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Cheers Yek... yeah I do use a computer, but mainly just for sending clock and recording into Logic.


So I'm sending MIDI clock signals from Logic into a MIDI thru splitter, then out to an Arturia Beatstep Pro and also direct into some of my synths and drum machines with inbuilt sequencers. I also use my Novation Drum Station to convert MIDI to DIN Sync so I can send sync to my TR-606 and anything else that needs it.


So I've then got everything tempo synced and can start/stop everything when I press play/stop in Logic. Usually I'll build up songs track by track and start by recording the bassline or pads parts (top tip - never start by recording the drums, even though it's probably the most fun part and "easier" than the melodies and harmonies). Once I've got a basic melodic progression and a bit of bassline down (essentially the whole groove and rhythmic feel of the track), I'll then add in the drum parts around the melodies.


I hardly ever automate things like filter sweeps or modulation - I do all that live by tweaking knobs whilst recording each individual track. Again, I like to work around the groove and feel of the track as it develops and twiddle my knobs according to how things are evolving in my song.


Once I've got all that down and usually between 15-20 individual audio tracks, I'll go back and edit things into the final song - cut parts out, do volume automation, reverses and EQ etc.





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Thanks BCM! The whole jamming thing really appeals to me ALSO I've never made upbeat house/techno I've always made more ambient techno so i think that's the next type of thing I need to try.:aphexsign:

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