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New Year's Resolutions: 2014


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Made some goals for 2014. This year was a good one but incomplete, so I've actively begun a major individual transition in my work and hobbies.
Love for others to share their goals. Maybe turn this into a "First World Successes" highlights thread as the year goes? WATMM
Here it goes for me:
1 : Contribute mostly personal content (in all forms). Tiny niche of uniqueness > massive flash-in-the-pan attention. Curate tumblr and blog instead of haphazardly sharing existing media.
2: ^Get "found sound" cassette tape blog up and running; all from eclectic personal collection. Mostly ready, just need to launch it after I get a head start in digitizing a few dozen such tapes.
3: Record. Telling my friends IRL to kick me in the ass if I haven't committed a finished track to tape by February.
4: Job stuff (vagueness for now, sorry this a bit private but I have a big career shift in the works right now)
5: Sell, purge, consolidate. Replace lesser mementos with photos and scans. Too many little things that simply trigger memory taking up too much space at my house.
6: Less internet. Or at least more focused. Less quick skimming, superficial interaction, and more substantive use of my time online. I've also nixed getting a tablet and smartphone to help me with this.
(Louis CK's thoughts on texting resonated with me, had them already but not nearly as articulate and well-framed)
7: Mustache? (why not) also like more consistent working out and stuff.
8: Dubbing a tape release for my friend. If goes well, getting tape label up and running.
9: Getting my physical music collection archived, organized, and up on @discogs for selling/trading. (Part of #5)
10: Keep on keeping on with friends and family (and really, those are basically one and the same for me) and live in general. Maintaining positive outlook and still striving to be less cynicism/futile anger. Experiences and interaction are invaluable.


Basically, my 2014 ethos:


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resolution - nada. I tried them once, it made me feel dirty. For you it's ok, but i'm not a list ticking achiever so why be a list writing dreamer.


Cool beans. Mine are pretty specific too because in general I'm a content person.

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I do not wait for a superficial date to achieve something; when I want to change something to better myself, I intend to do it instantly, or start working towards a realistic implementation from this moment.


p.e. I want to wake up at 05:30 so that I can do my yoga routine before work and start the day energized. Instead of waiting for a certain date, I wake up earlier each morning, so that I am at that point where I want to be.


Not saying that your resolutions aren't bad (hell, I could do with some of your suggestions myself, most especially the art one), but yeah :cisfor:

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Not sure if I could call them NYRs, as I've been planning them for the past couple months at least, but here's some things I hope to accomplish next year:

1. Shed about 50 lbs
2. Buy a new laptop (HP with an i7 processor specifically)
3. Move out of Alaska (by May)
4. Get a new job (around same time as Number 3)
5. Play Routine (if it'll be finished and released by then)

I can't guarantee a 100% follow thru tho

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Guest disparaissant

pretty much just quit smoking once and for all, and don't restart ever again.


i'm not making this resolution because it's new years, though. it's just been fucking cold out, and i'm spending way too much money on cigarettes. once finals are over and i get past the worst of the christmas shopping time at work, i think i'll be in a good spot to quit. no school, less stress at work, that oughtta do the trick.

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Great thread. Seriously. First post was inspiring, including the Vonnegut bit.


Here are my vague-ish resolutions that I just thought of in the last 5 minutes:


1) be more productive musically


2) less internet, more IRL


3) gain 15 lbs


4) try to claim my life back from bipolar (ha, if only)

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Guest disparaissant


4) try to claim my life back from bipolar (ha, if only)

ugh that's a good one too.


though i am not doing too bad atm.

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Great thread. Seriously. First post was inspiring, including the Vonnegut bit.


Here are my vague-ish resolutions that I just thought of in the last 5 minutes:


1) be more productive musically


2) less internet, more IRL


3) gain 15 lbs


4) try to claim my life back from bipolar (ha, if only)

Ditto with the first two


If I could donate 15 of my libbz, it would be a win-win

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Great thread. Seriously. First post was inspiring, including the Vonnegut bit.


Here are my vague-ish resolutions that I just thought of in the last 5 minutes:


1) be more productive musically


2) less internet, more IRL


3) gain 15 lbs


4) try to claim my life back from bipolar (ha, if only)

Ditto with the first two


If I could donate 15 of my libbz, it would be a win-win



What's your address...I'll be right over


*grabs rusty old hand saw*





4) try to claim my life back from bipolar (ha, if only)

ugh that's a good one too.


though i am not doing too bad atm.



