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"Cop Murders Unarmed Civilian" Thread


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There are counterexamples - my friend's roommate in NYC was beat up outside and called a faggot outside of a gay bar last week. For whatever reason, he waited until today to go to the cops, and they sent 3 officers to investigate the scene with a detective, getting footage from nearby security cams, etc.

In a way I blame the news. There are so many problems with the way information is distributed. You won't hear about the good stuff. You also only hear fleetingly about police budgets being slashed, forcing departments to take younger, more marginal members. It's a shitty job and there's very little reward for doing it well.

I think the best course of action is adding police oversight and reforming bad policies like Stop & Frisk. Bad police shouldn't have badges & guns. And I have no idea how to break up old boys' shitty cop clubs in the South, which are their own special corner of hell. But I feel like the news makes everything into Us & Them and somehow profits from divisions in humanity. Good people, bad people; good cops, bad cops; it's the same thing.

What also might account for shitty cop behavior is the amount of shitty people they have to deal with. This sounds awfully misanthropic, I know. But if you imagine what cops have to deal with on a day to day basis, I could understand why some of them act like complete jerks. How often would a cop be treated with respect? For any jerk cop, there's 10 jerk civilians the jerk cop has to deal with on a daily basis.


Hell, here in Holland even the personnel on ambulances have to deal with shitty behavior when they try to do their work. It's not uncommon they get obstructed or attacked even by bystanders around here. Some people just don't accept *any* kind of authority, it seems. Cops, firemen, ambulance people, you name it. They're all under the scrutiny of people not respecting their authority.

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Breaking news:


Some police corrupt as in any other proffession.


Other news:


Limpyloo wins oscar for best performance in his role as the Nancy Grace of watmm.





I'll keep this post in mind for next time you are bothered by some aspect of the world.

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There are counterexamples - my friend's roommate in NYC was beat up outside and called a faggot outside of a gay bar last week. For whatever reason, he waited until today to go to the cops, and they sent 3 officers to investigate the scene with a detective, getting footage from nearby security cams, etc.

In a way I blame the news. There are so many problems with the way information is distributed. You won't hear about the good stuff. You also only hear fleetingly about police budgets being slashed, forcing departments to take younger, more marginal members. It's a shitty job and there's very little reward for doing it well.

I think the best course of action is adding police oversight and reforming bad policies like Stop & Frisk. Bad police shouldn't have badges & guns. And I have no idea how to break up old boys' shitty cop clubs in the South, which are their own special corner of hell. But I feel like the news makes everything into Us & Them and somehow profits from divisions in humanity. Good people, bad people; good cops, bad cops; it's the same thing.

What also might account for shitty cop behavior is the amount of shitty people they have to deal with. This sounds awfully misanthropic, I know. But if you imagine what cops have to deal with on a day to day basis, I could understand why some of them act like complete jerks. How often would a cop be treated with respect? For any jerk cop, there's 10 jerk civilians the jerk cop has to deal with on a daily basis.


Hell, here in Holland even the personnel on ambulances have to deal with shitty behavior when they try to do their work. It's not uncommon they get obstructed or attacked even by bystanders around here. Some people just don't accept *any* kind of authority, it seems. Cops, firemen, ambulance people, you name it. They're all under the scrutiny of people not respecting their authority.



eh, dealing with massive jerks isn't an excuse to act like a jerk yourself in any other profession (ever worked customer service or at a call center? even mouthing off a little bit usually gets you fired), so i wouldn't give cops any leeway on that point. they know they aren't going to be rescuing puppies every day.

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The thing to consider here is what acting like a jerk actually means. If it means "murdering innocent civilians" I stand corrected. I admit not following the actual topic and siding off into a more general direction.


