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how many serious ufo enthusiasts / researchers are on watmm?

Jody Dark

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Guest White Mask

Resisting the urge to link some of my Vannevar tracks to this thread.


I had a pretty big interest in UFOlogy when I was younger, these days I think quite a lot of it is urban legend/misidentification/media hype or authors trying to sell their latest book but there are still a few gems out there: genuinely weird cases with lots of eyewitnesses and radar evidence, a lot of John Keel's research is fascinating and the Warminster mystery is genuinely weird with sonic attacks and whatnot that allegedly took place.

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I am but not too serious about it, i just listen to a few podcast, watch videos on youtube and read random books or stuff i find on the internet.


I'm convince there is something going on, i dont know if its aliens driving UFOs but there is something.


Abductions is a harder pill to swallow, there are plenty of convincing testimony but there is also a shitload of counter theories that make a lot of sense.

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I watched some interviews on the Disclosure Project and it was interesting.



BTW, are we talking about aliens, or Unidentified Flying Objects? Because the two phrases mean two completely different things.

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UFOs are for kids dude, I don't give a fuck anymore. Fucking aliens lol.


The sad part though, is that those kids tend to look for some kind of hope in these UFO's. Hope for a better future...


*plays the violin*




Hey, this is the "I feel jaded on Sundays" thread! =D



exactly. look, i'm sure there are other civilisations out there, maybe one or two have even visited earth and terrified some poor soul in the middle of the countryside. i don't care, it's meaningless in terms of the earth's every day operation and real problems affecting mankind. whether or not there are a bunch of alien dudes burning about the place is neither here nor there - we have much more pressing issues to deal with as a planet. and i don't believe there is any sort of major cover-up from the US government - it's not worth them covering it up, because it doesn't affect anything. you really think if aliens came and did the big hello, that somehow all of the earth's problems would be solved and we'd all be flying around in our own spaceships, making the kessel run in under 12 parsecs? give me a break - what would likely happen is it would be a big news story for a few weeks, then everyone would forget about it and that would be that - nothing major would change and if anything, it might make things generally worse as there would be the inevitable charlatans and con-artists trying to cash-in on the whole thing.


it's not an issue. imo kids who grew up in the 80s were inadvertently led to believe UFOs/aliens were a big deal, becuase it was a major theme in a lot of 80s films - flight of the navigator, ET, explorers etc (alongside the men in black imagery and dues in full bio-suits walking around big plastic tunnels) and it all seemed very glamorous and exciting. it's not reality. reality is generally extremely boring and mundane - i'm sure "the truth" of the UFO issue is no different.



I have a hard time believing that aliens showing up and saying hello would just be a news story for a couple of weeks. It would shatter the worldview of quite a lot of people and perhaps even governments on how they perceive themselves. Are you saying that most of this planet would shrug it off and go on as nothing would have happened? I am cynical but not that cynical. Having intelligent beings popping up in our skies for everyone to see would be groundbreaking in so many ways it's ridiculous.

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I have a hard time believing that aliens showing up and saying hello would just be a news story for a couple of weeks. It would shatter the worldview of quite a lot of people and perhaps even governments on how they perceive themselves. Are you saying that most of this planet would shrug it off and go on as nothing would have happened? I am cynical but not that cynical. Having intelligent beings popping up in our skies for everyone to see would be groundbreaking in so many ways it's ridiculous.



BCM can speak for himself, but I'd like to respond as well. Because I don't think that's his argument. His argument is that when it will happen, everyone will know and until that time, people are better off making something of their lives instead of looking at the skies hoping for some salvation.


The sad thing is, that salvation won't come from the skies, even if a UFO lands in front of the White House at this point in time. There's this illusion that aliens might be able to solve our problems.


... well, I know of one solution. But it's a rather cynical one. Want to take a guess?


edit: written before bcm's roller! LOL

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it would be nice if there were a society of supreme beings watching over us, declining to play an overt roll on earth so that we could evolve on our own to the point where we would be equals. however it is arguably more likely that what we would encounter of an alien civilization would be self-replicating robots with incomprehensible minds and motivations, like insane transformers that can be invisible.


steven hawking said we should stop seeking out alien civilizations because an encounter is more likely to go badly.

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You've got those "illuminati" people who are thinking about some secret society controlling everything, and then a set of people who hope there's some illuminati, but alien and somehow more trustworthy than those other illuminati.



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I saw a UFO twice in my life...both times was during the night and on the both times i wasn't alone...First time when i was 13 yrs old, walking with my friend in our neighborhood; suddenly yellow ball appeared over a side building but it was much higher in the sky actually, could even be thousand meters above, fak night perspectives and determinations of distance for now... all i can say regarding perspective that the ball would be about 3 meters in diameter if it was on the top of the building high about 30 meters 60 meters from us. :wacko:

Anyway, both of as sow it standing in the sky for about 10 sec and it suddenly moved very fast in an 's' left-right without leaving trace but when it moved for the last time it disappeared leaving an 'L' shaped mark/trace being the same brightness as the ball. The trace stayed unchanged for several sec and then disappeared instantly. That was it. Very interesting phenomenon.


Second time happened more recently while two of us droved in my car and friend of mine (no the same one) saw a red dot in the sky, flying right and in front us in the same direction as we. This could be at least 1-2 km in distance. At first we thought it's a helicopter or plane until it moved over us very fast in a double 'z' fashion and left in a straight line even faster...i mean FAAAAAST!


That's it folks!

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