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dig the sis sex

Guest skibby

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"sorry" i rendered in mono thanks to being up till 8 in the morning. also, i tweaked the mix a bit and now its in stereo too. grr.. sory

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thanks for the replies. i'm psyched because this track represents a bunch of rarities for me. its my first mostly dx7-ish, its rare that i do a 7 minute song, rare that i 'complete' a filled out mix in one evening. +1 on the melody thing, it was sorta jammy; i'm drawing in the dark, no concept of what sort of melody that 2013 electronic music calls for, searching for something.

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i think 2013 electronic music is not calling for anything at all, JUST DO IT ! :)) ...i have to say that i didn´t like the melody as well, but i think that you can rebuild whole track with another melody ... :sorcerer:

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I'm sitting here, digging the melody! Nice production, nice work with the dx7

There are a couple of chord changes that lose me but only by a tiny bit

Cool stuff dude, really enjoyed this

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folks talk about melody, but i stil havent been able to identify one in this track!


the strange intervals. though. are some of my favorite parts...

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