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The Zimmerman case?


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Quote from the BBC:

"If it had been a white boy who had been murdered, and a black guy who had murdered him, would they have acquitted him?"


The president is black now (or half black/half jew, whatever), so these arguments are hysterical. With Rodney King you had the video tape and anyone can see that the police were in the wrong. With this case it's different. If someone could bring some decent evidence like a video of the killing then it would be sorted out. What we get instead is 'ugh yeah trayvon's cousin's girlfriend's uncle said that trayvon was totally under-toadstooled maaahn" then you get 'no way dood zimmerman had that triple authorised and rubberstamped by an inflatable jabberwocky'. Every communist Phd has the pure evidence that is completely made up then every NRA member has his own bullshit too because nobody except the shooter knows what happened. Actually Obama said the right thing about accepting the verdict, it's quite funny how the 'bipartisan' stuff works. If Romney was President the Zimmerman guy would have been convicted.It's weird that the jewish press/media push for leaders to do the opposite of what their own voters want but there you are. It's a funny old world!!!!


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Quote from the BBC:

"If it had been a white boy who had been murdered, and a black guy who had murdered him, would they have acquitted him?"


The president is black now (or half black/half jew, whatever), so these arguments are hysterical. With Rodney King you had the video tape and anyone can see that the police were in the wrong. With this case it's different. If someone could bring some decent evidence like a video of the killing then it would be sorted out. What we get instead is 'ugh yeah trayvon's cousin's girlfriend's uncle said that trayvon was totally under-toadstooled maaahn" then you get 'no way dood zimmerman had that triple authorised and rubberstamped by an inflatable jabberwocky'. Every communist Phd has the pure evidence that is completely made up then every NRA member has his own bullshit too because nobody except the shooter knows what happened. Actually Obama said the right thing about accepting the verdict, it's quite funny how the 'bipartisan' stuff works. If Romney was President the Zimmerman guy would have been convicted.It's weird that the jewish press/media push for leaders to do the opposite of what their own voters want but there you are. It's a funny old world!!!!


I bet even Alex Jones would find this a bit daft.

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Guest chunky

the atlantic and huffington post are israeli propaganda rags, paid and edited by israeli right of returners... #1 goal of which is to influence young people with views that benefit israel only.


in israel everyone can have a gun and ethiopian jews get chucked out of israel and treated like shit etc for being black and they are called "shwartzas" = israeli equivalent of the N-bomb.


so why can every israeli have a gun and treat blacks like shit then in the USA israeli's run newspapers that encourage young people to be the total opposite of that. it is completely hypocritical and bizarre.


the problem is young westerners are not aware of psychology and influence techniques, they are not aware that the media is influencing them for deep religious reasons, thus when people on this site spout left wing ideas, it is not their own ideas, it is the ideas picked up by israeli propagandists for anti-christian reasons. democrat or republican makes no difference, both are anti-christian organisations that deceive their own supporters. the atlantic/ huffington post/alex jones/young turks/new york times = all the money comes from israelis = all designed to influence and deceive and turn people against their own culture and history and like it. but the plain truth never gets a fair hearing!! truth is stranger than fiction

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the atlantic and huffington post are israeli propaganda rags, paid and edited by israeli right of returners... #1 goal of which is to influence young people with views that benefit israel only.


in israel everyone can have a gun and ethiopian jews get chucked out of israel and treated like shit etc for being black and they are called "shwartzas" = israeli equivalent of the N-bomb.


so why can every israeli have a gun and treat blacks like shit then in the USA israeli's run newspapers that encourage young people to be the total opposite of that. it is completely hypocritical and bizarre.


the problem is young westerners are not aware of psychology and influence techniques, they are not aware that the media is influencing them for deep religious reasons, thus when people on this site spout left wing ideas, it is not their own ideas, it is the ideas picked up by israeli propagandists for anti-christian reasons. democrat or republican makes no difference, both are anti-christian organisations that deceive their own supporters. the atlantic/ huffington post/alex jones/young turks/new york times = all the money comes from israelis = all designed to influence and deceive and turn people against their own culture and history and like it. but the plain truth never gets a fair hearing!! truth is stranger than fiction


quoted for posterity in case Chunky alters his post.


also: 1016673_508908242511371_1452322199_n.jpg

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Guest zaphod

lol, please tell me we're going to get some compson level trolling out of you in the near future. you've got to be kidding about liberal mags being israel controlled. brilliant!

