed to achieve political change, or more specifically, to induce a civilian population to change their government or its policies of out fear of violence. Because, this line of reasoning went, one of the attackers here said that "the only reasons we killed this man is because Muslims are dying daily" and warned that "you people will never be safe. Remove your government", the intent of the violence was to induce political change, thus making it "terrorism".


That is at least a coherent definition. But doesn't that then encompass the vast majority of violent acts undertaken by the US and its allies over the last decade? What was the US/UK "shock and awe" attack on Baghdad if not a campaign to intimidate the population with a massive show of violence into submitting to the invading armies and ceasing their support for Saddam's regime? That was clearly its functional intent and even its stated intent. That definition would also immediately include the massive air bombings of German cities during World War II. It would include the Central American civilian-slaughtering militias supported, funded and armed by the Reagan administration throughout the 1980s, the Bangledeshi death squads trained and funded by the UK, and countless other groups supported by the west that used violence against civilians to achieve political ends.


The ongoing US drone attacks unquestionably have the effect, and one could reasonably argue the intent, of terrorizing the local populations so that they cease harboring or supporting those the west deems to be enemies. The brutal sanctions regime imposed by the west on Iraq and Iran, which kills large numbers of people, clearly has the intent of terrorizing the population into changing its governments' policies and even the government itself. How can one create a definition of "terrorism" that includes Wednesday's London attack on this British soldier without including many acts of violence undertaken by the US, the UK and its allies and partners? Can that be done?"


good thoughts IMO


completely agree with everything here...

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CNN.com description of kid who was murdered...


There's been no indication that the 25-year-old machine gunner, drummer and father of a 2-year-old boy knew the men who attacked him with meat cleavers.

seriously? machine gunner is first? unfuckingbelievable.

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The spectrum of feelings and viewpoints on this situation just from my facebook friends alone is rather unsettling.


It seems the country really is rather divided on opinions, either that or I know far too many racists / nutters / atheists / human rights lawyers / Nigerian immigrants

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Guest Iain C

CNN.com description of kid who was murdered...


There's been no indication that the 25-year-old machine gunner, drummer and father of a 2-year-old boy knew the men who attacked him with meat cleavers.

seriously? machine gunner is first? unfuckingbelievable.



Well, it was his job, to machine-gun people. Hardly a kid at 25, either.

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I've just realised that the post I was replying to (about going to live in Cornwall to escape this kind of madness) is completely gone.


Out of context my post looks stupid. Just wanted to point that out.

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