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Anyone ride a bike on the road?


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Yes, everyday. I don't think it's possible for cars and bicycles to peacefully co-exist on the road, there's certainly a mutual lack of respect. I was pretty serious about riding in 2011 - 2012 but have dropped off this year because of travels, getting back into it now and in less than a month I'll be doing a 90km ride for charity :)


Still am pretty clueless about bike mechanics, I just know how to maintain my bike. Hopefully one day I can build myself a bike from scratch.

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yeah i get some, i've learned to deal with it now though. i used to shout asshole at people but it didn't always reach the people it was intended for. lol.


i'm constantly amazing by the behaviour i see from other cyclists, on their phone, running red lights, generally being total twats.


pedestrians are also pretty bad, some people DON'T LOOK before they cross the road. I mean seriously? do you want die?

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I had a guy come right up behind me the other day and honk his horn as i was riding the middle of the road due to cars parked on the left.

I checked the "rules" and cyclists can ride anywhere on the left side of the road...twat

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The only thing I hate about bikers is when they cycle next to each other. Not fucking cool.


I don't tend to ride on the road if I can avoid it but I guess centre of cities makes that almost impossible. Can't say I've had much rage against me when I have been on the road but a lot of drivers I know hate bikers. One day I'd find myself meeting one of these while on the bike and it could very well end painfully.

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Yeah they're just now starting to put bike lanes in Memphis, a pretty nice town to cruise around, but possibly one of the unfriendliest toward bikers.


I've been hit by a car, so have about three of my friends, rite of passage.


Just got done with a 100 mile trip down the Natchez Trace in Mississippi last weekend and boy is my chode tired!

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Guest Gary C

I heard a rumour that Idiorin BUmslacks was knocked off his bike by a London rickshaw and has been struggling with terminal absenteeism ever since.

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My only source of rage is motorists in bike lanes. I'd seriously consider relocating to the other side of the country for protected bike lanes and indoor bike storage. American drivers are incompetent and inattentive at the best of times, at the worst they are lawless sociopaths.

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at the worst they are lawless sociopaths.


I haven't been hit yet, but I've had some near misses. had glass bottles thrown at me, and many ugly things yelled at me, while being perfectly within my rights and trying not to obstruct the road.

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I've been hit and knocked off my bike by two London buses, the worst being a bus that came from behind me, overtook me next to a T junction and then turned directly into me. I honestly don't know how he didn't see me given that he'd overtaken me about 1 second earlier. There are cyclists who give others a bad name, but I found that as long as I signal and acknowledge anyone who's courteous towards me, then car drivers aren't so bad. Bus drivers though.... bunch of fucking cunts.

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Guest Gary C

I'm going to start cycling about 10-15 mins to/from work in a couple of months. Having read this thread, I'm going to always wear a helmet.

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at the worst they are lawless sociopaths.


I haven't been hit yet, but I've had some near misses. had glass bottles thrown at me, and many ugly things yelled at me, while being perfectly within my rights and trying not to obstruct the road.




It's no wonder cars are the deadliest weapon in America with these people on the road.


I've been hit and knocked off my bike by two London buses, the worst being a bus that came from behind me, overtook me next to a T junction and then turned directly into me. I honestly don't know how he didn't see me given that he'd overtaken me about 1 second earlier. There are cyclists who give others a bad name, but I found that as long as I signal and acknowledge anyone who's courteous towards me, then car drivers aren't so bad. Bus drivers though.... bunch of fucking cunts.


Bus drivers are a menace the world over.



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regarding buses,


I ride the bus. Stay out of the way of the bus. There are usually fifty of us, counting on the bus keeping our schedules, sitting on that bus.


I also ride a bike. I stay out of the way of buses, and they're a nuisance when there's no bike lane, but... there are a lot of roads without buses on them.

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Yeah I rarely ride in the city. Did it a few times and hated it, not least because of the traffic but also the fucking traffic lights. Luckily I'm only about 5 miles away from more urban areas so have some nice 30/40 mile routes I can do out in the countryside. It's just those 5 miles to get there that are a bastard.

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I'm going to start cycling about 10-15 mins to/from work in a couple of months. Having read this thread, I'm going to always wear a helmet.


yes definitely wear a helmet, also wear some high viz gear as it pays to be seen especially as the weather gets bad.

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regarding buses,


I ride the bus. Stay out of the way of the bus. There are usually fifty of us, counting on the bus keeping our schedules, sitting on that bus.


I also ride a bike. I stay out of the way of buses, and they're a nuisance when there's no bike lane, but... there are a lot of roads without buses on them.


^^^ PERFECT. That video is accurate to most hip bikers in the PNW.

Yeh, in Seattle it's pretty easy to get away with biking, unless of course, you are headed downtown or something, those hills... :wtf:


I would bike, but my commute takes 25-30 minutes by car, I wouldn't want to bike 1 to 1.5 hours each way.

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i find i often shorten any bus journey by taking a bike so it's far more practical. for example it only takes me 25 mins to Dalston instead of 1 hour.


there's no way i would cycle to work though as it's far, and the route is not safe at all. no way would i cycle to vauxhall, it's very dangerous.

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It was a site to behold watching all the bicycles in Amsterdam. Literally thousands lining every sidewalk and flowing up and down the streets. Austin, Texas is similar in that it accommodates, but it is not near the scale of Amsterdam. It is scary riding a bike around here because there aren't many accommodations and there are lots of large vehicles that could flatten you.

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