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Bronies Documentary

Rubin Farr

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Anyone seen this? This was apparently a (brilliant) scam started by the guys of MDE:






But I noticed something. When you click on the link that takes you to the "creator"s facebook page, between all the posters I suddenly see THIS FACE ===> http://forum.watmm.com/topic/76034-post-your-most-recent-picture-part-ii/page-112?do=findComment&comment=2137952


So Goiter knows that guy? Is Goiter a part of MDE? Are all MDE members secretly on watmm?


xplain yourselfs Goiter



*internet sleuth gumshoe detective*

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brilliant internet gumshoe detective sleuthwork triachus, as usual


anyone ever has any internet mystery related problems or just someone they need stalked/snooped on, triachus is your man


also in reply to his post i wanted to say:



goiter got some splainin to do (if u were involved great work! pls start a kickstarter i can contribute to where the money goes towards more elaborate hoaxes/scams/pranks perpetrated on the brony community)

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Anyone seen this? This was apparently a (brilliant) scam started by the guys of MDE:






But I noticed something. When you click on the link that takes you to the "creator"s facebook page, between all the posters I suddenly see THIS FACE ===> http://forum.watmm.com/topic/76034-post-your-most-recent-picture-part-ii/page-112?do=findComment&comment=2137952


So Goiter knows that guy? Is Goiter a part of MDE? Are all MDE members secretly on watmm?


xplain yourselfs Goiter



*internet sleuth gumshoe detective*

michael harms is the guy who does the boccast http://boccast.com/

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest No Don't :(

What's the name of that Flash game where you have to beat Rainbow Dash in a race and if you win you can fuck her and get her pregnant? I think it's called Equestria-something or Equestria is somewhere in the name. I need this to show to a friend.

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Guest No Don't :(

am i the only one who used to watch the original series in the mid 80's? i was 5 or 6 and i remember every kid watched it...


The old series was fun when I was a toddler. I have fond memories of playing like I was Danny and brushing Masquerade until her mane was long and pretty and perfect. :emb:


That being said, I really, really, really wish these "bronies" were just a sex thing. We can't really help sex things! Everyone has a sex thing and most of them are silly and don't make any sense unless it's their thing.


Honestly, what gets me is when they make a lifestyle out of it. The brony lifestyle is obscene for anyone old enough not to be afraid of a toothbrush. Someone earlier in the thread described them as "regressive." That's a good word for it. Because when they take it further than obsessive lonely-person infatuation, they build these insular little groups of twenty-somethings that cavort about in public like a bunch of ridiculous, whingeing children. They're like life-refusers. If they're not doing it in the privacy of their own stable just to spice up their sexy-time, they're just unhealthy and gross and I don't want to think about them anymore.

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@ nodont:( - i think the two things are connected


sexuality is just another facet of a person's personality (and another side to socializing), so it can't possibly be 100% separate from their public social existence.i think the fact that they are sexualizing something that's supposed to be for kids, to the level that they are doing that, is pretty disturbing, and i think that is 100% related to how they act in public and why that side of it is also disturbing


how does it make sense to say 'ok to sexualize something made for kids' 'not ok to socialize publicly about something made for kids'

? it seems like youre struggling to draw this very arbitrary imaginary line to separate 2 parts of what are ultimately the same thing.


@ foil - your feeling that way means you already are a brony, you just dinnit kno it

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thats some weapons grade concentrated cringe right there


i like how the effort on their part to act like they just really, really, REALLY, love this tv show is a tangible thing. you can actually see the effort as like a stat above their heads or something. its so plainly clear that it is an act. i've never seen any kind of show or movie or anything that gave me this much of a hardon as these guys pretend to have for this retarded kids show. so yeah they deserve all the ridicule they ever get, because they are pretending, just to get attention. so they are basically asking for everyone to ridicule them. they want to think they are special, and they want to be ridiculed so they can cry about not being understood, and take a stance of superiority since they don't judge yet they get judged, and they get to be victims and cry about persecution too.


so maybe they dont deserve the ridicule since that's what they wanted all along. maybe we should all just stop paying attention and they will lose their power and disappear.

