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[Seattle] - Bonkers presents: WISP!

Guest Retrig

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We are incredibly honored to announce that we will once again be having Wisp out for our February 7th Bonkers! night


I'll update with details as they are hammered out.


Re-Bar, Seattle. 21+


Merry Christmas! See you there!

Oh, did I mention we'll also be having WATMM's Face Culler there as well? ABSOLUTELY BONKERS!




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This is gonna be fun, thank you for bringing some braindance to the Emerald City, Retrig!

:D Trust me, we're just as thrilled and excited!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Final bump! 3 days away and this is going to be hot! Again, tell the door person "We Miss You" for $2 off at the Seattle show.

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Can I bring a quart of ale for Reid? Odd question, I know - I just don't want to offend anyone/get kicked out. It's just a gift from me and some friends coming, we brewed it so it would be ready for the show.

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Audioblysk, yes, please do! If you don't mind leaving it in a vehicle until you get a chance to talk to me that would be great (assuming you're bringing a vehicle). I don't think it will be a problem to bring it in, but we'll want to ask the staff first (we have a really good relationship with them).

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btw super pumped about this beer. can't wait, need a wait mate.

West Coast Pale Ale style. It's not the heaviest (5.1%) but it's easy to drink and has a smooth malty finish. We were hoping to have the Honey Amber Ale finished, but it's not in the cards with recent happenings... Either way, we figured it'd be a good way to welcome you back to our corner of the country!


Oh, and Audioblysk, I'll be the guy with the broken foot and long, curly mop head.

I'll make sure to introduce myself and guests this time. No social anxiety, NO FEAR.


-- Super pumped for this!!!

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Easily one of the best shows I have been to in years. Black Hat had a really cool vibe to his set, super relaxing. Face Culler you were zaz blammy matazz and I cannot believe I've never checked your music out . Shit was bonkers.


Reid got down, all new or non-label released tunes from what I heard. I was not 21 when you came by last like 6 or so years ago, this time made up for it.


It was nice to meet all y'all, I felt the love! Enjoy the beer and stuffz for Bonkers P-Town. Come back to Seattle as soon as you can, there will be way more beer and party favors next time!!!


edit: before I forget, thanks to Chris, Troy, Eric and all involved with BONKERS, you guys are doing something so damn cool it makes us Seattleite electronic nerds feel spoiled. I want to try to get some of my new music ready and play a slot some day :emotawesomepm9:

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Man this show was so killer. Reid's set was amazing; constant stream of top notch tracks. I was really impressed with all the local guys as well I'm definitely gonna check them all out.


Also nice Ceephax tshirt Retrig :)

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Guest W32MyDoom

Awesome show! Thanks bonkers crew for putting it all together. Face Culler brought the house down! And Wisp! So cool to meet everyone in person.

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