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Flo Rida invents possibly the worst thing ever


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According to Wikipedia:


In August 2010, Beamz was listed among the Best Tools for Schools by the National Association of Music Merchants at the NAMM Show with the note that using Beamz was fun and a "great way to involve special ed students in music making."[7] The Phoenix Union School District, as well as the Phoenix Children's Hospital, have used Beamz in special education settings.

So, yeah.

Holy mother of lol

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Funny story with this : a few days ago, "OfficialBeamzByFlo" YouTube channel released this video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoW1xJBWHZQ


You can clearly identify Deadmau5s' head at the end, so Joel send a tweet to the Bemz account (pretty priceless) : https://twitter.com/deadmau5/status/394647944638390273

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Funny, yes, but actually a sign of the times.


See, I actually think there is a market for this. It's for jocks and basically people who don't like music at all. But they still are aware of those sounds that they hear every now and then, and that its normal. So basically I can see these things being a hit among frat houses and churches.


It's a sign of the times as music is now seen as something that absolutely anybody can do. There is no great music like apex twin anymore (fact) because the market is severely diluted and it's much harder to identify the diamond. And since we are all part of the problem nobody wants to admit that they simple are not, and never will be, good at music. Instead we choose the comfortable view that everyone is a creator or whatever, listen to my soundcloud, blah blah blah. It has become ten times the ego game that it used to be, as we are all musicians and nobody wants to admit that the other person is better, way better, a natural. That would mean admitting that I suck, and that my peacock feathers are weak fucking shit.

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But we want to preserve the illusion that the musician is some third entity, he doesn't exist. He goes through the label. As long as I don't know him I remain comfortable. Us new musicians doing new things weren't as fortunate. We work under the new maxim of total mediocrity that states: You like my page, I'll like yours. Well both pretend to be good at making music. But when that new apex twin pops up and he doesn't want to like our mediocre shit on soundcloud because he had to have integrity to get where he is artistically, we will destroy him to preserve our position in the illusion of being "creators, just like apex twin!" If he doesn't like my music, I won't like his!


I long for the days when there were creators with talent, and listeners. Now everyone thinks they're the creator with their fragile egos. There were labels that gave a barrier to entry into having a record. Now the barrier is gone and the very fabric of creativity is being diluted to the point of non existence.


Just preliminary remarks.

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Some of you are making fun of Dr. Drum, so I went to the homepage to see waddup. Apparently, it's a $329.95 value, but specially reduced to $29.95! The page states "While Stocks Last", so I was like "FUCK I GOTTA GET ON THIS SHIT!!!", cuz I know how easy it is to run out of stock of a digital product.


So I totally bought this shit-- two copies, just in case my first copy got lost (plus, I got $600+ value, for like $60!!!).


So anyway, I want to inform you all of the greatest feature that is listed on that comparison chart: "Copy bars/multiple bars with 2 clicks" --This shit is fucking badass, yo, and I wish Logic and other inferior softs would implement this hardcore feature. What is not clear in that description, is that ANY 2 clicks copies bars OR multiple bars, into some random area. So if you click the main menu then click again to select "Help", for example, it will duplicate a bar OR multiple bars, FREE OF CHARGE. So whilst clicking away and making my fucking cool beats, this badass Dr. Drum was copying bars all over the place like it owned da muthafuckin' club. I was like, "OH, SNAP!!!" It just copied bars fucking everywhere and my beats sounded so fly, which then made me realize that Dr. Drum truly is some PhD level software (all for the very affordable $29.95).


So after about 15 minutes of beat making, my track was like 13 hours long, due to this awesome feature. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT WOULD TAKE ME IN LOGIC TO MAKE AN AWESOME 13 HOUR TRACK?!?!?! Fucking like 5 years, that's how long. Dr. Drum busted this shit out in 15 minutes. I then got to alter high, low, AND mid sounds, all in one place, individually on each track! This clicking action awesomely added about 12 minutes of beats.


As vamos scorcho noted, y'allz think you're so Aphex Bach Lundgren and "creators", so you think you're above Dr. Drum. But what vamos scorcho was ultimately trying to state is, Dr. Drum is the best beat making software ON THE PLANET.


Nuff said.


I finished my first track on Dr. Drum yesterday, and I'm sending this 47 hour long masterpiece to Planet Mu right after I post this review. I bet Mike P will sign me so hard.

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