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Video Game High School / FreddieW

Guest chunky

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Guest chunky

This chap Freddie from California has a youtube channel where he shoes short films made by him and his friends. Milkman, the world's worst super hero. Chrono Trigger, where a guy can stop time before gearing up to beat the bad guys. CGI Super Mario 3 FPS (wish they could make that as a real game). They're pretty funny videos, with short action sequences and what have you. Freddie and his pals started a kickstarter and used the money to make a short TV series called Video Game High School. It's completely dumb and corny but entertaining. The plot of the first series is similar to the Karate Kid but with FPS matches instead. The second series is a bit messy but there's an ongoing plot about The Law (some supposed bad ass elite gamer) that's getting interesting. This show is much better than this description. Enjoy.





Didn't want to stick this in the youtube thread because this guy seemed like something that deserves his own thread. It's interesting that people can make up a whole film company just by showing youtube videos? Guess there are lessons that might be useful for people who are making their own music label? Whatever, this FreddieW guy is interesting.

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