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2014 Predictions


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I will brush my teeth (at least) once this year.

Justin bieber, shrillex and somebody else die because of food poisoning.

Meteorite strike the day before the release of the new boc EP.



There will be no upswing for a long time. But that's not the same as being in a recession. At least, if you follow the technical definition. The emotional definition would indeed be resulting in the feeling of a prolonged recession.

As far as us economy is concerned, on some levels it's doing pretty good actually. It's growing faster than estimated. And that's exactly where the concerns are as well. If you look at the stockmarket and it's growth, people are concerned if there are big new bubbles which allow these growthnumbers. And to some degree I personally think there are.

The biggest problem at this point in us economy, imo, is that a huge part of the population completely misses out on the created wealth at the top. The solution? Taxing seems obvious, but as long as money can flow through those tax free off shore accounts, it wont do much. So a set of globally shared taxation rules seems like a necessity to tackle problems like this. O, and the minimal wages thing, of course.

But my economic predictions for 2014: more or less the same, but slightly better. Some small bubble might burst here and there, but they wont be nearly as devastating as the housing bubble. They'll be local and limited to a small set of losers. But in the end, growth without an upswing.

the one and only problem in modern society is overpopulation. We are too many.
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I'm certainly not in Bread's camp re: zeitgeist, though emotionally we're probably not far apart.


As I said I don't think it'll necessarily be "the end of the world", it may just be Disneyland Earth. Or Star Trek earth. Does anyone actually get turned on by the depictions of the perfect future society shown on Star Trek? (well that was rhetorical, my ex-gf who was an MIT engineer loved everything clean and sterile and well-lit...one reason we broke up, heh. Her idea of paradise was Starbuck's).


Even though I'm getting fat and old, I still want to be some kind of pioneer. Go somewhere no-one has ever been, do something completely dirty and "backwards" and "wrong", choose Y when everyone says X, etc. Just see and do something new and different, not something that has been GPSed and Facebooked to death. Be original, stake some kind of claim, be swallowed by misfortune, whatever...


And I know it sounds more than a bit teenagery and "end of times", but there is a difference with past generations. I'm not saying we'll be swallowed in fire. In fact I think everyone would enjoy it if we somehow ended up in a sexy Fallout world with mutants and makeshift weapons. That's obviously not going to happen. We'll either die with a whimper (cancer from pollution, for example), or go into a long gray, comfortable twilight, trapped in Habitrail earth, but with no needs that aren't being met (apart from the constant eyeball-gouging urge to break through into somewhere...else).


Not like I'm saying anything new, I think we all realize this, no? Why do people watch Breaking Bad or Anthony Bourdain? They are still attached to the romantic idea of the "lone outlaw being able to buck the system", or the "chef who was a junkie but now explores uncharted (but actually completely charted) places". Or even better, Bear Grylls, the completely phony faux-survivalist. It's the only sort of escapism we have left. Actually in order to be mentally healthy it's supposed to be the opposite, right? Suffer in life, with entertainment (or God) to remind us of the good things in life (or afterlife). But our success has inverted all of that.


Hate to be serious about it though as it's definitely "1st world problems", and we should all just be happy to have health and someone who loves us. But then there's that little voice...

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O Lumpy, you're not jumping onto the endgames train as well, I hope? Why? Things change, but end? The only reason to hold onto that end idea, is some attachment to the present. Things will change and keep on changing, as they have always been. And people have been fearfull for endgames since the birth of religions long time ago.


Things end all the time, godel. Don't fear the reaper.


Even if you won't help capitalism die, at least let it go quickly. It's the humane thing to do.


My prediction: more ecological-socialist-agenda folk proverbs from luke viia.

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Huh, do you think im fearful of a reaper?


And what is exactly the difference between saying that things change all the time and things end all the time? Or were you basically echoing in agreement?


Edit: i think theres a distinction between the end game idea and the notion that things end all the time. Following the latter, we always would have been in some kind of endgame.

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I'm just being facetious, but yes, echoing in agreement... if you're in agreement that letting a contagious infection die is better than keeping it around simply because we've spent too much time nursing it.


I think you got that. I'd like to eat the rich already. I'd be more specific but I'm trying to be facetious.

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Just to clarify, I don't think my powers of prediction are all that - I actually really hope something dramatically unexpected comes out of left field to reshape everything. The internet certainly did. I'm hoping there will be some other kind of game changer before I die. Maybe in the field of genetics, or uploading our brains to computers, or warping space and time...


