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how many serious ufo enthusiasts / researchers are on watmm?

Jody Dark

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UFOs are for kids dude, I don't give a fuck anymore. Fucking aliens lol.


The sad part though, is that those kids tend to look for some kind of hope in these UFO's. Hope for a better future...


*plays the violin*




Hey, this is the "I feel jaded on Sundays" thread! =D

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If there are serious UFO researchers here, and you believe they are actual aliens from another planet, I'd like to know why you think they would come here at all? Why would a species able to travel vast interstellar distances be interested in a planet full of naked apes that have barely made it to their own moon. And as some theories suggest even collaborate with various governments for some peculiar reason. What could we possibly offer them?

I find these things such as the Disclosure Project fascinating with all the hundreds of testimonies of alleged alien contacts and collaboration into free-energy, anti-gravity and what have you. I am extremely skeptical about the truthfulness of it all but the motivations why some are willing to go on record with some of this crazy stuff is interesting, although most of them are already retired and don't have their career on the line for talking crazy either. Maybe it's just for kicks. The whole UFO/alien thing I see replacing the same function as religion in the post-secular world we are currently living in.

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If there are serious UFO researchers here, and you believe they are actual aliens from another planet, I'd like to know why you think they would come here at all? Why would a species able to travel vast interstellar distances be interested in a planet full of naked apes that have barely made it to their own moon. And as some theories suggest even collaborate with various governments for some peculiar reason. What could we possibly offer them?

Because it's cool as shit. That's why.
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UFOs are for kids dude, I don't give a fuck anymore. Fucking aliens lol.


The sad part though, is that those kids tend to look for some kind of hope in these UFO's. Hope for a better future...


*plays the violin*




Hey, this is the "I feel jaded on Sundays" thread! =D



Why not? Sun Ra said he's from Saturn and he brought fucking awesome musics with him.

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If there are serious UFO researchers here, and you believe they are actual aliens from another planet, I'd like to know why you think they would come here at all? Why would a species able to travel vast interstellar distances be interested in a planet full of naked apes that have barely made it to their own moon. And as some theories suggest even collaborate with various governments for some peculiar reason. What could we possibly offer them?

Because it's cool as shit. That's why.


Don't get me wrong, having aliens running around among us and giving us all kinds of cool gizmos would be cool as shit, but unfortunately I don't think that's true. There is no magic bullet to fix the human condition, no "gods/aliens" will descend from the heavens and solve our problems and explain what the fuck is going on. Perhaps one day we'll make contact with another form of intelligence but by that time I am pretty sure we would have figured out some of our current problems and don't consider aliens as some form of panacea.

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UFOs are for kids dude, I don't give a fuck anymore. Fucking aliens lol.


The sad part though, is that those kids tend to look for some kind of hope in these UFO's. Hope for a better future...


*plays the violin*




Hey, this is the "I feel jaded on Sundays" thread! =D



Why not? Sun Ra said he's from Saturn and he brought fucking awesome musics with him.



Good point!


You, dear sir, deserve a medal of honor. The medal for restoring hope back into this wonderful thread!


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UFOs are for kids dude, I don't give a fuck anymore. Fucking aliens lol.


The sad part though, is that those kids tend to look for some kind of hope in these UFO's. Hope for a better future...


*plays the violin*




Hey, this is the "I feel jaded on Sundays" thread! =D



exactly. look, i'm sure there are other civilisations out there, maybe one or two have even visited earth and terrified some poor soul in the middle of the countryside. i don't care, it's meaningless in terms of the earth's every day operation and real problems affecting mankind. whether or not there are a bunch of alien dudes burning about the place is neither here nor there - we have much more pressing issues to deal with as a planet. and i don't believe there is any sort of major cover-up from the US government - it's not worth them covering it up, because it doesn't affect anything. you really think if aliens came and did the big hello, that somehow all of the earth's problems would be solved and we'd all be flying around in our own spaceships, making the kessel run in under 12 parsecs? give me a break - what would likely happen is it would be a big news story for a few weeks, then everyone would forget about it and that would be that - nothing major would change and if anything, it might make things generally worse as there would be the inevitable charlatans and con-artists trying to cash-in on the whole thing.


it's not an issue. imo kids who grew up in the 80s were inadvertently led to believe UFOs/aliens were a big deal, becuase it was a major theme in a lot of 80s films - flight of the navigator, ET, explorers etc (alongside the men in black imagery and dues in full bio-suits walking around big plastic tunnels) and it all seemed very glamorous and exciting. it's not reality. reality is generally extremely boring and mundane - i'm sure "the truth" of the UFO issue is no different.

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aliens are non corporeal and atemporal, but can use anyone they want as a meat puppet as it were.


ufo = anything that isn't attached to the ground that you dont know what it is.

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