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boc and children


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Guest feralkittens

I was listening to a mix I made with my mom and she pointed out a lot of the songs had counting on them and she was like "aww you never really got over sesame street did you?".


I feel like a creep wondering about their personal lives but I wonder what their own kids think of their music or if they ever make songs with their kids. I remember them saying they grew up with musical parents and that's how they got started out. Very cool. I still remember the day I opened up my first Casio under the Christmas tree. That was over 25 years ago, yikes. I still rank it as the best gift ever.

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I think the topic of children listening to boc is insanely curious now that I have a little 2.5 year old. beats, colors, numbers, letters, patterns, counting, laughing. it has it all!


but this morning. this morning was one of those pristine moments where music and life sync to absolute perfection.


I always play tunes for my boy on the way to daycare before work. whether it's boc, ae, radiohead, tool, etc. my stuff. so obviously tomorrows harvest is on and twice in the car, out of nowhere, he goes, turn it up daddy! This is cool! And was kicking his feet and laughing when the drums came in. it was so awesome. this was new seeds. he was digging the intro and when it fully kicks in, he was going nuts.


but then came come to dust. wow. we both seemed to just completely soak it in on the same level. it was borderline insane. but the kicker was when we got to the daycare driveway and i went to get out of the car. he actually said no daddy, play it again! and we both just sat in the car in the driveway. We listened to it all the way through. loud. with the rain pouring down. It was fucking amazing and I was trying not to cry.

Best post I've read in a long time. Glad you got such a great moment there!

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Yeah I love playing boards of canada for my kids. They love it too, they have to, I'm their father.

I keep ABPOITC playing on repeat in their habitat, to set the right mood. I have recently introduced several of the ambient tracks from TH to the rotation, while they explore and interact with my learning modules.

My studies are coming along well.

lol what? Salvatorin with children, that's a scary thought :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest feralkittens

I'm not even joking when I say this thread totally hotwired my biological clock. Thanks a lot guys! I'm suing you all for confusing my future plans!


You got a cool little dude Jules.

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Guest Starblazer

I think the topic of children listening to boc is insanely curious now that I have a little 2.5 year old. beats, colors, numbers, letters, patterns, counting, laughing. it has it all!


but this morning. this morning was one of those pristine moments where music and life sync to absolute perfection.


I always play tunes for my boy on the way to daycare before work. whether it's boc, ae, radiohead, tool, etc. my stuff. so obviously tomorrows harvest is on and twice in the car, out of nowhere, he goes, turn it up daddy! This is cool! And was kicking his feet and laughing when the drums came in. it was so awesome. this was new seeds. he was digging the intro and when it fully kicks in, he was going nuts.


but then came come to dust. wow. we both seemed to just completely soak it in on the same level. it was borderline insane. but the kicker was when we got to the daycare driveway and i went to get out of the car. he actually said no daddy, play it again! and we both just sat in the car in the driveway. We listened to it all the way through. loud. with the rain pouring down. It was fucking amazing and I was trying not to cry.



It is great when your kids take an interest in the music you listen to. Both my kids are the same, don't hear any of the usual pop shit in this house and the kids often ask for me to put something on, be it BoC, Bonobo, James Brown, David Bowie or Rammstein lol.

And there's nothing cooler than hearing your kids sing along or hum along, especially if they have good voices haha.

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Guest feralkittens

It should be pointed out boc is probably not the best way to teach kids to count. They'll be really confused when they find out 60-orange does not in fact come after 56.

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Guest Starblazer

It should be pointed out boc is probably not the best way to teach kids to count. They'll be really confused when they find out 60-orange does not in fact come after 56.

Haha, true :D

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so has anyone conceived their kids to BOC? Lol


Why does this bring images from the Children of the Corn to my mind? Lol.

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it's amazing to see them appreciating any music but when it's music you love so much, even better.


i swear i'm not making this up...


last night playing TH on our drive home, my daughter (pretty much ages with jules' son) asks "what's this music daddy?"... i say "it's boards of canada"... she instantly replied "i like boards of canada!"... her mum said "what the? did you train her to say that?!"... come to dust was playing at the time (and i didn't train her to say it btw but she's grown up hearing them).

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