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A Video About Bullying

Guest Little Lord Faulteroy

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the youtube comments are awesome


*How beautiful this might be, I never want to see this again. Seeing it tore my whole world apart. It made me realise this is how I've felt for years now. I collapsed. I cried for hours. I don't know if my story is of any value, but I want that if you recognise yourself in this video, there is hope. Someday a little ray of sunshine will fall into your life. Take that little ray of sunshine. Don't ever let it go. And use it to climb above the clouds. There's someone out there who will help you.*

-----comment *lol whinny bitch. Go kill yourself already.*

-----------------comment *Go fornicate yourself with a jagged metal rod covered in pepper spray, you witless oaf.


*We were watching this in art and I almost cryed...*


fucking lol that video was godawefull

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

"Don't kill yourself take bong rips. Don't make fun of that kid, smoke a bowl with them and get to know each other. THC Truly Helps Cheerlessness."

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  • 2 weeks later...

If youre into performance poetry, the emotionalness is part of the package.


I thought it was good.


Kids do horrible things to each other at school, when they've got the ability to verbally attack but dont yet have enough understanding of what effect they're having. When I have kids, I'm seriously gonna think about home schooling and other alternatives

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Guest Pennywise

You do need to get some shit thrown at you when you're a child. Kids need to develop a thick skin.


People are selfish twats and if your too much of a pushover, you'll get walked on throughout your whole life.


Not saying bullying is ok, just saying that if a person doesn't deal with confrontation in their youth then it's probably gonna be harder for them to deal with it in adulthood.

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Look at that guy, his face says "bully me".


I was never a bully but if i saw him in the hallway i would be tempted to punch him in the face, he just has one of those faces you know, and his attitude is probably not any better.

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You do need to get some shit thrown at you when you're a child. Kids need to develop a thick skin.


People are selfish twats and if your too much of a pushover, you'll get walked on throughout your whole life.


Not saying bullying is ok, just saying that if a person doesn't deal with confrontation in their youth then it's probably gonna be harder for them to deal with it in adulthood.


A bit of confrontation is OK. But some people have to bear a disproportionate amount of bullying, and there are always one or two kids in each town and each generation who endure so much bullying that it doesn't matter how stable or "thick-skinned" they are psychologically: anyone in that position will contemplate some pretty fucked up things.

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I'm not going to watch that video because I think things like that are fundamentally misguided, and I try to avoid cheesy things. But I really dislike that "kids gotta toughen up" argument. So here's an NPR article I read a few weeks ago that suggests that way of thinking is problematic: http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/08/19/213502228/kids-involved-in-bullying-grow-up-to-be-poorer-sicker-adults

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i don't necessarily buy the "everyone needs to get beaten up" idea, but this video is just cringeworthy. it's the worst, most overbearingly earnest kind of soul bearing and it makes me really embarrassed. it's also incredibly cheesy and hysterical. just bad, bad bad.

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1:50 seconds for me.

lol, 1:48, exactly. When the super weepy violin comes in and he says something like "make us feel like the sun was something they built for us in a toolshed"


Did I really hear that? Wtf?


Edit: the video is really well made though. Shame to link such creativity to...this

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I hate the term "bullying" because it sounds so stupid now, but it's actually an issue. Bullying made my life a living hell from 4th-6th grade. Granted, I was totally the kid that would get made fun of, and I reacted to it in a way that made it worse, but it was fucking awful.

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I'm not going to watch that video because I think things like that are fundamentally misguided, and I try to avoid cheesy things. But I really dislike that "kids gotta toughen up" argument. So here's an NPR article I read a few weeks ago that suggests that way of thinking is problematic: http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/08/19/213502228/kids-involved-in-bullying-grow-up-to-be-poorer-sicker-adults


I was bullied, but that doesn't stop me from realizing some obvious truths about bullying, the first being that there are usually multiple avenues for getting out of it, but all involve confrontation. Either physical, or if you're clever enough, verbal. I know fear is paralyzing but you just need to learn to overcome it, or failing that, hunker down and endure until University, when everything opens up.


This attempt to do an end run around it using poetic self pity is pretty facepalm.

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yeah i dont really get how this is awful? Cheesy maybe, sure. You are watching a video from a fucking poet you idiots.



I've been bullied before, but I know there's people who've had it worse. I still remember going to school one morning in second grade, watching four kids kicking a defenseless obese kid on the ground, who was crying. (and if you lol'd at this, fuck you.)


Columbine high school in Littleton, CO back in April 1999. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Why did they kill a bunch of other kids and then themselves? Because they were bullied to the breaking point. There are numerous other examples of the repercussions of bullying, but I think you get the gist.


Ignorance and being too weak-minded to think independently is what perpetuates it in the first place I think.

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