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ive never been to rehab, but i did have a stint where i was binging on coke, so I can empathize with you there.



All I can say is while the "comedown" is horrible and may cause depression, an inner sense of strength and confidence that never existed before helped me in ways that therapists or doctors ever had. Your will is far more powerful than you will ever know, and if you stay the course you should find yourself and your situation dramatically improved. The hardest part is during that transition, where you suffer all the pain and it seems like there are no rewards, only punishments.


edit: just to be clear, Im not rejecting doctors or therapists, that's ludicrous. But self-love is all too often overlooked as a healing process.

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ive never been to rehab, but i did have a stint where i was binging on coke, so I can empathize with you there.



All I can say is while the "comedown" is horrible and may cause depression, an inner sense of strength and confidence that never existed before helped me in ways that therapists or doctors ever had. Your will is far more powerful than you will ever know, and if you stay the course you should find yourself and your situation dramatically improved. The hardest part is during that transition, where you suffer all the pain and it seems like there are no rewards, only punishments.


edit: just to be clear, Im not rejecting doctors or therapists, that's ludicrous. But self-love is all too often overlooked as a healing process.


Thanks for the kind words!


Seems like you're right on point regarding innner strength being much more powerfull than any outside help.

One of the things I'm constantly reminding myself of is that I'm doing this for myself and noone else and that I'm the one making the decision to either stay clean or start using again.

Definitely starting work on giving myself some sweet sweet lovin'!

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Good luck! Sounds like you're on the road to recovery!


Wasn't watmm some kind of AA, btw? Regardelss, if you're in a tough spot again, be sure to have some supportive people in touch with you.

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