But besides murdering innocent civilians there's a huge gray area. And cops might not be as easily fired as people in a call center, or mcdonalds, because it takes a little more effort and training to be a cop. It's not like there are plenty people who could instantly fill in for fired cops, right? I don't think it's the same. And the same holds for any job where there aren't a group of people instantly available to fill up the gaps. (Sounds awful, but you know what i mean)

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Also, the police is not comparable to customer service, right? Comparing being a cop to working in customer service? Hey Luke, have you been stuck by the consumer society bug? If the cops ask you to stop, it's not that they're going to give you service, right? They should treat you with some kind of respect, but that also depends on why a cop would even bother to ask you to stop. They are law enforcers, right? See that word enforcer? Might sound disrespectful, but it's there for a reason and it has a fundamental function.

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"This message was brought to you by the Netherlands. The Netherlands are a world wide company, providing services, goods and rationality by way of capitalism since 1568"


Also: dude, you called me dude.

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Breaking news:


Some police corrupt as in any other proffession.


Other news:


Limpyloo wins oscar for best performance in his role as the Nancy Grace of watmm.




I'll keep this post in mind for next time you are bothered by some aspect of the world.



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Also, the police is not comparable to customer service, right? Comparing being a cop to working in customer service? Hey Luke, have you been stuck by the consumer society bug? If the cops ask you to stop, it's not that they're going to give you service, right? They should treat you with some kind of respect, but that also depends on why a cop would even bother to ask you to stop. They are law enforcers, right? See that word enforcer? Might sound disrespectful, but it's there for a reason and it has a fundamental function.


eh3, that was just an example of "any other profession" that deals with jerks. the word enforcer isn't disrespectful to me, i dunno. just wanted to question the idea that's it's alright to be a dickface on the job because you deal with people who don't respect you or try to question your authority or whatever. no other profession that i know of gets that privilege so i'm not gonna give it to cops, that's all

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Some people just don't accept *any* kind of authority, it seems. Cops, firemen, ambulance people, you name it. They're all under the scrutiny of people not respecting their authority.


Yes! i was a door man at a venue /pub and i had to check ID's and i got so much shitty attitude from dickheads simply for having some form of authority. theyd walk in the door and its like fuck you. i didnt even get to see their IDs yet.

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Yes2! Another profession with that kind of 'priviledge' is door man, or rather, bouncer.


Seems like authority implies also some sort of privilege?


Eh4, and the point was -and still is- that being a law enforcer is simply not comparable to "any other profession". And yes, there are limits to acting like a jerk. But those limits shouldn't be the same for all of those any other professions. Being a law enforcer is certainly not just another kind of profession.


Again, I'm not arguing that we should accept every bit of dick behavior of law enforcers. I'm only arguing that their function implies having different boundaries on what types of behavior should be allowed. If law enforcers were only allowed to act like cashiers, there wouldn't be much law enforced would there?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest fiznuthian

Kansas could make it a felony to report unfounded allegations of police abuse




First, it lets officers who are the subject of complaints avoid answering questions until they’re given the complaint with all documenting evidence in its entirety. Second, the bill would prohibit any police agency from investigating a complaint against an officer if another police agency has already found the complaint to be without merit.



Well.. never going to Kansas ever again.

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Guest fiznuthian



Hey I know there are two of us pinning you on the ground, but here let me just snap your fucking arm too.


Well, i'll admit that was.. maybe excessive. Or even certainly quite excessive.

I also have a strong distaste for unruly, belligerent, mindless punks that stir up trouble and violence.


That video really jerks me both ways.. :cry:

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Hey I know there are two of us pinning you on the ground, but here let me just snap your fucking arm too.


Well, i'll admit that was.. maybe excessive. Or even certainly quite excessive.

I also have a strong distaste for unruly, belligerent, mindless punks that stir up trouble and violence.


That video really jerks me both ways.. :cry:



Sometimes people do stupid shit. This doesn't mean that they need to be tortured. It was completely unnecessary, and a very high level of abuse.

The amount of effort that is required to snap someones arm like that is high. He decided to punish this person physically. That is not his job. His job is to defuse the situation. To SERVE AND PROTECT. Not to harm. I hope this kid gets a million and this cop gets jail time.


When you side with people like this you enable this problem. please reavulate your position.


