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best usb cables contest

Guest Adam

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This über-expensive USB cable is simply revelatory in its combination of ease and refinement on one hand, and resolution and transparency on the other. Although capable of resolving the finest detail, Diamond USB has a relaxed quality that fosters deep musical involvement.



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Bless all of their idiocy- 'the Platinum Starlight has no peer in soundstage size, airiness, tempo tracking, dynamics, bass pitch, timbral realism, and lack of grain. In short, this cable takes USB audio to a new plane of fidelity'


Just amazing :lol:

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i used one of these to hook up my printer and all of the sudden everything was printed on illuminated vellum

s became f help


I use a usb cable from a printer as my usb cable for audio. It's like bigger than the actual headphone amp

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