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(For rich WATMMers) Beautiful game art prints


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Guest jasondonervan

I bought this lithograph directly from Valve many moons ago (not mine pictured):




Mine has been in storage for years, I guess it's probably worth a few bob to some die-hard TF2 fan but I think I'll keep it. It doesn't really scream 'I PLAY GARMEZ' though.

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I don't know, seems a bit kitsch.

This. I would feel like such a kid having these on my wall.


I definitely agree with the more overt looking ones - the slightly more abstract prints that interest me far more e.g.






jasondonervan - Yeah definitely something like that where it stands on it's own artistic merits rather than just being an image from a game

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I don't want to purely dis stuff but most pics in this thread are kitsch or wannabe art. Would you have them because you'd find them a bit ironic or do you really find them beautiful?

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I don't want to purely dis stuff but most pics in this thread are kitsch or wannabe art. Would you have them because you'd find them a bit ironic or do you really find them beautiful?

I found the ones I posted to be beautiful... I love the game and I like steampunk/fantasy cities and landscape. It'd look really out of place in my room though...


If an elderly lady with horseradish under her armpits hands me $200 tied in a bundle with cherry tooth floss, then I'd get it.

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I don't want to purely dis stuff but most pics in this thread are kitsch or wannabe art. Would you have them because you'd find them a bit ironic or do you really find them beautiful?

I found the ones I posted to be beautiful... I love the game and I like steampunk/fantasy cities and landscape. It'd look really out of place in my room though...


If an elderly lady with horseradish under her armpits hands me $200 tied in a bundle with cherry tooth floss, then I'd get it.


In that case I'd get it too

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I don't want to purely dis stuff but most pics in this thread are kitsch or wannabe art. Would you have them because you'd find them a bit ironic or do you really find them beautiful?

Certainly a lot of them I couldn't imagine having on my walls (unless I was a game developer of something) but this one has definitely caught my eye, and not in an ironic or kitsch way -



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Guest jasondonervan

I've got a fair few hi-res game art renders tucked away (including Journey ones), one of which I really should get around to getting properly printed/framed:




I have it in a stupidly high resolution. On the right paper I reckon it would look fantastic. I also have the one where it stretches the art from ICO to SOTC in the same de Chirico style (all four images laid out in a combined row):




I think the site pete linked to is really over-priced. I don't doubt the quality, but they could've pitched it a little more realistically price-wise with lower grade materials used, and likely had a flood of orders rolling in.

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Bloody hell they're amazing man. Any chance you could upload some of the bottom few (Especially the first one) in high resolution ?


As for the price, yeah I agree - though the orders do seem to be going through still: There's only 15 of that Journey one I posted left, and that's after just one day.

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Ico and Shadow of the collosus. looks like dali made the backdrops yo.

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Guest jasondonervan

Bloody hell they're amazing man. Any chance you could upload some of the bottom few (Especially the first one) in high resolution ?


As for the price, yeah I agree - though the orders do seem to be going through still: There's only 15 of that Journey one I posted left, and that's after just one day.


I will have a dig around later at home, and probably host them in a zip someplace as the file sizes are quite hefty.


Yeah, no doubt the Journey ones will sell out - it's the poster child game for the current gen, and in many ways rightfully deserves such high praise. But that price edges more towards something I would pay for an original work, not a repro.

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Just looked them up. Sez they're PS2 releases?


My girlfriend apparently has a ps2 in storage at her parent's place, might have to dig it out and give these a go.


No TV though so may have to invest in some form of monitor....

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Guest jasondonervan

Ico and Shadow of the collosus. looks like dali made the backdrops yo.


Giorgio di Chirico is yer man; named as the main inspiration, with good cause:





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Just looked them up. Sez they're PS2 releases?

N.B. Those pictures Jason posted were from the box art rather than what the games actually look like. For reference Ico and Shadow of the Colossus look like -





I mean don't get me wrong they're bloody amazing (Ico is easily in my top 5 games of all time), but yeah the style of the game is different from the pictures up there.

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Guest jasondonervan

Just looked them up. Sez they're PS2 releases?


My girlfriend apparently has a ps2 in storage at her parent's place, might have to dig it out and give these a go.


No TV though so may have to invest in some form of monitor....


There was a PS3 edition that collected both games in HD versions. They look/play so much better than the PS2 originals, especially SOTC which was famed for having a notoriously brutal framerate/camera. Those are the definiteive versions to play, if you have the means.


Just looked them up. Sez they're PS2 releases?

N.B. Those pictures Jason posted were from the box art rather than what the games actually look like.


I mean don't get me wrong they're bloody amazing (Ico is easily in my top 5 games of all time), but yeah the style of the game is different from the pictures up there.



Good shout, sorry if I didn't make that clear. I can't wait for games to actually look as good as box/concept art though!

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Yeah ICO is bloody amazing, I've not experienced the atmosphere created in that game before or since. Sounds weird but the last time I played the game was on a sunny day with the window open with a gentle blowing breeze - and when I went to the outdoor grassy areas in the game all my sense clicked and I felt completely engrossed in the game world, like it seemed the most tactile environment I'd ever come across

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Guest Gravity

Yeah ICO is bloody amazing, I've not experienced the atmosphere created in that game before or since. Sounds weird but the last time I played the game was on a sunny day with the window open with a gentle blowing breeze - and when I went to the outdoor grassy areas in the game all my sense clicked and I felt completely engrossed in the game world, like it seemed the most tactile environment I'd ever come across


*mr. puts everything off gets upset that he never picked up ICO or SOTC*


I swear, I have a list of things I need to play/listen to several miles long.

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