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The Zimmerman case?


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Guest theSun





Sanford police say that George Zimmerman—who’s been in hiding since being acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin—pulled someone from a truck that had rolled over on a Florida highway. The crash happened last week at the intersection of I-4 and Route 417. Zimmerman’s act of heroism probably won’t decrease the number of death threats he’s received since the trial, as shortly after heroically dragging the black adolescent victim out of the vehicle, Zimmerman shot him repeatedly when he interpreted a "thumbs up" as a gang-signal calling for the destruction of middle class America.


(ok i made up the bold part.)

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i wouldnt say that anyone deserves death threats or harassment. Is it expected? Sure. But I'm not so sure about deserved.



Again, at the end of the day, we don't know what actually happened. On either side. And that's why Zimmerman was not guilty. If we have a serious problem with the result, we need to fix the system that failed, not instill mob rule and butcher the guy because of how we feel.

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But it's easy to interpret the outcome of this case as "just kill them so they can't testify against you. It works!"

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But it's easy to interpret the outcome of this case as "just kill them so they can't testify against you. It works!"


it sure is easy to interpret it that way. but if you believe this interpretation to be accurate, then you are not taking into account the details of the case and trial. maybe interpret it as "just kill them so they can't testify against you. It works if you have incredibly inconclusive evidence and hearsay accounts making up the entirety of the prosecution's case!"


edit: a nicer, kinder SR4 attempt.

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I wonder if the people issuing these threats are going to be incarcerated. That would be ironic, they want him to go to jail, 'no you go to jail' says the mr. man. 'Who's next', he says with a delicious smile pushing out into his ruddy cheeks, a chuckle tumbling through the stunned silence of the watmm.

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fuck zimmerman murdering cunt

also lol "dont get angry that he got away with killing that kid just fix the entire US justice system"

o ok lets get on it

also zim cant b racist he worked wiht a black man and once smiled at a black person

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As someone who listened to approximately 40% of the trial stream and read the real time cliff notes on a law website following the case, I can tell you:


1) The State had absolutely zero evidence that things went down any way other than Zimmerman described aside from the perjurous 'star' witness Rachel Jeantel,

2) Zimmerman's testimony never swayed during all the recorded interviews he had with police and attorneys,

3) The FBI did a full investigation before the trial and found zero evidence he was racist.


In addition, there are many facts you didn't hear and the can be found here: http://www.dlas.org/questions-zimmerman-verdict/


The hard-to-swallow truth is that Trayvon was a street-fighting, drug-dealing and thieving thug who decided he was going to kick a 'white' man's ass for interrupting him as he was casing houses. George Zimmerman, who happened to be legally carrying a concealed firearm, fully exercised his Second Amendment right while fearing for his life and was found innocent in a show trial in which the judge was biased against him.


Hopefully the message has been sent to fellow Americans that it is not OK to 'lay hands' on others and doing so may rightfully end in death.

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As someone who listened to approximately 40% of the trial stream and read the real time cliff notes on a law website following the case, I can tell you:


1) The State had absolutely zero evidence that things went down any way other than Zimmerman described aside from the perjurous 'star' witness Rachel Jeantel,

2) Zimmerman's testimony never swayed during all the recorded interviews he had with police and attorneys,

3) The FBI did a full investigation before the trial and found zero evidence he was racist.


In addition, there are many facts you didn't hear and the can be found here: http://www.dlas.org/questions-zimmerman-verdict/


The hard-to-swallow truth is that Trayvon was a street-fighting, drug-dealing and thieving thug who decided he was going to kick a 'white' man's ass for interrupting him as he was casing houses. George Zimmerman, who happened to be legally carrying a concealed firearm, fully exercised his Second Amendment right while fearing for his life and was found innocent in a show trial in which the judge was biased against him.


Hopefully the message has been sent to fellow Americans that it is not OK to 'lay hands' on others and doing so may rightfully end in death.

lol troll successful

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soon. he supposedly saved a family from a rollover accident by dragging them from the vehicle after the verdict. He didn't even check to see if they were black.

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did they give him his gun back?


The Attorney General in his blatant race-baiting ordered the Sanford P.D. to hold all evidence until further notice.


It doesn't matter, however, as several online groups are collecting money to purchase him firearms.

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looool, collecting money to purchase him firearms? how many are they going to get him?


I've seen two separate pools so at least two :emotawesomepm9:



Thank you for your 5 awesome posts. Your work is done on this forum.


Let's all give Carlos a round of applause for contributing to the forum.


Anyway, the door is behind the Luke Vibert subforum. Take care, now.

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