Kansas could make it a felony to report unfounded allegations of police abuse




First, it lets officers who are the subject of complaints avoid answering questions until they’re given the complaint with all documenting evidence in its entirety. Second, the bill would prohibit any police agency from investigating a complaint against an officer if another police agency has already found the complaint to be without merit.



Well.. never going to Kansas ever again.


It should be a felony for police officers to file false charges, and they should all be held criminally liable if they do such a thing. It is RAMPANT in this country.

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Guest fiznuthian






Hey I know there are two of us pinning you on the ground, but here let me just snap your fucking arm too.

Well, i'll admit that was.. maybe excessive. Or even certainly quite excessive.

I also have a strong distaste for unruly, belligerent, mindless punks that stir up trouble and violence.


That video really jerks me both ways.. :cry:

Sometimes people do stupid shit. This doesn't mean that they need to be tortured. It was completely unnecessary, and a very high level of abuse.

The amount of effort that is required to snap someones arm like that is high. He decided to punish this person physically. That is not his job. His job is to defuse the situation. To SERVE AND PROTECT. Not to harm. I hope this kid gets a million and this cop gets jail time.


When you side with people like this you enable this problem. please reavulate your position.

Kansas could make it a felony to report unfounded allegations of police abuse



First, it lets officers who are the subject of complaints avoid answering questions until they’re given the complaint with all documenting evidence in its entirety. Second, the bill would prohibit any police agency from investigating a complaint against an officer if another police agency has already found the complaint to be without merit.


Well.. never going to Kansas ever again.

It should be a felony for police officers to file false charges, and they should all be held criminally liable if they do such a thing. It is RAMPANT in this country.

I know Adi, I'm not condoning that shit at all. He clearly was in a position to try handcuffs or just holding for a while. I just find it really hard to sympathize with instigators.

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Why? You don't know why he was doing what he was doing. School and teachers are a bunch of cunts with stupid rules and they treat students like shit. Who knows why he was upset. 50 years ago we didn't have police officers in schools breaking kids arms for getting into fights. That's a shitty environment in which to exist.


Personally, I'm sickened by this types of behavior, and its prevalence is alarming to me. I don't feel safe in this country, but terrorist are the last thing I'm worried about.

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Guest fiznuthian

Why? You don't know why he was doing what he was doing. School and teachers are a bunch of cunts with stupid rules and they treat students like shit. Who knows why he was upset. 50 years ago we didn't have police officers in schools breaking kids arms for getting into fights. That's a shitty environment in which to exist.


Personally, I'm sickened by this types of behavior, and its prevalence is alarming to me. I don't feel safe in this country, but terrorist are the last thing I'm worried about.


I mean, I agree the cop was being a piece of shit like a lot of them do these days. I disagree about the teachers though. I had some really good ones in my day, despite massive under-funding. I'm sure there's some bad ones out there too.



Did the kid deserve to get his arm broken? No. Could he have resolved his problems without swinging his arms around at people or fighting in general? Probably, and he wouldn't have had to deal with the ass hat cop.

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Guest fiznuthian

I have another cop thing to complain about here.. Or judicial complaint I guess. Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty", or presumption of innocence?
I was reading through this thread on reddit, where a few lawyers chimed in to give advice. I can't but feel like their advice completely revolves around the idea that in the case of self-defense, you need to do everything possible to eliminate the idea that you're guilty in court.

It kind of makes me sick in a way. When you have to worry about every little word you say, and which lawyer you call, and which rights you invoke on the scene and how you invoke them. Otherwise you're fucked both ways in court and will end up in jail.

Then there's the people talking about getting DUIs, without even drinking alcohol. What in the fucking fuck?

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Guest fiznuthian

Oh my fucking god




If this is pushing the limit of our rules mods, feel free to remove. It's not terribly graphic, but the police definitely killed the guy. I think the video, in the context of our discussion in this thread, needs to be seen by the general public.


Edit: He is not killed on the scene, but later died in the hospital after being in critical condition.



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