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Place to chat about AAA thread


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one of the comments is pretty golden typical Fact Mag nonsense



Andy Stott is amazing but not for everybody and his style is very far from the Techs music philosophy....For me i was sold from the beginning .....Like Theo Parrish Timeisruningout era mixed with Basic Channel and dj screw.Lovely.I really think that some people dont like the fact that he is getting more popular now with Pitchfork Features and all .Also it may sound simple to the ear but it is very hard to produce .....I would like to see the The warp duo trying to make something in that vein....they would be lost .Andy new style is very original and risky and i think it is great that he has succeed...it shows that some people still apreciate original music.

favorite part

'the boys would be lost' flol

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Guest jasondonervan

Yeah, FACT are apparently using the most 'comedic' anecdotes they could be bothered to pull from the AAA to milk it for the clickbait...





Stay classy with that sensationalist angle, FACT.


Still, thanks to whoever commented on there with a link to the transcribe. At least folks who didn't already know about AAA can read through the real deal for themselves, without it first being passed through an attention grabbing glorified blogspot shit filter where quotes are handled completely out of context.

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I think you all underestimate gl0tch's sense of humour. Or i'm underestimating yours. He's a cool kid, he almost got us Quaristice soundboard, remember? Despite the mates telling us there isn't such a thing.

the odd thing is if you read the whole AAA, they contradict themselves more than once in regards to tour recordings.



IMO they were straight up trollin' when talking about the Quaristice SBs.


They must know that they are the most coveted SBs among ae fans.


And then they're all: 'nah, we didn't bother recording them'.


Yeah right.

Well played.

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I'd just like to take this opportunity to apologise to Sean and Rob that they will now forever be associated with Bananaman because of me.

Too late now!





Lol, that gif is weirding me out.



It's those arm-movements. It's just not right.






glad to be of service to allow you to publically distance yourself from the possible fruitcake.


still though, where the F is glotch in all of this. i'd almost think he's one of them boys pulling off a satire on our fanboyisms.



Glotch only really pops up when there's an upcoming album so he can tirelessly repeat "DURR ARE THERE ANY LEAKS YET DURRR I'MAFUCKINGCUNT"







Durr is my favorite poker player. I studied his game alot and also he's sexually attractive.

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Yeah, FACT are apparently using the most 'comedic' anecdotes they could be bothered to pull from the AAA to milk it for the clickbait...






Stay classy with that sensationalist angle, FACT.


Still, thanks to whoever commented on there with a link to the transcribe. At least folks who didn't already know about AAA can read through the real deal for themselves, without it first being passed through an attention grabbing glorified blogspot shit filter where quotes are handled completely out of context.


stuff like this is the reason I stopped following FACT. they didn't used to be this bad, it used to be fairly straightforward factual stuff with minimal tabloidism until a couple of years ago. I thought quite well of them, especially with the mixes that they were curating at the time (like that Ae one). I dunno what's happened since then, maybe a change in management or something. they get flack on facebook all the time when making those regular-as-clockwork goss posts, but they still keep doing it.


FACT, if you're reading this, WATMM reckons you should fuck off and stop posting inane tripe. you worsen the already bad reputation of music journalism.

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Guest pixelives

They (FACT) are obviously answering to their advertisers now. They're trying to be PitchforkUK.


Also Speaking of Andy Stott, he's basically doing some sort of minorly updated Scala thing. I'd rather listen to those late 90's Touch LPs.

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Guest pixelives




glad to be of service to allow you to publically distance yourself from the possible fruitcake.


still though, where the F is glotch in all of this. i'd almost think he's one of them boys pulling off a satire on our fanboyisms.



Glotch only really pops up when there's an upcoming album so he can tirelessly repeat "DURR ARE THERE ANY LEAKS YET DURRR I'MAFUCKINGCUNT"


I'm ok with this. ;)

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don't know if this have been discusssd already..... Sean on a sound sample they've used:




a metal master of a record (which is attached to a wall by a nail, thru the centre hole) being spun so that the rough unfinished edges of the disc rub against the woodchip wallpaper, recorded with a mic positioned underneath, quite close to the edge. yeah we used it


anyone know which track he's talking about (or want to speculate which one) really curious to find out!

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To be honest the reason i quite like Fact is that I can also get my goss about inane tripe like what Miley Cyrus has been up to.....shame on me :emb:


Anyhow it was Awesome Autechre doing this, still cant believe how much time they devoted to it! Fucking top lads. Have been on a constant Ae binge since they did this, currently rocking Draft. Also Exai has took on a new lease of live for me recently after getting a little burnt out on it awhile back. I take back what i said in the other thread about not thinking it has the grower potential of their other albums

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I don't know what to make out of the fact that Sean browses /mu/. That place's a real shithole. The amount of childish crap you have to go through in order to find an interesting conversation is too much to be worth the effort


He does? I can't tolerate that shit either and don't use it, but what other place online do you suggest for keeping up with new music? By new i mean something out of the niche in which certain independent shops or magazines are working in and which even our neat upcoming releases subforum follows. That /mu/ place is rather chaotic, so you have opportunities to decide for yourself. I think that's a compliment for Sean's listening habits, that he does it instead of buying a motorcycle and a Top Gun jacket in his mid-life days.

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