Or maybe the overlords will come and escort our children off to become pan-dimensional beings...



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the one and only problem in modern society is overpopulation. We are too many.

Are you implying that it's impossible to live in some kind of sustainable balance on this planet with this amount of people?

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the one and only problem in modern society is overpopulation. We are too many.

Are you implying that it's impossible to live in some kind of sustainable balance on this planet with this amount of people?


yes, there are not enough recourses. Unless we somehow manage to produce/get more (which I reckon we can't). This means that eventually, if we don't solve the problem. The problem will solve itself.


edit: tapatalk wot let me quote your post for some reason.. meh.

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Ok, so it's not impossible if we find some solutions. Read: solutions are a possibility.


And if there are no solutions, the problem will fix itself? ( death and destruction)


There is one certainty: there will be some balance of some kind. We might not know where it is, at this point. But there will be one.


(And i reckon we can!)

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O Lumpy, you're not jumping onto the endgames train as well, I hope? Why? Things change, but end? The only reason to hold onto that end idea, is some attachment to the present. Things will change and keep on changing, as they have always been. And people have been fearfull for endgames since the birth of religions long time ago.


Things end all the time, godel. Don't fear the reaper.


Even if you won't help capitalism die, at least let it go quickly. It's the humane thing to do.


My prediction: more ecological-socialist-agenda folk proverbs from luke viia.


Capitalism is too adaptable to die.

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Guest zaphod

I'm certainly not in Bread's camp re: zeitgeist, though emotionally we're probably not far apart.


As I said I don't think it'll necessarily be "the end of the world", it may just be Disneyland Earth. Or Star Trek earth. Does anyone actually get turned on by the depictions of the perfect future society shown on Star Trek? (well that was rhetorical, my ex-gf who was an MIT engineer loved everything clean and sterile and well-lit...one reason we broke up, heh. Her idea of paradise was Starbuck's).


Even though I'm getting fat and old, I still want to be some kind of pioneer. Go somewhere no-one has ever been, do something completely dirty and "backwards" and "wrong", choose Y when everyone says X, etc. Just see and do something new and different, not something that has been GPSed and Facebooked to death. Be original, stake some kind of claim, be swallowed by misfortune, whatever...


And I know it sounds more than a bit teenagery and "end of times", but there is a difference with past generations. I'm not saying we'll be swallowed in fire. In fact I think everyone would enjoy it if we somehow ended up in a sexy Fallout world with mutants and makeshift weapons. That's obviously not going to happen. We'll either die with a whimper (cancer from pollution, for example), or go into a long gray, comfortable twilight, trapped in Habitrail earth, but with no needs that aren't being met (apart from the constant eyeball-gouging urge to break through into somewhere...else).


Not like I'm saying anything new, I think we all realize this, no? Why do people watch Breaking Bad or Anthony Bourdain? They are still attached to the romantic idea of the "lone outlaw being able to buck the system", or the "chef who was a junkie but now explores uncharted (but actually completely charted) places". Or even better, Bear Grylls, the completely phony faux-survivalist. It's the only sort of escapism we have left. Actually in order to be mentally healthy it's supposed to be the opposite, right? Suffer in life, with entertainment (or God) to remind us of the good things in life (or afterlife). But our success has inverted all of that.


Hate to be serious about it though as it's definitely "1st world problems", and we should all just be happy to have health and someone who loves us. But then there's that little voice...


even though part of this post sounds like an imac commercial, i do agree with it pretty wholeheartedly.

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Objective art, music, and film journalism and criticism will cease to exist. The "middle" of what was once large and successful indie and successful underground outlets has essentially been bought and run very quietly by advertisers and investors. There will be an even greater divide between behemoths of stealthy corporate-run sites and labels and DIY/homegrown communities when it comes to creating and listening to music. Sincere music producers, fans, and writers are going to have a difficult time sorting through the former.


Basically to sum up most of my music industry related rants of 2013 and segue to the greater scope of humanity: society will become ironically, considering the wealth and accessibility of knowledge available, far more misinformed and spoon-fed than ever before. 2014 will be surreal to behold when it comes to what corporate and media entities put out. I think some aspect of this is bound to implode this year. Short of being blissfully ignorant, I am essentially avoiding social media and trends and hyped anything as much as possible.


(and no, I haven't been listening to Tomorrow's Harvest too much but now I'm in the mood to)

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