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Burial - Rival Dealer


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There is no doubt in my mind that if this EP was released by some unknown artist it would be universally panned (save for the first track) - if on anyone's radar at all.

It has become something of a litmus test for me to see who is full of shit.


"u need to accept who u R" ~ burial

I think it's more likely you have a really shit taste in music. Like, 102% more likely.
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You're so authentic ZombieLincoln6664393324



Seriously.. fucking lol at calling someone full of shit because they actually enjoy something.


That's enough internet and shit talking for one week, for me.


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There is no doubt in my mind that if this EP was released by some unknown artist it would be universally panned (save for the first track) - if on anyone's radar at all.

It has become something of a litmus test for me to see who is full of shit.


"u need to accept who u R" ~ burial

I think it's more likely you have a really shit taste in music. Like, 102% more likely.


No it's obviously Burial. It's a branch off from his usual style but lots his typical sounds which I've never heard anywhere else are all there

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sometimes when somebody will post a fake Aphex track (not a noob) in the aphex forum and ask 'is this real' like very recently, I do question how full of shit people are musically speaking. I could see someone feeling like Zombielincoln, with the litmus test concept but i dont think it applies as much to this Burial album, because it's purposefully filled with infectious Miley Cyrus pop vibes. Something like Salem or Zomby i think much more accurately falls under Zombielincoln's description. He has a point in general, i just don't think this album was a good time to make it.

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I really with the part with drums on Hiders would go on for at least ten minutes more.

Yeah, me too. Someone needs to do one of those ten hour YouTube loops. Bonus points if they add filters and a break, lol.

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What's up with this - is this a 'shop? Burial's twitter is actually a verified one. Some author claims this had been posted and deleted in a minutes.





Very much doubt it.



I doubt it too, especially after that statement on BBC radio, but the article doesn't look like it's trying to fool anybody at all and image search has no other results for the picture. If it was a prank it would be all over the internet.

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The 'L' in Burial of that twitter account is probably a capital 'i'


Yeah, i guess the writer made it up to write an article. By not using it, I forgot twitter works like "posted 10 mins ago" or "2 days ago" before setting a date.

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Haha! Would never get her to put up with the whole of Exai, have had it on the Car quite a lot when picking her up and she never makes it through more than a minute before switching it off!


I feel for you. I lived this for about two years with my ex. It was frustrating every time. I'm glad that's over.

But there's always the post-midlife-crisis surprise coming-out to look forward to! Lots of like-minded men to share this kind of music with! :beer:



Playing Autechre to your girlfriend is stupid.


I don't mean to be rude, but come on… don't do that.


That sounds like you're saying girls can't get autechre in general. That's a bit far-fetched. I agree that it's traditionally "male" music, it's less sociable, doesn't have lyrics and it's not exactly great to dance to, thus probably less appealing to your average western raised girl who likes to listen to the radio and dance at clubs. But I think we got a bunch of female ae-fans on here, right?


The frustration I was talking about was more down to my ex not having much musical taste in general. Everything that was remotely complex gave her a headache. If it was down to just autechre, why bother, it's just a "band" after all, but I couldn't share that whole aspect with her at all, and that sucked. I didn't mean I'm glad the relationship is over (although I kinda am, but for other reasons...), I meant I'm glad that frustration is over. You don't have to have the exact same musical taste as your partner obviously, that'd be kinda boring even. But honestly I wouldn't wanna date another girl whose taste is totally contradictory to mine, it'll just end in more frustration on both sides. IF music is that important to you, of course.

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meh, it's just Burial. It's not like RDJ won't release again, but it's been too long since he released anything. Oh well, not release because of forum posts is rather silly compared to not releasing for reasons like real life death threats.

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I think it's great. The cheese does distract for me but it's just one part of a really wonderful collage. Rival Dealer is basically flawless.


I love this style of release, too - they're like novelettes.


Wait, maybe it's modeled after BBC's Sherlock show? *boom head asplodes

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zomby released a 33track album this year with some sweet moments and a lot of meh

burial released a 3 track album this year with some sweet moments and a lot of meh


zomby wins wankers

And yet they clock in at the same length. ;0)

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