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Bronies Documentary

Rubin Farr

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I think it started as an ironic, tongue in cheek thing, like a bunch of internet people pretended it was a great show but then internet lack of context took over and the large masses of socially non-included people saw these other people ironically praising the show and started praising it genuinely and since there are way more vapid lonely losers on the internet than snide ironic losers the majority took over and this bizarre purposeless fandom grew on its own accidental momentum and now is begging for legitimization because 'hey unpopular social rejects deserve friends too' and whatever i guess that's fine but it's one more loss for rational logical thinking but hey that's life isn't it.

Yup. Same with the whole Chuck Norris thing, which was initially funny cuz he's shit.


Reminds me of the line about Preacher Man in Nathan Barley, something like: "Stupid people think it's cool. Smart people think it's a joke-- also cool."

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Is this the one that's on Netflix - If so I watched it a few months ago out of morbid curiosity. Was far less disturbing than I imagined, seemed more about how 'outsider' teens & 20 somethings were able to bond together over something quite innocent. It did however seem a little too pro-bronie culture however, it almost seemed like it was partly (mostly?) financed by the companies behind the scene so didn't show it in any of the negative light - there was no mention of the sexualisation that took place within the scene, maybe that's a sub-culture of bronies ?

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I remember when Bronies were first uh... coming out, and I watched some YouTube videos on the review of the show, and it made me think that perhaps the new show is amazing (they made it sound epic like Twin Peaks, X-Files, and The Office combined). I haven't watched the new one (except clips, but then I was like, this is retarded), but I did watch the old one growing up, along with Jem, She-Ra, and other girly cartoons. And I do still love cartoons. So maybe I'd love this shit, if I watched 10 hours of it on weed. Maybe it's genius level writing and the show is so deep.


If I ever become a Brony, I can write an IDM album about it like "Pony Power", then get signed to Warp, then all the Bronies will be like, "Man... I used to love this show before it got all mainstream and only the REAL fans watched it. Now it's just poseurs and shit." And then the dream will be collab'ing with Richard and Mike for "Expert Pony Knob Twiddlers", which will sell millions. And then Earth gets hit by an asteroid the size of Texas, which would be sweet release.

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Is this the one that's on Netflix - If so I watched it a few months ago out of morbid curiosity. Was far less disturbing than I imagined, seemed more about how 'outsider' teens & 20 somethings were able to bond together over something quite innocent. It did however seem a little too pro-bronie culture however, it almost seemed like it was partly (mostly?) financed by the companies behind the scene so didn't show it in any of the negative light - there was no mention of the sexualisation that took place within the scene, maybe that's a sub-culture of bronies ?

the one I watched was narrated by John Delancie.

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Wow you guys were like extra harsh on Rubin, like wtf.

neway, my sisters watch the show, and I don't get it. It looks like a normal cartoon. There's nothing special about the plot like it's fans go on about. Eh, i don't get it. It was pretty predictable, the episodes I've seen.

The whole brony phenomenon is interestingly weird. They're a defensive bunch.. uh.. on facebook :). I've seen them at college plenty of times, they always have the shirts on. I've noticed their shirts always have the word 'brony' somewhere on it. It never says My Little Pony, or like... the name of one of the ponys... always says brony.

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