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apparently it is common knowledge what rapists think.




of course, a woman who is fed up with the boy's club that is this website must be a troll. please educate yourself, godel.








when you feel like responding to the points i made in my post instead of being a typical condescending white cis hetero male, i will respond to them in kind.


edit: @SR4

Let's all be honest here and admit that we'd all of us, male, female, cisgendered or transgendered, and regardless of primary sexual orientation, suck on Fassbender for a little while if he whipped it out.


It just seems like the natural thing to do. Swallow Fassbender's unit. Just for a little while. It's Fassbender, you know? It's fun for everyone. It's a natural human response to Fassbender's unit. To suck it. Just for a little while. It's just the done thing.



rape is funny to you, is it?


No it's not. That's why I didn't make a rape joke? I made a joke about me wanting to give Fassbender a BJ?


Looks like you want to get into a fight here. I'm not interested. Have a good one, hoodster.


no, you're saying that everyone should want to suck on a cock. that's what rapists think, too.


i understand if you're walking away. that's what weak people do when their preconceived notions about what's right and wrong are challenged. maybe one day you'll have the courage to learn. let's hope you don't hurt any women before that.

Fassbender whipping out his unit doesn't mean he'd like anyone to suck it, does it?

this is the phrase of contention:

Let's all be honest here and admit that we'd all of us, male, female, cisgendered or transgendered, and regardless of primary sexual orientation, suck on Fassbender for a little while if he whipped it out.


Oh my god. No, I don't actually believe that everyone should want to suck on a cock. I was trying to make a joke at my own expense because it's funnier that way. The hypothetical in the joke assumed that MF whipping it out would be in a consensual setting. The other presupposition for the joke is that nobody in the watmm "audience" would agree with me that they want to suck off MF, and my theatrical "embarrassment" would be the source of amusement for the "audience." That's how you frame a joke. It's totally ruined now. Fuck you.


ok, i see now what you were trying to do there. i'm sorry for calling you out on that, baph. in any case, i think your joke is a great example of how things that are seemingly innocent can perpetuate rape culture when they aren't fully explained. we need to be careful when making jokes about genitalia, because they are still used as weapons in some communities and parts of the world.


that's enough of that, i'm locking the thread.

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