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An interview with Varg Vikernes and his wife

brian trageskin

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as a reminder, Varg Vikernes (aka Burzum) and his wife were recently arrested at their home in Salon-la-Tour on suspicion of plotting a terrorist attack. they were quickly released without charge.

the very last statement by Vikernes is particularly interesting imo.








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yeah, must feel terrible about his miserable life.


edit: I like his mashup of french and norwegian accents while speaking english.

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Interesting watch, thanks for the link. I think it's a pretty biased interview. Although they have a point about the arrest not weighing up against the accusation of Varg's racial hate speech, I think they werent criticising the substance of that racial speech enough imo. Varg's blog is full of antisemetic rants. And I recall him being against Breivik, but not 100%:

"There is one question in relation to the Utøya event that needs to be answered; how can one single person armed with semi-automatic small arms walk freely about on a fairly small island and shoot his targets when he is outnumbered by about 700 to 1? He says himself that he was attacked only once during his more than an hour long expedition, by a single person whom he simply pushed away and shoot dead on the ground. The number of left-wing extremists he shot dead never troubled me, the attack in itself never troubled me or surprised me for that sake but this very shameful fact troubled me from day one, and it still troubles me. "


"Even those cornered on Utøya didn't fight back, exept the one example I mentioned above. The others did nothing. Some of them stopped, resigned and just waited for him to shoot them. Others lay down covering their heads with their arms. Some begged for mercy. They were all executed by Mr. Breivik. The social darwinist in me applaud this; cowards like that deserve to die! " ( http://www.burzum.org/eng/library/war_in_europe03.shtml )


And this quote is typical as well:


"What Mr. Breivik has said is largely true, in all except in what he doesn't say; he doesn't tell us that the Jews are the origin to all these problems, and that they were created by the Jews to hurt us. All we have to do to make this act of violence favourable to us is to make this clear to everyone; the Jews created Marxism, feminism, Christianity (need I tell you that Jesus and not least Paulus/Saul were both Jews?), so-called psychology, banking ("money lending"), the hippie-movement and all other ideologies and movements which are aimed to destroy and de-construct all nations in Europe. Behind each and every one of them you will find a Jew (or some times a Freemason)!" ( http://www.burzum.org/eng/library/war_in_europe01.shtml )


Although the authorities gone too far arresting him the way they did, they obviously had some suspicion that shouldn't be dismissed just because they have children: that's what this video tries to show most of the time, the family Vikernes and their innocence, cute children and dog, not their (antisemetic, anti-democratic) ideologies.

P.s. some of these quotes are a bit out of context, read the full article.


P.p.s. fun fact: Varg and his wife don't believe in the evolution theory and support their own theory that the prehistoric humans were far more advanced than us, but in the quote above he admits being a social-darwinist. Also, he is an old raging conservative redneck idiot (remember this article?! http://www.burzum.org/eng/library/a_bards_tale08.shtml ?)

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He's the sort of person that I simply can't relate to on any level. And my sympathy extends to him only in the basic 'we've all been thrown into this world and given an expiration date' sort-of way.


I wonder if it's a coincidence that everyone in that scene was a horrible person, or if that's what pulled them together, or if it was contagious or what.

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Interesting watch, thanks for the link. I think it's a pretty biased interview. Although they have a point about the arrest not weighing up against the accusation of Varg's racial hate speech, I think they werent criticising the substance of that racial speech enough imo. Varg's blog is full of antisemetic rants. And I recall him being against Breivik, but not 100%:


"There is one question in relation to the Utøya event that needs to be answered; how can one single person armed with semi-automatic small arms walk freely about on a fairly small island and shoot his targets when he is outnumbered by about 700 to 1? He says himself that he was attacked only once during his more than an hour long expedition, by a single person whom he simply pushed away and shoot dead on the ground. The number of left-wing extremists he shot dead never troubled me, the attack in itself never troubled me or surprised me for that sake but this very shameful fact troubled me from day one, and it still troubles me. "


"Even those cornered on Utøya didn't fight back, exept the one example I mentioned above. The others did nothing. Some of them stopped, resigned and just waited for him to shoot them. Others lay down covering their heads with their arms. Some begged for mercy. They were all executed by Mr. Breivik. The social darwinist in me applaud this; cowards like that deserve to die! " ( http://www.burzum.org/eng/library/war_in_europe03.shtml )


And this quote is typical as well:


"What Mr. Breivik has said is largely true, in all except in what he doesn't say; he doesn't tell us that the Jews are the origin to all these problems, and that they were created by the Jews to hurt us. All we have to do to make this act of violence favourable to us is to make this clear to everyone; the Jews created Marxism, feminism, Christianity (need I tell you that Jesus and not least Paulus/Saul were both Jews?), so-called psychology, banking ("money lending"), the hippie-movement and all other ideologies and movements which are aimed to destroy and de-construct all nations in Europe. Behind each and every one of them you will find a Jew (or some times a Freemason)!" ( http://www.burzum.org/eng/library/war_in_europe01.shtml )


Although the authorities gone too far arresting him the way they did, they obviously had some suspicion that shouldn't be dismissed just because they have children: that's what this video tries to show most of the time, the family Vikernes and their innocence, cute children and dog, not their (antisemetic, anti-democratic) ideologies.


P.s. some of these quotes are a bit out of context, read the full article.


P.p.s. fun fact: Varg and his wife don't believe in the evolution theory and support their own theory that the prehistoric humans were far more advanced than us, but in the quote above he admits being a social-darwinist. Also, he is an old raging conservative redneck idiot (remember this article?! http://www.burzum.org/eng/library/a_bards_tale08.shtml ?)

the jew in him would tell you he has dissociative identity disorder
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Can you guys imagine if IDM producers were like Norwegian Black Metal producers? It'd be all like, "yeah, my favourite ceephax album is Geit Samleie. That's the one he made when he was in jail for beating a man to death with a brick". But it would still sound like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp-9_1ke0fo

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idm already works this way. cylobian sunset is about the end of the white race. an early text document on rephlex's website points to this, containing a story about the "cylobs", benevolent robots who are overrun by the violent, well endowed "syneks". squarepusher's early output is a reinterpretation of wagner's ring cycle. boards of canada seek a beautiful place in the country to hide from the jews. finally, drukqs is a call to embrace european ancestry as superior to all, with its cornish song titles and fin de siecle nostalgia.

in many ways, hitler is the blueprint of the idm nerd: white, orderly, likes design, inferiority complex, art school drop out, idiotic facial hair.

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Varg's main project the last 20 years has been his never ending, self justifying and constantly revised defense speech. There is always someone else to blame for the troubles he gets into.

There is probably some diagnosis for this sort of behaviour. Or several.

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i'm surprised no one discussed the actual content of the interview


Like I said - there is really nothing new there (with the exception that he can now incorporate French politics and the French judicial system in his ever growing personal conspiracy theory).

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Varg's main project the last 20 years has been his never ending, self justifying and constantly revised defense speech. There is always someone else to blame for the troubles he gets into.

There is probably some diagnosis for this sort of behaviour. Or several.




Varg seems to fit the Elitist Narcissist subtype quite snugly.

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