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dr. watmm


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Diet can have a significant effect — beneficial and detrimental — on canker sores.


Avoid spicy or acidic foods, which can irritate sores further. Peppers and sodas should be shunned.


Fruits and vegetables such as lemons, oranges, pineapples, apples, figs, tomatoes, and strawberries may also cause canker sores.


Get more B12, zinc, iron, and folic acid. Take a vitamin supplement, or multiple supplements, that contain these every morning.


Alternate treatments involve eating yogurt every day, putting a tea bag on it, squeezing a vitamin E capsule on it.



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Get more B12, zinc, iron, and folic acid.

What sorta foods contain all that shit?


Funny you say I should avoid oranges. Someone adviced me to drink orange juice. Thanks doctor watmm, you might have saved my life there.




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Damn, phling! Go to the hospital before you turn into Jeff Goldblum!












@Franklin nah snakes around here are rare, shy and harmless...


@CJM indeed.. horseflies and fucking ticks. i wouldn't mind if these creepers wouldn't exist at all.

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from the beginning i thought this was something else actually.. i was running, and then felt a nasty sudden sting (unlike horsefly), i slapped there and looked down, but i got only a very short glimpse of the insect, i think it was bigger than a usual horsefly.. might have been a wasp/hornet or something... though these usually don't come after you right? i wasn't ever stung by a hornet, and can't remember when the last wasp sting was.



That does sound like a horsefly to me - the amount of pain seems to differ. I've been bitten by them a few times and only realized some minutes later when I noticed blood running down my leg or arm, but one time I actually jumped from the pain and caught the fucker in the act. I trapped him in a jar so I got a good look at him and can guarantee it was a horsefly!



I was bitten by a Horsefly two weeks ago, too. No Problems with that, but I read that:




(you're German, right?)


Yeah I am, for everyone who isn't, it does state that they are *rumored* to transmit lyme disease, so I guess it doesn't hurt to get it checked out, but it's probably still harmless.

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WOW! DUDE! Get to the doctor right now! There's no way stuff like that will just go away by itself! Seriously man, dude. That shit is SERIOUS! Also, have you sneezed, maybe? Just once?! If you have, you might as well hurry to the hospital RIGHT NOW! Again, everything is life threatening and requires medical attention right away!



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the usual horsefly variant around here seems to be some smallish species, but there are much bigger ones too, such as Tabanus sudeticus (Pferdebremse).. might very well have been one of these...











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Are you still alive? Can I get your Elektrons? if anything...i mean...God forbid! ...happen...


How's you situation with the leg? That looks like a mild allergic reaction to me. You'll do fine for now but next time you could react worser, so better do some tests. Still go to someone to SEE & TOUCH you. Telemedicine's not working well in this kind of situations.

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foot still swollen.. that herb helps against the itch. and i've come to the conclusion that wearing shoes and walking around doesn't help the situation. wearing shoes = jeff goldblum.

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the area around the bite looks / feels much better though.

i suppose this is what can happen after a horsefly bite. i'd feel like a proper dweeb seeing a human doctor for this. he'd probably just give me the same advice as Madame Chaos did.

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Yeah, the Doctor will prescribe antibiotics like they all do nowadays with every little illness. i was prescribed antibiotics 3 times in the last year. (i took it only one time for a dog bite.)


EDIT: it's hard to find a good doctor nowadays, at least in my region. they're mostly worthless...

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yeah antibiotics are shit. I was on strong antibiotics (TBC treatment) for 6 months from last December til last June, so no thanks.


not too keen on using cortisone based cream or whatever else they use against this either...


i'll visit the doc in case it gets worse, but at the moment i trust in my own body's defense mechanisms.

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Diet can have a significant effect — beneficial and detrimental — on canker sores.


Avoid spicy or acidic foods, which can irritate sores further. Peppers and sodas should be shunned.


Fruits and vegetables such as lemons, oranges, pineapples, apples, figs, tomatoes, and strawberries may also cause canker sores.


Get more B12, zinc, iron, and folic acid. Take a vitamin supplement, or multiple supplements, that contain these every morning.


Alternate treatments involve eating yogurt every day, putting a tea bag on it, squeezing a vitamin E capsule on it.





I tend to get canker sores on the inside of my cheeks when I'm stressed, and then the resulting overcompensating whilst chewing tends to cause me to bite my lower lip (and inside cheek) accidentally. On three occasions, the biting has caused these mucoceles to form -- basically they're ruptured salivary glands causing a pocket of fluid to form. They're benign but ugly and made me feel self-conscious even though nobody could really see them unless I pulled my lip out and open. One only lasted a week, one lasted 3 months and required me to rinse my mouth with warm salt water solution ever few hours in order to keep it in check (this actually worked pretty well), and one quickly formed a skin flap on the inside of my cheek which is really small and unnoticeable except to me because it's on the inside of my goddamn mouth.


As far as I can tell, the best way to combat all of this is take drugs and stop being stressed. Is this true Y/N?

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Well i'm a medical doctor and i'm telling (advise) you to go to your doctor (he'll probably tell you the same :cerious: ).

What can you lose...or is that problem somehow? You're in Germany right? ...so i suppose you're not having any problem with insurance or something.

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i appreciate the concern, but over the course of the day the swelling has gotten better and it doesn't hurt. still a bit swollen, but not alarmingly. if this would feel serious at all, of course i would see the doc...


not sure if it really was the herb that helped, but if so it's damn good medicine:


haven't used it before, but it grows everywhere here and apparently has some components which are effective against insect bite damage.

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not sure if it really was the herb that helped, but if so it's damn good medicine:


haven't used it before, but it grows everywhere here and apparently has some components which are effective against insect bite damage.


oh' yes, good call. it was definitely the herb that helped. i would continue applying it maybe. plantain is famous topically. if i have a wound that is going the wrong way, or i want to increase healing time, at home or in backcountry; i'll chew a bit of this and smash the goop directly on.

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