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Good flu remedies please


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I have a weird recurring dream I get when I have a fever. It's a plain landscape made entirely of paper which keeps scrunching and unscrunching in a rhythm as if the landscape were breathing. All plain white. There is a high pitched tinnitus type sound and it gets louder and louder like a deafening silence. Hmm.




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Hmm I had a dream like that once when they put me under with gas and took some teeth out (at the dentist).


I was wizzing through this vast blackness and became aware that I was outside my body, I was worried I was dead.


Then I saw my mother sitting and talking to a man (the dentist) and the name Kilroy (as in Kilroy silk) flying at me in neon.


Then loads of words started flying past me in neon and making this weird kind of acidey sound (or something) it was kinda cool.




It was kind of like this, but green and the exclamation mark was not a triangle (and the main part was also green). THE END

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