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how many serious ufo enthusiasts / researchers are on watmm?

Jody Dark

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it would be nice if there were a society of supreme beings watching over us, declining to play an overt roll on earth so that we could evolve on our own to the point where we would be equals. however it is arguably more likely that what we would encounter of an alien civilization would be self-replicating robots with incomprehensible minds and motivations, like insane transformers that can be invisible.


steven hawking said we should stop seeking out alien civilizations because an encounter is more likely to go badly.


Yeah, some form of self-replicating machines are the likeliest and who knows what their purpose is, perhaps to just make a note of us and then move on and we'll be left just knowing that there is or was something out there but that was the last time we'll see them. And Hawking might have a point, since looking at human history it has always gone badly for the more primitive side when face with a more advance side. But on the other hand, it's foolish to speculate how a totally alien intelligence would behave. And we've broadcast our existence already, so it's probably too late. I like to think that the reason we've have not heard anything from the SETI project is that all other civilizations out there know about some ancient horror in dark space that destroys all the noisy civilizations.

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I have a hard time believing that aliens showing up and saying hello would just be a news story for a couple of weeks. It would shatter the worldview of quite a lot of people and perhaps even governments on how they perceive themselves. Are you saying that most of this planet would shrug it off and go on as nothing would have happened? I am cynical but not that cynical. Having intelligent beings popping up in our skies for everyone to see would be groundbreaking in so many ways it's ridiculous.



BCM can speak for himself, but I'd like to respond as well. Because I don't think that's his argument. His argument is that when it will happen, everyone will know and until that time, people are better off making something of their lives instead of looking at the skies hoping for some salvation.


The sad thing is, that salvation won't come from the skies, even if a UFO lands in front of the White House at this point in time. There's this illusion that aliens might be able to solve our problems.


... well, I know of one solution. But it's a rather cynical one. Want to take a guess?


edit: written before bcm's roller! LOL



For the everyday life of the everyday person on this planet the appearance of aliens would probably have minimal impact, sure. But just thinking of the implications of all the academic fields, physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, anthropology, sociology, psychology etc. it would be a treasure trove of research material. I guess those hoping for salvation are hoping the aliens are willing to share some new sort of energy and other technologies that would help us solve our current problems. Question is more how would the prevailing power structures take it if a completely new player appeared and offered things that would upset the status quo. It still would be an interesting time, even if it wouldn't affect the average Joe that substantially.

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I saw mine while on a train deep at night, far from any cities. The most interesting part was that i couldn't even see it for good couple of seconds, my mind struggled to find a visual explanation, i recall thinking it's just bright fire, then it formed an oval shape with circulating colors. It was on the ground, kinda fallen not good on the trees. Everybody was asleep around me. If i was more adult i would totally go for it, it was such a sensation. No drugs, no dream.

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I wanted to have a We Are The Music Makers excursion out to Area 51 to uncover the truth. In 2008 I saw an Alien ship flying overhead, it was slowly rising up out of the atmosphere until it disappeared, it was a big oval shaped thing with what looked like fire at the bottom of it....and it was making bleeping noises. I should have ran inside and got my camera but I thought that would have taken too long so I just stood watching it. The following year I saw what I think was an Alien in some bushes on the golf course. It was a pale blue and was only there for a fraction of a second then it disappeared. I'm sure these things are able to teleport, that's why they're so elusive. The only time we see the UFO's is when they're hovering around checking stuff out. They don't need to be there.

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The following year I saw what I think was an Alien in some bushes on the golf course. It was a pale blue and was only there for a fraction of a second then it disappeared. I'm sure these things are able to teleport, that's why they're so elusive.




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frequency was resonant frequency of hydrogen. not a coincidence. there's life out there but i doubt it wants to interfere with us because we are so culturally primitive. our priorities are still on the level of lizard brain for the most part. once we transcend that, i think "contact" will occur.

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Of course, there are those who say that aliens aren't elusive and actually walk amongst us. Shapeshifters vaguely resembling human form. People who do extraordinary things which defy reason and logic. Like Goatse.

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ehh, i'm skeptical. humans can be pretty extraordinary too. ppl say building the pyramids was impossible with the tech at the time, but humans are incredibly resourceful when they want to be.

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frequency was resonant frequency of hydrogen. not a coincidence. there's life out there but i doubt it wants to interfere with us because we are so culturally primitive. our priorities are still on the level of lizard brain for the most part. once we transcend that, i think "contact" will occur.



thats really fucking cool. thanks for linking.

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full of shit


I'm fairly certain I witnessed one in the sky when I lived in NJ in early 1994. But I can't be arsed with details because y'all would think I'm full of shit anyway.

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I like to think that the reason we've have not heard anything from the SETI project is that all other civilizations out there know about some ancient horror in dark space that destroys all the noisy civilizations.


how would the other civilizations know about this thing without having been destroyed by it?

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I like to think that the reason we've have not heard anything from the SETI project is that all other civilizations out there know about some ancient horror in dark space that destroys all the noisy civilizations.


how would the other civilizations know about this thing without having been destroyed by it?


Ultra-Mega Chicken????SHHHNO....HE IS LEGEND

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wouldnt you think that an alien ship containing biological organisms or even just robotic drones designed to collect information about the galaxy, wouldn't have to come down into our atmosphere to gather pretty much any kind of info you could possibly imagine that they might be interested in? their technology would be so advanced, maybe they could even somehow collect dna samples from space. or have some smaller drone that comes down and does it. not only that, but wouldn't they likely have various technologies to hide them from our vision anyway, even if they did come down to the planet surface?


sorry, just not buying it.

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i also have a serious problem with the idea that they would come all this way across the galaxy, and their primary interest would be in our buttholes. what's in there that's so god damn fascinating to them? will our buttholes help them solve some of the last mysteries of the universe that they otherwise haven't been able to unravel? why would they return people after having raided/invaded their anuses? why not just liquidate those people so that they can't tell the story and clue humans in to the fact that somehow, our buttholes are the key to universe? or why wouldn't they just clone a bunch of us so they have as many buttholes as their demanding research requires? couldn't they probably create a 3d holographic computer simulation of our rectums and just study that, after having mapped out the geography of a few specimens' cavities? do they not have buttholes of their own? how do they expel their bodily waste, through their tearducts? thats fuckin gross. maybe the whole butthole thing is actually a metaphor and they are just trying to send us a message or warning? something to do with how the universe is about to jam things up our rear? maybe thats why the let the abductee's live, so they can tell the story and someone might solve the riddle. the riddle of probed buttholes. they could just be trying to help us reach the next step of our evolution by unlocking the potential within.. our anuses. or maybe NOT.

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What a great speech!

...the golden rule is definitely our only way. ''One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.''


surprised this has stayed under the radar so much.


former Canadian Minister of Defence basically admitting to knowing about .. a lot.

(also, how do you embed youtube vids? i see no option for it unless it's some BBcode.. tanks)

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