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Guest chunky

lol, please tell me we're going to get some compson level trolling out of you in the near future. you've got to be kidding about liberal mags being israel controlled. brilliant!

israeli not israel

those media outlets are controlled by jews not the state of israel itself. they can be decentralised thanks to the brilliance of their religion, no need for top down leadership everything's in the torah and talmud. yeah and it's the plain truth. i dont want it to be this way, it just is this way though so you can laugh all you like about it, but it's objectively true and you can search out the editors etc funding etc and find the names and read their articles etc just like i did. but you have already decided whats true without even checking.


and it's not a conspiracy, it's a group of people who follow a religion. the religion says all other religions are wrong, must be got rid of. anyone who's not chosen is a second class citizen. same like persia in the old testament it's ok to go to a government of one nation and pay it to attack another... even make all the nations attack each other as in WWI. also no problem with huge mass murder such as in USSR and germany. guess it';s ok to take american guns too, the notion of an independent, armed and self reliant christian america is something israel really fears that other nations will follow russia and become christian again


as for trayvon and zimmerman it is in israel's interests for christian usa to be unarmed. andrew cohen in the atlantic dont want usa christians to have guns. BUT ISRAELIS ARE ALLOWED MACHINE GUNS. do you see the hypocrisy here? andrew cohen next time can write about palestianian children covered in their own blood and guts by IDFbullets

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This is what happens when we are guaranteed the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty


Sometimes there are cases where the general public thinks someone who is guilty is let free. But that's the price we have to pay for that freedom


Can you imagine how much worse it would be if we were considered guilty until proven innocent? Look at Mexico. It's Hell.


As for whether I think he deserved to be ruled innocent: I don't know and neither do any of you, we just know what the media has told us. And they've proven themselves to be biased towards one side by airing only pictures of Treyvon when he was a young innocent boy, and old pictures of ZimZam when he was a younger eviler looking man. Obvious bias


Can't flim flam the zim zam

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The guy saw Trayvon Martin and basically thought "give me an excuse to use my gun today. Trayvon pls." And he made it happen. If you were 17 years old and this guy starts following you around, wouldn't you think he was a molestor or something? Because you'd be right in this case.

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Guest zaphod


lol, please tell me we're going to get some compson level trolling out of you in the near future. you've got to be kidding about liberal mags being israel controlled. brilliant!

israeli not israel

those media outlets are controlled by jews not the state of israel itself. they can be decentralised thanks to the brilliance of their religion, no need for top down leadership everything's in the torah and talmud. yeah and it's the plain truth. i dont want it to be this way, it just is this way though so you can laugh all you like about it, but it's objectively true and you can search out the editors etc funding etc and find the names and read their articles etc just like i did. but you have already decided whats true without even checking.


and it's not a conspiracy, it's a group of people who follow a religion. the religion says all other religions are wrong, must be got rid of. anyone who's not chosen is a second class citizen. same like persia in the old testament it's ok to go to a government of one nation and pay it to attack another... even make all the nations attack each other as in WWI. also no problem with huge mass murder such as in USSR and germany. guess it';s ok to take american guns too, the notion of an independent, armed and self reliant christian america is something israel really fears that other nations will follow russia and become christian again


as for trayvon and zimmerman it is in israel's interests for christian usa to be unarmed. andrew cohen in the atlantic dont want usa christians to have guns. BUT ISRAELIS ARE ALLOWED MACHINE GUNS. do you see the hypocrisy here? andrew cohen next time can write about palestianian children covered in their own blood and guts by IDFbullets



oh my lol

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I think you should make a distinction between the actual law and the spirit of the law. Given the actual law, the current verdict is almost a given. Like you and others have said, there simply is no evidence which can prove "beyond reasonable doubt" that Zimmerman didn't act out of self defence.

The question, imo, is whether this outcome is in the spirit of the law. If the laws are meant to protect citizens against harm, does this outcome match that spirit? I don't think so.

