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Calling all EKT music hoarders


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Due to popular demand from our watmm friends, I'm trying to put together a Few Old Tunes kind of album, but many of my best tunes from the era in question (2007-2009) either have gotten lost to the ages or only survived in lower quality mp3 format. I'm trying to rectify that and if you've saved some WATMM music over the years, maybe on some dusty hard drive, there's a chance you can help. At the time, I did a lot of hardware acid and idm, no albums, just individual tracks posted to YLC.


I know there are some people who have collected WATMM's music over the years, and if you've got tunes from pre-2010 under the artist names; "Derelic7", "CSM", "derelict mind", "dr drumatix", "mike west", or something similar, let me know.


Also, if anyone's still got Dreamers Digest Mix 2 from around '10-11, that would be awesome.

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I used to burn up movies to cd and fill whatever left over data with .mp3s, found a wisp track a while ago, but I don't think I have come across one of your aliases. If I do, I'll let you know..

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