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Newly "Finished" track - No Longer


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It seems a little too muffled, and transitions perhaps too slowly. The best part is from 3:03-3:30, where that scream kind of acts like the melody. I think that if you should make that the main focus, as in you get to it sooner, and variation to it. Maybe make a melody out of the screaming sound. This seems like one of those tracks where you should go crazy with the samples, since it's partly ambient. Add textures under the scream ( i keep calling it a scream, but have no clue what it is).

The way I kind of want to hear it is the wail/scream is out in the forefront, with some cohesive female vocals in the background accompanying it. The track should be somewhat less muffled, including the drums. Good luck!

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I really like the raw feel of this. I kind of like the muffled-ness of it, although I agree that maybe there could be some clearer things in the mix. There should be a way to keep that feel but preserve what is happening underneath; definitely make sure you don't destroy the nature of the track by trying to make it super clear though, it should feel murky and muddy. Here's something that does something similar quite well. Perhaps try to add some light sidechain compression with the bass or drums, or compression in general. But again, not so heavy as to destroy the feel of the track.


Structurally, the only thing I would change is to make it longer. You could easily pull another 2 minutes out of that final part. Due to the subtle nature of the whole thing, it works really well when it drones on. You could probably even extend the first part. You might honestly be able to make this thing like 7-9 minutes long if you extended each part individually.

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I mean I think I agree that it's too muffled, I just don't think he (she?) should cut the vibe out completely. Also, I think that if the part with what you called the "screaming" was extended it would feel more like a main part; perhaps coming in earlier would accomplish the same thing, but point is that I think we're both coming up with solutions for the same problems. It could certainly be taken in different directions, although I personally think it would be better for the sections to all be longer since it's a nice droney track.

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Thanks for listening guys. The scream is just a synth I threw together in Ableton which is controlled with a virtual pitch shifting pedal, I'm a bit of a newcomer to electronic production so I couldn't figure out a more elegant way to achieve the effect. In the end the roundabout way of doing it probably makes it sound better. The extremely muffled sound was definitely intentional, I was listening to a lot of Andy Stott and The Cyclist when I started it, so I don't think I'll be making anything clearer in the mix save for the more melodic synth lines. I might add in some more samples though, and I like the idea of extending it. I was listening to Stott again yesterday and realised most of his tracks are 6+ minutes(not long by any means) but they never feel like they drag and they really don't change much at all and keep a locked groove.

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As for the mixing aspect of it, I would suggest working with the low medium first, there's too much of it and starting with cleaning it could be a great help. I agree that the song should keep a part of its muffled-ness though. As for the music, I liked the progression, the track is well structured and flows well.


good luck!

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i like the when the wide scream thing drops out or takes a step back around the 2 min mark. it just takes up a ton of eq space. in general that wide scream noise thing might be better if you shaped it around the beat a little. maybe try some ducking so it "breathes" or give it a little rhythm.

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