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HELP with some headphones, please!

Guest Rulohead32

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why are people suggesting open backed headphones? unless you want to seriously annoy everybody on the bus (or wherever else you maybe be apart from your studio) don't get open backed. the problem ain't that they let in sound, it's that they fucking pump it out and you will be plagued with glares and tapped on the shoulder repeatedly by people asking you to shut that goddam noise up.


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Guest Rulohead32
why are people suggesting open backed headphones? unless you want to seriously annoy everybody on the bus (or wherever else you maybe be apart from your studio) don't get open backed. the problem ain't that they let in sound, it's that they fucking pump it out and you will be plagued with glares and tapped on the shoulder repeatedly by people asking you to shut that goddam noise up.


So, no Sennheiser hd 239? Ok, the main reason i doubted about them was that one.


(sent from my not-Apple device using Talk That Talk Deluxe Edition)



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because they sound better.


open phones don't necessarily "sound better" at all - like everything, it entirely depends on what you're doing with them and also your own personal taste of course. open phones traditionally have a larger sound stage and offer excellent frequency response and dynamics - hence their usage in studio environments and also sometimes for home listening. the op however is asking for phones which would be best for a number of scenarios, one of the main ones being to use them on public transport. open phones are entirely the wrong choice for this for a number of reasons, chiefly huge sound leakage to the outside world - the phones are "open" after all. closed phones are definitely what the op should be considering for the uses stated in his opening post.


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Thanks for explaining. I was too lazy. The Op asked the "audiophiles", therefore I thought an open System would be Best.

If the Pricerange of the Op was a little larger, I would recommend some Beyers or the HD 25-1 II, which is my weapon of choice this year. Highly recommended for everyday usage. thank you.

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why are people suggesting open backed headphones? unless you want to seriously annoy everybody on the bus (or wherever else you maybe be apart from your studio) don't get open backed. the problem ain't that they let in sound, it's that they fucking pump it out and you will be plagued with glares and tapped on the shoulder repeatedly by people asking you to shut that goddam noise up.


I don't know about Barcelona, but here in the south people is noisy by default, so it's not that much of an issue

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did you ever get the same problem with the volume pot? my friend and i had this happen to three pairs between the both of us.

no, not yet, but i wouldn't be surprised if they busted eventually considering the price.


side note: i own a pair of akg k240s but i would never consider wearing them outside

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Guest Rulohead32

Nevermind, I already bought them. Deep and heavy bass, but also more brilliant treble, the only thing the treble it's a bit lighter.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest jasondonervan

When I want to make music, or just listen to tunes at home alone when it's quiet I use my open back AKG headphones.




Now these sound utterly heavenly, but if you try to wear them on the bus/ outside or if there are things going on around you, you can hear all that stuff too, so they're only any good when you're somewhere quiet.


K-701? I'm considering grabbing a pair myself, just for home listening. Are they worth the price (about £150)?

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When I want to make music, or just listen to tunes at home alone when it's quiet I use my open back AKG headphones.




Now these sound utterly heavenly, but if you try to wear them on the bus/ outside or if there are things going on around you, you can hear all that stuff too, so they're only any good when you're somewhere quiet.


K-701? I'm considering grabbing a pair myself, just for home listening. Are they worth the price (about £150)?


Some folks love the 701s and some people find them unbalanced and overly bright. It's really a love or hate headphone. Definitely audition before buying.



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Guest jasondonervan

Cheers baph. Unfortunately it's tricky to find somewhere to audition gear like this locally these days. Might just order a pair, see how it goes and return them if they're not for me.

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Guest disparaissant

actually i had these once and for the price they're pretty impressive:




the catch is that the volume pot tends to go on them after a while, you'll spend some time finding the "sweet spot" so that they friggin work properly. but for less than $20 you could save a lot of cash for some other gear.


i'm not exactly an audiophile but i think they're surprisingly balanced.

i like these too, for on-the-go stuff. or i used to, anyhow. haven't had a pair in a while. for out of the house listening i actually don't hate the earpods that came with my phone. only earbuds i've had that sound okay and fit in my ear without feeling weird. plus the whole phone functionality with the remote thing.

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Headphone subforum.




It's always good to get people's opinions again and again. I'm actually serious, you find out whose are broked and whose are still going strong. We all need earphones!!!

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I got a pair of these (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002VPDOHS/ref=oh_details_o07_s01_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) a couple of years ago, and they've served me quite well. They fold up so their storage footprint is smaller than most. They also block outside sounds reasonably well, yet they don't bleed much sound out to offend others. I'm not sure how well they'd block consistently loud sounds, as I usually used them in quieter environments (school libraries, coffeeshops, etc). I quite enjoy the quality of their sound; though it's not perfect, it is pretty well rounded with plenty of bass and a rather crisp high end as well.

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K-701? I'm considering grabbing a pair myself, just for home listening. Are they worth the price (about £150)?

Some folks love the 701s and some people find them unbalanced and overly bright. It's really a love or hate headphone. Definitely audition before buying.
Unbalanced and overly heavy?! Woah, I've never read that - they're the flattest headphones I've owned. I've had my 701s for almost 5 years now and they're still an utter joy to use daily. When/if they ever break I'm going to stick with exactly the same model again (possible might get the later 702 but that's only as it has the detachable mini xlr cable whereas my 701 headphone cable is hardwired in and is always the most vulnerable part of any headphones).


But for £150 you really won't regret it (i think I bought my pair for just over £250 and don't regret paying that much either!)

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Guest jasondonervan



K-701? I'm considering grabbing a pair myself, just for home listening. Are they worth the price (about £150)?

Some folks love the 701s and some people find them unbalanced and overly bright. It's really a love or hate headphone. Definitely audition before buying.
Unbalanced and overly heavy?! Woah, I've never read that - they're the flattest headphones I've owned. I've had my 701s for almost 5 years now and they're still an utter joy to use daily. When/if they ever break I'm going to stick with exactly the same model again (possible might get the later 702 but that's only as it has the detachable mini xlr cable whereas my 701 headphone cable is hardwired in and is always the most vulnerable part of any headphones).


But for £150 you really won't regret it (i think I bought my pair for just over £250 and don't regret paying that much either!)



Now mulling over 701s or 702s. As far as I can tell, a detachable cable on the 702s is the only difference? Sound quality aside, I kinda prefer the colour on the 701s (reminds me of my Dad's old indestructable pair he used for years).

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Guest jasondonervan

Aye, that's the only difference. I'd personally go for the one with the detachable cable (702) for easier long term maintenance.


£60 difference for the privilege - I reckon it's worth the risk to stick with the 701s.

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