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how many serious ufo enthusiasts / researchers are on watmm?

Jody Dark

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surprised this has stayed under the radar so much.




former Canadian Minister of Defence basically admitting to knowing about .. a lot.


(also, how do you embed youtube vids? i see no option for it unless it's some BBcode.. tanks)


Whatever you think about Hellyer's polical legacy (he accomplished some good things as minister of defense), he is widely considered to be a crazy person.


A crazy person.

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because he's talking about aliens? naturally. that's probably why governments haven't released what they really know.. mass hysteria would obviously happen if people can't even handle an official disclosing anything.

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I took an astronomy course at UT as an undergrad entitled "search for extraterrestrial life" and it was awesome. The course tests were built around us assigning values to the Drake Equation and the last exam was our personal estimate. A lot of people were disappointed that it wasn't just lectures on UFO theories and paranormal tangents of such.


I was a huge aviation and space history nut as a kid and still am today. I love UFOlogy and stories but personally I find X-planes and dark projects the most intriguing: the Black triangle, Aurora, etc. There's actual existence of those - the extent of their tech is the big unknown. I've read just about everything regarding Groom Lake (area 51) and associated sites. I watched a documentary about the A-12 Oxcart program and they had literally just declassified much of the details after 40 years and some of the participants, guys now in their 70s and 80s, were like "yeah we have no idea what goes on there now" (i.e. since the early 60s) and another mentioned he could only mention about 5% of what he worked on in public.


One of the few UFOs I've seen and remember was in my opinion an unknown aircraft. It was over White Sands Missile Range and it was really strange. It was a moonlit night, very clear, and my wife and I were visiting the White Sands National Park, which is 20+ miles south. It looked like a typical bright satellite at first, about halfway through it's passing, but then it slowed down and began a curved descent toward the horizon then faded in a very sudden motion (again not like a satellite).


I also saw a Marfa light - one of the really bright fire looking ones. Most people see the strange looking but explainable mirages of car lights but this was something else - like a silent flare that shows up out of thin air.


Lastly my mom saw one when I was really young as we drove from Sacramento to Las Vegas and were passing Nellis Test Range (Area 51 is within that range) while on U.S._Route_95_in_Nevada. It

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awesome stories man. my dad once told me of a time, a while ago, where he was deep in the woods in a car with a girl doing whatever when suddenly an intensely bright light lit up the sky around them. it was centered on the car and made no noise.. as soon as he looked out the window it turned off and there was no sign of anything around.



anyways, the recently released FBI vault has some interesting stuff.. especially the original report of the Roswell incident, where names and agencies are blacked out. http://vault.fbi.gov/hottel_guy/Guy%20Hottel%20Part%201%20of%201/view


if nothing happened, why all the secrecy? that's what gets me.

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I like to think that the reason we've have not heard anything from the SETI project is that all other civilizations out there know about some ancient horror in dark space that destroys all the noisy civilizations.


how would the other civilizations know about this thing without having been destroyed by it?


Does it have to make sense too? Perhaps the extinction has left traces and they figured it out or civilizations before them left warnings. I've been playing a lot of Mass Effect 3 and read Reynold's Revelation Space books lately.

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Guest RadarJammer


One of the few UFOs I've seen and remember was in my opinion an unknown aircraft. It was over White Sands Missile Range and it was really strange. It was a moonlit night, very clear, and my wife and I were visiting the White Sands National Park, which is 20+ miles south. It looked like a typical bright satellite at first, about halfway through it's passing, but then it slowed down and began a curved descent toward the horizon then faded in a very sudden motion (again not like a satellite).


I also saw a Marfa light - one of the really bright fire looking ones. Most people see the strange looking but explainable mirages of car lights but this was something else - like a silent flare that shows up out of thin air.



i smoked for over 10 years so i spent lots of 5 minute breaks looking up at the stars and out of all those breaks i saw 3 funny "weird satellites" the first time was just a weird red flash and nothing else, like it could have been a northern light type of thing but it looked like a satellite snapping a photo right in my direction, the second thing i saw was the next weekend and it was a blue flash, just like the red flash but blue this time. wtf? a year later, on the same patio, i noticed what looked like a big red star circling a white star about once every 45 seconds and i watched it do that for 20 minutes or more before the clouds moved over


people don't wanna hear if you saw a flying saucer but the governments of the world have vehicles in space and who knows what they are doing and how many secrets are flying above our backyard clouds

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everyone knows that aliens are here for our gold, just watch tv more often geez


also, i kinda believe that et's might be helping us evolve. cause like we came from apes but how come dolphins don't have wings right?

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One of the few UFOs I've seen and remember was in my opinion an unknown aircraft. It was over White Sands Missile Range and it was really strange. It was a moonlit night, very clear, and my wife and I were visiting the White Sands National Park, which is 20+ miles south. It looked like a typical bright satellite at first, about halfway through it's passing, but then it slowed down and began a curved descent toward the horizon then faded in a very sudden motion (again not like a satellite).


