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Burial - Rival Dealer


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This EP is definitely growing on me too, it sounds so earnest and beautiful. It sounds like all that R&B in the 90s that was on the radio when I was a kid (and never really liked, but now do like because of nostalgia reasons) is being wrapped up in a dream, it feels so familiar in a good way.


Like the way Bochum Welt seems to be able to distill all the lovely sounds from the 80s/90s and use them in those lovely tunes like Baph etc

There's a Bochum welt tune named Baph? I don't think I've ever really listened to Bochum welt. Oops, lol


Ha, I got confused by your username I guess, it's Paph actually

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am i the only one who wants a straight 4/4 burial ep/ lp? rival dealer from 5:20 is totally awesome. and i don't get the hiders hate. sure, the drums are very irritating, but the vocal stuff is great and Come Down To Us wouldn't be THAT weird, if he had chosen different sounds for the last part. the whole package is not as good as truant/ rough sleeper (by far best burial), but it is definitely growing on me. and besides the cheesiness it has a VERY weird feeling to it, maybe because of the whole identity/ transgender-thing. weird but interesting.

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Lana Wachowski in McDonalds, wistfully staring at her McNuggets, a tinge of regret in her eyes, the rain pours down...



...her McNuggets drizzled in anal poop...



The McNuggets are a symbolic representation.

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Lana Wachowski in McDonalds, wistfully staring at her McNuggets, a tinge of regret in her eyes, the rain pours down...



...her McNuggets drizzled in anal poop...



The McNuggets are a symbolic representation.



...drizzled in anal poop.

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Satisfying? I'm not sure what your investment in all of this is.


Call me crazy, but when I don't like an artist, even an overhyped one that gets, what I believe to be, unfounded praise... I just go own with my life. It really affects me in no absolute way what so ever... You've stated many times before that you don't like Burial... What compelled you to even listen to this release anyways? It's so incredibly easy to filter out stuff these days, it seems like youd have to actively attempt to listen to stuff you don't like, and that makes no sense to me.

i think it's for the same reason i was happy to see the Obama honeymoon over, Burial's musical appreciation goes against my principals as a human being. Of course not as intensely, its just a similar phenomenon. It genuinely makes me happy to witness. I liked Burial's last two eps actually. What compelled me to listen to it? When i saw the first reactions of people being shocked, disappointed, confused and even horrified i was like 'woah whats going on here, i gotta check this out'.

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Satisfying? I'm not sure what your investment in all of this is.


Call me crazy, but when I don't like an artist, even an overhyped one that gets, what I believe to be, unfounded praise... I just go own with my life. It really affects me in no absolute way what so ever... You've stated many times before that you don't like Burial... What compelled you to even listen to this release anyways? It's so incredibly easy to filter out stuff these days, it seems like youd have to actively attempt to listen to stuff you don't like, and that makes no sense to me.

i think it's for the same reason i was happy to see the Obama honeymoon over, Burial's musical appreciation goes against my principals as a human being. Of course not as intensely, its just a similar phenomenon. It genuinely makes me happy to witness. I liked Burial's last two eps actually. What compelled me to listen to it? When i saw the first reactions of people being shocked, disappointed, confused and even horrified i was like 'woah whats going on here, i gotta check this out'.


you've gone full wtc, rob. what?


some people like this. what>

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i wonder what the track on come down to us is though. the vocals and background, did he just take some found track and wash it in reverb and some other fx? in any case i dont find that melody or vocal very rewarding.


the last part of rival dealer is pretty gorgeous, but same q as above. i liked truant / rough sleeper more

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Fair enough, I guess.


...for me to anal poop on!



You are really hung up on this poop thing. Also what is the difference between anal poop and normal poop?


I like 0:19 - 0:45 in Come Down To Us and that's about it :cerious: .


I think the only dislike for this is here on watmm.


Guess everyone else is trippin'.

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Satisfying? I'm not sure what your investment in all of this is.


Call me crazy, but when I don't like an artist, even an overhyped one that gets, what I believe to be, unfounded praise... I just go own with my life. It really affects me in no absolute way what so ever... You've stated many times before that you don't like Burial... What compelled you to even listen to this release anyways? It's so incredibly easy to filter out stuff these days, it seems like youd have to actively attempt to listen to stuff you don't like, and that makes no sense to me.

i think it's for the same reason i was happy to see the Obama honeymoon over, Burial's musical appreciation goes against my principals as a human being. Of course not as intensely, its just a similar phenomenon. It genuinely makes me happy to witness. I liked Burial's last two eps actually. What compelled me to listen to it? When i saw the first reactions of people being shocked, disappointed, confused and even horrified i was like 'woah whats going on here, i gotta check this out'.

What the fuck are you on about? You liked his last two EPs, but it goes against your principles as a human being? And still you enjoy watching people being thrown and excited by a new direction by him?

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I like all of rival dealer and the first half of corn deer to us.


I'd probably really like this ep without all the vocals.


burial's first misstep. no biggie. bound to happen with experimental eps.

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I like all of rival dealer and the first half of corn deer to us.


I'd probably really like this ep without all the vocals.


burial's first misstep. no biggie. bound to happen with experimental eps.


best thing he's ever done

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I love the whole fucking thing. If anything, I cringed slightly during Hiders, at that drum roll (you know the one)... The first time I heard it, I just didn't trust what I might hear next.. but this thing is an adventure every time I listen to it now.

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