The current discussion seems to be limited by an "either or" kind of reasoning where there can be only two possible ways laws function. There's either the "innocent until proven guilty" or the "guilty until proven innocent" type of laws that apparently can exist. Which I think severely limits the discussion and blocks the search for reasonable solutions, imo. It's not an "either or" kind of situation.

But it's pretty hard to get that into peoples minds, i guess. Seeing the response the example from dutch law received. If it's outside the realm of "either or", things get confusing and people seem to check out. If that's similar to the broader discussion in the us,i feel very sorry for you guys. Problem solving requires some out of the box approach. And if people are "either" not allowed going outside, "or" aren't listened to/ understood when they do, things won't change. (although i'm the first to acknowledge of being good at writing incomprehensible broken spaghetti engrish)

Imo, this "either or" mentality seems to be spoonfed by many media outlets. Journalism becomes so much easier when the narrative of a story is told in this restricted logic. It's easier to write. It's easier to understand. And most worrying, it seems to match the expectations of the readers. It confirms their beliefs. I mean, how popular would a media outlet be which does not confirm peoples expectations and probably creates more confusion than "clarity" ( often meaning, confirmation)?

For an example, think of the world of science and the amount of confusion research can generate (and often does generate). If you're looking for a quick indicator for the quality level of a story, it is the amount of "scientific" confusion, imo. ( not all confusion is good, btw. ) Question is, whether the readers accept that scientific confusion. I'm pretty f-ing cynical at this point, tbh.


Wow, this post got off track pretty quick. Must be my usual waking up garbage, i guess.


*grabs popcorn to enjoy the posts about my hypocitical cone view of the world*

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the atlantic/ huffington post/alex jones/young turks/new york time ==== https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Psychological_manipulation ==== done by israel to carry out a religious imperative of putting down christian belief & supposed unchosen people


You'd like brother nathanael on youtube, he'd calm you down a bit, whilst speaking your language. Take two videos and call watmm in the morning.

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This is what happens when we are guaranteed the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty


Sometimes there are cases where the general public thinks someone who is guilty is let free. But that's the price we have to pay for that freedom


Can you imagine how much worse it would be if we were considered guilty until proven innocent? Look at Mexico. It's Hell.


As for whether I think he deserved to be ruled innocent: I don't know and neither do any of you, we just know what the media has told us. And they've proven themselves to be biased towards one side by airing only pictures of Treyvon when he was a young innocent boy, and old pictures of ZimZam when he was a younger eviler looking man. Obvious bias


Can't flim flam the zim zam


edit: goDel, I read and understood your post. There's no need to comment on it. The criticisms are valid. Why do you constantly get so upset about not having responses? We have already stated that this is a failure on the part of the justice system. Relax.


for the twentieth time, Zimmerman was NOT ruled "innocent". He was found "not guilty".

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lol, please tell me we're going to get some compson level trolling out of you in the near future. you've got to be kidding about liberal mags being israel controlled. brilliant!

israeli not israel

those media outlets are controlled by jews not the state of israel itself. they can be decentralised thanks to the brilliance of their religion, no need for top down leadership everything's in the torah and talmud. yeah and it's the plain truth. i dont want it to be this way, it just is this way though so you can laugh all you like about it, but it's objectively true and you can search out the editors etc funding etc and find the names and read their articles etc just like i did. but you have already decided whats true without even checking.


and it's not a conspiracy, it's a group of people who follow a religion. the religion says all other religions are wrong, must be got rid of. anyone who's not chosen is a second class citizen. same like persia in the old testament it's ok to go to a government of one nation and pay it to attack another... even make all the nations attack each other as in WWI. also no problem with huge mass murder such as in USSR and germany. guess it';s ok to take american guns too, the notion of an independent, armed and self reliant christian america is something israel really fears that other nations will follow russia and become christian again


as for trayvon and zimmerman it is in israel's interests for christian usa to be unarmed. andrew cohen in the atlantic dont want usa christians to have guns. BUT ISRAELIS ARE ALLOWED MACHINE GUNS. do you see the hypocrisy here? andrew cohen next time can write about palestianian children covered in their own blood and guts by IDFbullets



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