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Guest No Don't :(

@ nodont:( - i think the two things are connected


sexuality is just another facet of a person's personality (and another side to socializing), so it can't possibly be 100% separate from their public social existence.i think the fact that they are sexualizing something that's supposed to be for kids, to the level that they are doing that, is pretty disturbing, and i think that is 100% related to how they act in public and why that side of it is also disturbing


how does it make sense to say 'ok to sexualize something made for kids' 'not ok to socialize publicly about something made for kids'

? it seems like youre struggling to draw this very arbitrary imaginary line to separate 2 parts of what are ultimately the same thing.


@ foil - your feeling that way means you already are a brony, you just dinnit kno it


If sexuality is not unique to any other part of one's personality, then it should stand that sexualizing a children's show should be no more disturbing than watching it. It's not like actual children, real or imagined, are in the equation in this case, anyhow. What makes one particularly disturbing over the other, if they are, in essence, the same thing?


I'm not sure if I agree that sexuality is necessarily linked to our public persona. Most of us keep that private, thank you very much. I don't really know what people are up to when nobody else is around, unless they're the sort who read 50 Shades of Grey in public. We comparmentalize these things and I for one think it's appropriate to keep things in their proper place.


And I may have misspoke; what disturbs me, personally, isn't adults being interested in a kid's show. Sometimes Spongebob is funny, I get why some of my parent-friends might watch it. What disturbs me is that bronies act like actual children. And not just in the context of make-believe-play-time at their conventions twice a year. If someone wants to go and pretend to be an adult baby at Diapercon 2014 that's their deal, I guess! It's gross but I don't care as long as they're not making me think about it. Bronies, however, take it a step further by living as adult children. They have erected a goddamn shrine to being unemployed, dependent, irresponsible, and are generally whiny needy babies that demand constant attention and coddling and it's just not something I want to have to look at.


What's more disturbing to me is that they call themselves "accepting" but in reality take dysfunction as a virtue. Lonely whingelings join up and ultimately reject adult life. Instead they dye their hair and dress up like Rainbow Brite and wear unicorn wings and sing "winter wrap up" in front of the arcade at the mall and it frightens my nephew because there's all these noisy grown-ass men there and he asks me why they're doing that and I tell him "because they played video games all day instead of going outside ever."

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Here's a scenario:


You have a 20 year old son and he sheepishly says "mom/dad... I have something to tell you with great pride. I... I'm a bronie. Do you know what this means?"


I would literally start over. Game over, kid.

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Why is that?


Having a brony-son is proof that your son is a unique individual. Way better than being a mindless capitalist working zombie like 99 % of the population imho. Special is GOOD and you should be proud of your future son having the courage to call himself a brony/furry/hentai-cosplayer whatever. It's great.

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Well, I remember watching an episode of CSI 10+ years ago about furries who do " yiffing" and I had trouble processing that info and this bronie thing is actually worse because it seems like it's latent pedophilia or some unexplained creepiness that they don't want to confront in a healthy way.


So they go to conventions to get some affirmation that their highly questionable and deeply involved interest in a little girls cartoon is a healthy pursuit for an adult male. I would keep tabs on these weirdos and get ready to nuke it all from orbit if need be. Stay frosty.

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Here's a scenario:


You have a 20 year old son and he sheepishly says "mom/dad... I have something to tell you with great pride. I... I'm a bronie. Do you know what this means?"


I would literally start over. Game over, kid.

lol :cerious:


P.S. foil is just so damn positive lately, it's beautiful.

:cry: (tears of overwhelming emotion)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest No Don't :(

Having a brony-son is proof that your son is a unique individual. Way better than being a mindless capitalist working zombie like 99 % of the population imho.


So you're admitting that he'll never get a job then.

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if bronies really are about love and tolerance, why don't they actually go try to spread those ideals in countries where people are being oppressed, instead of doing useless shit like holding ponies and pizza rolls masturbation parties in their basements?

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if bronies really are about love and tolerance, why don't they actually go try to spread those ideals in countries where people are being oppressed, instead of doing useless shit like holding ponies and pizza rolls masturbation parties in their basements?

Because they actually just like sexualizing kids' shows, probably.

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