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Bronies Documentary

Rubin Farr

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Re: bronies: my horribly reductive and obviously overblown conclusion is that humanity knows it's not worth sustaining itself


humanity will need 10,000 MLP shows to sustain itself for the next 10 years



the L is for "little"

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At first I thought bronies were a lil weird, then I reconsidered and thought I should be accepting of different cliques, and now after reading the past couple of pages I think they're weird again, especially if they associate cute little cartoons with eroticism - a recipe for sociopaths. Clearly this is their choice in life. If it were a genetic condition, then I would have more sympathy for them.

Gah fuck, why am I still reading this thread anywayyy

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but some dudes just want an excuse to hang out in the little girls toy aisle at target. that's fucked up.



I dread the day I have to steer my kid clear of such creepers in the toy aisle. No one better perv-up legos. Legooies.


Man, call me old fashioned, but bronies just make me go:



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At first I thought bronies were a lil weird, then I reconsidered and thought I should be accepting of different cliques, and now after reading the past couple of pages I think they're weird again, especially if they associate cute little cartoons with eroticism - a recipe for sociopaths. Clearly this is their choice in life. If it were a genetic condition, then I would have more sympathy for them.


Gah fuck, why am I still reading this thread anywayyy


A very small group, and certainly not all of the bronies, sexualize their favourite ponies. I agree that it's weird, but I don't think that most bronies have a very developed theory of mind.


It's another one of those social cliques for outcasts.


Still, it's nice to see that they've found some form of social comfort.


Also remember that hating something only makes it more powerful.

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So I skipped through the first search result on youtube of this show.


I had somewhat high expectations because as I understand it is developed by Lauren Faust, the same person who developed the Powerpuff Girls, a cartoon I watched when I was a child. It seemed a bit tamer (not that Powerpuff Girls was very edgy either). I'm guessing it is aimed at a younger audience. I didn't notice any overt sales-tricks (well other than the fact that the whole show is about my little pony characters) and would have no problem letting my hypothetical children watch this. It is very well illustrated and the characters are admittedly very charming. A pony picking up a newspaper with its mouth instead of its hooves reminded me of my dog and struck me as particularly endearing.


I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with liking this show as an adult, although personally I don't see the appeal. It doesn't seem to be written for both adults and children to enjoy, like for example Adventure Time appears to be.

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