I also saw a Marfa light - one of the really bright fire looking ones. Most people see the strange looking but explainable mirages of car lights but this was something else - like a silent flare that shows up out of thin air.



i smoked for over 10 years so i spent lots of 5 minute breaks looking up at the stars and out of all those breaks i saw 3 funny "weird satellites" the first time was just a weird red flash and nothing else, like it could have been a northern light type of thing but it looked like a satellite snapping a photo right in my direction, the second thing i saw was the next weekend and it was a blue flash, just like the red flash but blue this time. wtf? a year later, on the same patio, i noticed what looked like a big red star circling a white star about once every 45 seconds and i watched it do that for 20 minutes or more before the clouds moved over


people don't wanna hear if you saw a flying saucer but the governments of the world have vehicles in space and who knows what they are doing and how many secrets are flying above our backyard clouds



I think a lot of rational, intelligent, and grounded people have seen such things. They just don't like to talk about them. My brother in law (who is in the USAF) was in a plane that landed at Tonopah_Test_Range_Airport to refuel and when they pulled unto the airport ramp the were told not to get out and surrounded by armed guards in humvees as they waited. There's a very level-headed chef I run into at are local dogpark who has been a chef all over the world, and when I told him I was a air force brat he mentioned living near Eglin AFB and seeing some cool flybys, but also that one night he and a friend heard an insanely loud subsonic boom and in the sky were donut shaped rings around a bright airplane contrail, the same thing thousands have reported during the Aurora program.

When I was a Marfa for the first time I met both a scientist who actually has documented the lights and a local who was half-Native American and half Mexican and whose Apache grandfather lived in that area and who had actually seen the lights come up to him and even chase him and his friends in their truck when they drove in the marfa lights field. They were completely opposite ends of the spectrum of skepticism and belief regarding the paranormal. The scientist thinks its a natural phenomenon involving local fault lines and the other guy thinks its the spirits of slain Apaches and Comanches who fought often there - hence why he was "chased." Honestly I think they both were somewhere in the middle in terms of beliefs but didn't want to compromise their appearances. It was crazy though, the scientist left and when I was speaking with the other guy I saw a lot of red lights flicker in an out at the edge of my vision. It was a bit eerie. I dunno. I try to be logical but sometimes there are things that transcend that in one's experiences and sensory perception.


Anyway, I geeked out when I saw that UFO over White Sands because that's a huge expansive test range - something flying out of say, Groom Lake, especially at high-speed, would logically use that airspace freely. After all, we have a mostly classified mini-space shuttle flying around - who knows what else is up there. Boeing_X-37

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UFOs are for kids dude, I don't give a fuck anymore. Fucking aliens lol.


The sad part though, is that those kids tend to look for some kind of hope in these UFO's. Hope for a better future...


*plays the violin*




Hey, this is the "I feel jaded on Sundays" thread! =D



exactly. look, i'm sure there are other civilisations out there, maybe one or two have even visited earth and terrified some poor soul in the middle of the countryside. i don't care, it's meaningless in terms of the earth's every day operation and real problems affecting mankind. whether or not there are a bunch of alien dudes burning about the place is neither here nor there - we have much more pressing issues to deal with as a planet. and i don't believe there is any sort of major cover-up from the US government - it's not worth them covering it up, because it doesn't affect anything. you really think if aliens came and did the big hello, that somehow all of the earth's problems would be solved and we'd all be flying around in our own spaceships, making the kessel run in under 12 parsecs? give me a break - what would likely happen is it would be a big news story for a few weeks, then everyone would forget about it and that would be that - nothing major would change and if anything, it might make things generally worse as there would be the inevitable charlatans and con-artists trying to cash-in on the whole thing.


it's not an issue. imo kids who grew up in the 80s were inadvertently led to believe UFOs/aliens were a big deal, becuase it was a major theme in a lot of 80s films - flight of the navigator, ET, explorers etc (alongside the men in black imagery and dues in full bio-suits walking around big plastic tunnels) and it all seemed very glamorous and exciting. it's not reality. reality is generally extremely boring and mundane - i'm sure "the truth" of the UFO issue is no different.


Pfft obvious troll. No one can make the kessel run in under 12 parsecs.

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hey, im not the one brainwashed by mainstream culture here. UFOs are no laughing matter, regardless of peoples incessant requirement to associate them with extra terrestrials. its your loss if you're missing out on one of the biggest and most interesting events in history


now go back to your little box and make more alien jokes





(not directed at chengod)

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  • 10 months later...

Aliens are cool, but need to stop pussyfooting around earth and just uncloak for the fuck of it. Just streak at some big Illuminati-sponsored sports event and get it over with.

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I'm pretty sure aliens exist somewhere in the universe, but I seriously doubt any civilization can exist long enough to develop a technology that allows them to travel across the galaxy or even to other galaxies. Also, if they don't care about being seen, they could just introduce themselves to us, or kill us/enslave us etc. . If they didn't want to be seen and are developed enough to travel through space, don't you think they'd have the technology to lurk in the orbit and watch us from there? And why would they do that in the first place? I doubt that a few apes that still haven't managed to find a way not to kill each other over resources, or other dumb reasons, are of any interest to such an advanced species.

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