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I want to kill the world


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Meh. I'm working on xmas this year. My family is shitting bricks about it and the fact that they care brings a wistful tear to my fucking eye.




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I usually set an example by not buying gifts, flying home, or decorating, lol.


at this point almost everyone in my life gets it, treats me in kind, and it works out great. I do enjoy trying to be altruistic in the dead of winter though, when most people are pissed and getting depressed about things, so I try to do something nice for strangers on or around Christmas (usually donating something to a shelter or charity in the neighborhood). One year I just brought a bunch of food I had made for my stoned self to a couple homeless people behind the grocery store and we sat and got drunk together and told stories. The old woman puked into a shoe. They had a nice time, and some do-gooders came by and gave us all homeless gifts. A little Christian kid sheepishly came up and gave me a sweater, lol. I couldn't say no.


I'm sure there were some hard feelings the first few years I did this, but now it's just a hassle-free Christmas season and people don't waste money buying me garbage. I don't suspect that receiving gifts actually makes most people feel loved or nice about themselves when they just expect to receive the things annually anyway, so I'd rather disappoint briefly and break the spell.




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people expect too much sometimes. feels like everyone is putting off some superficial performance. so much wasted money and getting wrapped up in the consumerist bullshit is tiring. just wanna enjoy the time off.


a woman i know had this cute gift idea her and her husband do. they look for each other's belongings around the house that may have been forgotten or neglected, like in the back of the closet or whatever, and exchange that. people already have shit that they don't even use. enjoy what you have rather than always wanting more.

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lol we don't do christmas over here. Well i'm going to cook a turkey cause it tastes nice and i've a day off, the effort could be considered a gift for my brother, but i cook all the time and sometimes he eats it so. Anyway, no trinkets will be exchanged.


As for glunk and her contentions about pointless stuff. I'm not part of the stuff cult, and don't have very much stuff. Perhaps i need to see a therapist about that ;-p Of course being poor helps a lot if you want to opt out of the stuff brigade.


I am quite happy that the days are getting shorter now, which means it'll eventually cool off a little. Blessed that fact.

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