Good to hear, comrade.


I've given up on trying to smooth things out

and rather decided to just try and brace for the rollercoaster-ness.

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Guest disparaissant

can't decide really, 3800*1950 seems very attractive but then 2000*1200 is not too shabby either (contemplating 5200*3600 as well but it just seems too much).

i c wut u did thar


i'll stick with 2880x1800 for 2014 i think

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Great thread. Seriously. First post was inspiring, including the Vonnegut bit.


Here are my vague-ish resolutions that I just thought of in the last 5 minutes:


1) be more productive musically


2) less internet, more IRL


3) gain 15 lbs


4) try to claim my life back from bipolar (ha, if only)

Ditto with the first two


If I could donate 15 of my libbz, it would be a win-win



What's your address...I'll be right over


*grabs rusty old hand saw*




Sorry but I'm keepin' mah limbs. Plus the WATMM rules regarding private info and all that.


Liposuction is expensive as hell tho I'm sure

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6: Less internet. Or at least more focused. Less quick skimming, superficial interaction, and more substantive use of my time online. I've also nixed getting a tablet and smartphone to help me with this.





I've trimmed my mobile data right down. And it will stay that way until at least May.


So I'm hoping to write a novel in 2014.


Incidentally. I strongly recommend Habit Streak Plan (for android) as a nice little incentive to starting good habits and ending bad ones. I find it helpful to see my habits ticked off everyday and, if you falter, you're left with a score to beat.


I haven't smoked in 39 days. And I've arrived at work early or on time 23 of 28 working days, with my best streak being 11 days.

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I don't make New Years Resolutions as such, but I kind of have goals for the year. The only difference is the name really, but it's less strain then having to make a whole bunch of changes as soon as the clock strikes 12.


I've done pretty well the last few years. My goal for 2012 was to lose weight, so I started eating healthier and hit the gym. Lost 18kg. My goal for 2013 was to be happy before end of year. At this point I've never been happier in my life, so that was pretty much a success.


My 2014 goals I'm not too sure yet. I'm thinking I want to become fitter. I'm at a good weight, but I'd like to become more athletic, so I'm going to cycle a lot more, do some long rides, run more and take up doing weights. Maybe do a half marathon with the goal of a full marathon 2015?

It's probably about time to get my driving license. I did all the lessons a couple years back but never got around to doing the test, so I'll freshen up and pass that next year.

I think I might call it a day with frequenting forums too (cue cheers). It's fun and all but I don't really get along with current userbase and it's a bit of a distraction at work. I'm getting involved with growing my business next year with the aim of doubling all our contracts before year end, it's a big step for me as it's a side of the business I've not dipped into properly, but I'm excited and want to prove myself. The less distraction from this stuff the better.


So yeah, I guess it's continual self improvement.

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Complete and release software I'm currently working on


Stop smoking (I've got no holiday until end of June so I've no excuse - why are holidays always my excuse?)


Continually run outside in prep for a few half marathons in 2014 and a full one in 2015


That's about it for now. The top one is a biggie for me.

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Maybe do a half marathon with the goal of a full marathon 2015?



Continually run outside in prep for a few half marathons in 2014 and a full one in 2015


*high five*

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6: Less internet. Or at least more focused. Less quick skimming, superficial interaction, and more substantive use of my time online. I've also nixed getting a tablet and smartphone to help me with this.





I've trimmed my mobile data right down. And it will stay that way until at least May.


So I'm hoping to write a novel in 2014.


Incidentally. I strongly recommend Habit Streak Plan (for android) as a nice little incentive to starting good habits and ending bad ones. I find it helpful to see my habits ticked off everyday and, if you falter, you're left with a score to beat.


I haven't smoked in 39 days. And I've arrived at work early or on time 23 of 28 working days, with my best streak being 11 days.


its pathetic, the only reason i use it a lot is because i'm not happy with my work and my job situation, if i get in a good streak of making things the internet is the last thing on my mind. i also find in terms of inspiration the internet can be helpful but very easy to over load your mind with ideas sans content.


""As a former addict, Will Self is acutely aware of the internet’s potential power to lure users into cul-de-sacs of distraction. “It fulfils the criteria of addiction, which is obsessive mental content connected to compulsive action,” he says. “The machine itself seems like a paradigm of the addictive state. I can see it as something that needs to be put down the way an alcoholic puts down drink.” "

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