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The Plc ccc


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Anyone figured this track out? The sounds they throw in here are really intriguing. I don't know where to begin.


At certain points they're definitely trying to emulate throat singing. (A clear nod to Glen Velez, I think starting at 3:20) The acid lines are ridiculous. There are these highly trippy sounds (vocal manipulations?) I can't really describe, they make them sound like....thumb pianos? Bells? (Which reminds me of Jpace by Phoenecia). And how did they do that thumping bass drum sound?


Fucking great track. Even the "static" is perfect.



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Such mastery of making music that on the surface level is highly repetitive, but if you pay attention is moving in a thousand directions, but totally smoothly. Exploring a thousand ideas in every track.

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Yeah, Quadrange!


I remember being disappointed by Quaristice at first, then liking Versions more, then loving the Quadrange straight away.


I've been relistening to all The Quaristice stuff the last couple of days so this thread is a nice coincidence.

How could I not have loved Simmm, Outho9x Rale WNSN and loads of others? Sorry Sean and Bob, I was wrong about Quarisitce.

Those Quadrange tracks are so dark and cavernous ;)

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All the 2008 stuff is furiously creative, quadrange probably being the most magical of them all.


That subtle, almost nonexistant melody that comes in on perlence losid 2!


Cavernous is a great word for it

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Guest jasondonervan

I wish they'd thought of releasing various versions like this for Draft 7.30... although getting up to ver. 30 was probably more of a quality control issue rather than intentionally creating wildly different versions of tracks (as was the case with Quadrange).

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All the 2008 stuff is furiously creative, quadrange probably being the most magical of them all.


That subtle, almost nonexistant melody that comes in on perlence losid 2!


Cavernous is a great word for it

perlence losid 2 is an all time fave of mine. what a hidden beast.

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I listened to Perlence subrange all the way through two days ago while drawing... There is definitely a very drawn out pulse running through it that shifts the pitch of the melody. VERY subtle shit.

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Guest theSun

the plc ccc and the plclcpc are so much better than the plc


perlence losid 2 is also fucking amazing


is there anything in the world that sounds anything like quaristice/versions/quadrange?

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the plc ccc and the plclcpc are so much better than the plc


perlence losid 2 is also fucking amazing


is there anything in the world that sounds anything like quaristice/versions/quadrange?


I always thought this had a similar vibe to Quaristice but with its on thing going on




But yeah I love Quadrange and Versions but Quaristice its self not so much for some reason. Like some else said on here somewhere when I got versions it was like "this is the proper album!" and Quadrange was a wicked bonus & has some of their best stuff on it.


Did always mean to make my own Quaristice playlist but never got round to it.

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I wish they'd thought of releasing various versions like this for Draft 7.30... although getting up to ver. 30 was probably more of a quality control issue rather than intentionally creating wildly different versions of tracks (as was the case with Quadrange).


they included some awesome versions of uviol, VL AL 5 and some more tracks in the 2008 radio broadcast

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Without seeing this thread earlier I just burned quadrange to four CDrs, looking forward to listening to them as the non-BleepEPs. I remember it was quite a buzz downloading the whole thing in instalments.

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Guest theSun


the plc ccc and the plclcpc are so much better than the plc


perlence losid 2 is also fucking amazing


is there anything in the world that sounds anything like quaristice/versions/quadrange?


I always thought this had a similar vibe to Quaristice but with its on thing going on




But yeah I love Quadrange and Versions but Quaristice its self not so much for some reason. Like some else said on here somewhere when I got versions it was like "this is the proper album!" and Quadrange was a wicked bonus & has some of their best stuff on it.


Did always mean to make my own Quaristice playlist but never got round to it.



nice i will check this out

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Fucking love Quadrange. All the Quaristice era stuff really really shines with repeated listens. There's all these little details that you pick up on after a while, tiny little bits that link the different versions of the tracks together. And yes, Perlence losid 2 is an extraordinary piece of music.


Also, something should be said for the sheer trippiness of these sounds! Like the vocal manipulations in the plc - some seriously crazy mindfuck stuff, I love it.

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