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Jupiter Ascending

Rubin Farr

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"It's not what you do, it's what you are." :facepalm:

that is some anti-dumbledore shit which hurts my soul as an avid appreciator of the harry potter series


seriously though. after le matrix the wachowskis produced shit and shit alone

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she's just an average working class girl, but one day, a mysterious stranger arrives and tells her that the galaxy is in turmoil and that she is the one. only she can stop the evil bad guys who threaten the galaxy.


Emergency Rooms see this all the time. Get her some anti-psychotics and she'll be back to her old self in no time.

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I saw it in 3D for free over the weekend. It's even worse than any of you first assumed. Some plot points in this just don't make any sense at all, the dialogue was downright cringe-worthy at moments, and I'm still questioning the significance of her being "space royalty" or whatever.


The over-the-top action was pretty entertaining though. I have an eye muscle problem in one of my eyes, and as a result, 3D usually gives me a headache, but this time it wasn't a problem. Some of the set designs were neat.

People clapped when the credits rolled and I was just :facepalm:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Everyone is shitting on this film, but it's a huge hit outside the US, and the #1 movie in some countries.

Find it baffling the universal panning it's got. Watched it this afternoon and really enjoyed it. Far less cringeworthy than I expected.

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Everyone is shitting on this film, but it's a huge hit outside the US, and the #1 movie in some countries.

Find it baffling the universal panning it's got. Watched it this afternoon and really enjoyed it. Far less cringeworthy than I expected.



So how did the guy spend the money he got from convincing his cousin to sell her eggs before he got the check after she bailed from surgery? It's a family of house cleaners. They don't have five grand sitting around...

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Everyone is shitting on this film, but it's a huge hit outside the US, and the #1 movie in some countries.

Find it baffling the universal panning it's got. Watched it this afternoon and really enjoyed it. Far less cringeworthy than I expected.

So how did the guy spend the money he got from convincing his cousin to sell her eggs before he got the check after she bailed from surgery? It's a family of house cleaners. They don't have five grand sitting around...

From a loan shark?

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Everyone is shitting on this film, but it's a huge hit outside the US, and the #1 movie in some countries.

Find it baffling the universal panning it's got. Watched it this afternoon and really enjoyed it. Far less cringeworthy than I expected.

So how did the guy spend the money he got from convincing his cousin to sell her eggs before he got the check after she bailed from surgery? It's a family of house cleaners. They don't have five grand sitting around...

From a loan shark?



Generally, when telling a story, one should actually explain how things get done in the story...

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