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***if you're reading this, please respond quickly***

Jody Dark

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ok, so i just got back from the liquor store (not camping anymore), and i was listening to analord, and was just a few buildings down from where i live, and i saw this cute little kitty. maybe a few weeks old. i stopped and petted it for a while, and tried to find where exactly it came from, there is no collar on its neck. so i wished it luck, and tried to walk home, but it kept chasing me, and so i kept trying to make it go back to where it originally was, and i played that game for about 10 minutes, then decided to just leave it. well, it followed me home, and in doing so, i think its probably lost all sense of direction


do i go back down and grab the little guy? is he better off on his own? im not supposed to have pets in my building, and i dont want the the little bugger pissing on my couch (or cigarettes for that matter)


what do i do?! is it theft if i take it for a day or so? i am good with cats...


please help me, says the little kitty...

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Take it back where you found it and stay there untill it leaves you. Bring food and a warm blanket.

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Guest dylanmcknd

Keep it for the time being and see if there are any sorta posters or something about a missing cat around your area.


If not, take it to a shelter.

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ok, so all votes go towards taking it. im strongly considering it. its raining now....

thx for your quick responses

ill keep you updated

The analord cat chose you as it's keeper.

It's your destiny to keep him and call it:

Analord cat.

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yeah safest thing to do with a lost two-week-old kitten is take it in


most likely scenario is some feral cat just had a litter



did it look comfortable with being outdoors? that's your best indicator i think

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what does have a litter mean?


it didnt look comfortable being outdoors. the cars driving by were scaring it, and at one point it got all sketched out and ran up a small tree like a squirrel...


im going back out to find him now. seriously, my only issue at this point is it pissing on the couch. i could move the couch in my bedroom, then maybe id be safe from damage

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what does have a litter mean?


it didnt look comfortable being outdoors. the cars driving by were scaring it, and at one point it got all sketched out and ran up a small tree like a squirrel...


im going back out to find him now. seriously, my only issue at this point is it pissing on the couch. i could move the couch in my bedroom, then maybe id be safe from damage


A litter is a group of newborn kittens.


And I think you should just assume it's a homeless kitten until you start seeing lost posters, or ask around if it's a small neighborhood. Otherwise it sounds to me like you've got a new pet.


Oh and put tinfoil on your couch. Cats hate the texture of tinfoil.

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so i just spent 20 minutes looking for the guy. i was thinking like a cat, trying to find it. its nowhere to be found. i hope its ok


kitty, if youre reading this, i am sorry, i should have grabbed you when i found you


kind of a bummer, i could use a little friend running around, and i was gonna call him Backdoor Ranky and everything....


i snapped a pic when i first saw him...guess it was the last time too




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i know, when i uploaded the pic onto my computer and saw it again, i thought the same thing. but no, that car must be gigantic or something, making the cat look relatively large, but i insist that this cat was very tiny, and was obviously newly born. i know cats...cat is my middle name

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Micro kitty walks. In the background, a Hot Wheels car.


If a stray cat ever followed me around, I would just start to suck its dick so hard. (nah I wouldn't, but that for some reason is cracking me up right now)

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jody i just want to say that, if you were the chick in your avatar i would smoke some of your pissarrettes with you.

i thought to say that in your piss smokes thread but it was too late and basically past deadline.

so i said it here.


i'd smoke a few of them even if you did just ditch me in chatmm and even if you are a kitty hoaxer. that's a friggin cat.


anyway i heard speculation that you were actually vsnares and i think thats more likely than you being that girl. which is disappointing, but i gotta go with the math. since i dont like vsnares it makes me feel better about you ditching me in chatmm too, to imagine you're him instead. frikin vsnares hot chick imposter kitty hoaxin fake piss stick story meth induced track making bastard.

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