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worst u.s. governmet coverups?

Guest Z_B_Z

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ive recently become familiar with the term "deep politics". from wiki:



Deep politics is a phrase coined by researcher and academic Peter Dale Scott, which he describes thus;

“My notion of deep politics… posits that in every culture and society there are facts which tend to be suppressed collectively, because of the social and psychological costs of not doing so. Like all other observers, I too have involuntarily suppressed facts and even memories about the drug traffic that were too provocative to be retained with equanimity.”Scott has extensively researched political processes that fly under the radar of conscious political activity, are omitted from discourse on the right and the left, and are many times intertwined with global drug traffic.


what are the biggest, or most interesting, under researched/reported gov coverups? of course theres the recent nsa stuff but im looking for something more obscure.


i lean towards the franklin credit union scandal of the 1980s. never before or since have i encountered such a nexus for the bizarre and troubling like in this case. still blows my mind.




im interested in reading about more instances of "deep politics"..the cia/crack connection is always interesting..need to read gary webbs "dark alliance".

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its like they werent even trying to hide anything during that era. everything was so depressingly blatant. the whole fred hampton thing is pretty hideous...

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There's cover-ups and distractions, and the government and media work together on that 24/7. The amount of misinformation espoused by those in power and the extent of it's success is alarming.


For example, I always note a rise in LGBT rights in Russia news coverage (in context of Sochi 2014) whenever NSA or Snowden related events occur.


We've had more deaths in Afghanistan in 5 years under Obama than under Bush for 8. The former has a fucking Nobel Peace Prize, the second is the president who actually signed off on the withdrawal treaties for Iraq. There is hardly any coverage of the "War On Terror" anymore.

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two of the biggest and most publicized coverups were the Warren Commission and 9/11 commission. Peter Dale Scott has done a lot of great work in the 9/11 truth department, been reading his stuff for years.

also the WMD 'scandal' was used to misdirect the public from the fact that Anthrax was sent out from a US government lab to 3 senators, Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather, killing 5 postal workers and a NY post employee in it's wake. Saddam Hussein was blamed for the attacks via a whisper campaign put out by the Bush administration. This is essentially how we got into Iraq, without using the anthrax scare as fuel, it's doubtful the public would have gone along with it so easily when it was first pushed.

WWII history beyond the propaganda is also very fascinating, specifically the Smedley Butler WWII attempted coup to turn the United States into a fascist state. Check that out if you haven't heard about it. Also Smedley wrote a book called 'war is a racket' after WWII ended basically laying out how the US used WWII as an excuse to be a tool used by powerful corporations to protect trading routes and open up new industry in 3rd world countries. He was a highly decorated general and his statements are almost completely ignored by most WWII historians.

pretty much my focus politically on a podcast i do with my sister here : https://soundcloud.com/media-roots

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here is a rough cut of a new film i made covering the timeline of the Anthrax attacks starring Glenn Greenwald as the quasi narrator

(this is an unpublicized.. until now rough cut, the final finished film will be online in a couple of days, i dont have room to render a 28 gigabyte file on my computer right now, lol)
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while watergate might have been the most publicized and most embarrassing resulting in an impeachment of a sitting president, the content or the meat of the scandal is dwarfed by the CIA drug trade/black market dealings, 9/11 coverup, the BCCI, and a lot of other lesser known scandals. Some of the biggest and most egregious US government coverups are still relatively obscured and/or too many emotions surrounding where the scandal derives from for people to be able to look at it honestly.

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Guest disparaissant

yeah but as far as bad coverups go, dude.

the content is kind of moot when it comes to a failure of that magnitude at covering something up.

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Euhm, sorry for trying to be a partypooper, but isn't this deep politics thing about an entire society covering things up? And not just the government?


Like slavery (just seen "12 years a slave"...), or child abuse in the catholic church? Isn't that about "facts which tend to be suppressed collectively, because of the social and psychological costs of not doing so. "


That's something different to government coverups, i think. And it's clearly not restricted to the us.


Anywhooss, please continue US government bashing at will. If that's what makes you happy, why not?

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In the world of John E. politeness is a form of sarcasm.


In the world of deep politics politeness is an instrument for covering things up. (see, we're back on topic again!)

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Euhm, sorry for trying to be a partypooper, but isn't this deep politics thing about an entire society covering things up? And not just the government?


Like slavery (just seen "12 years a slave"...), or child abuse in the catholic church? Isn't that about "facts which tend to be suppressed collectively, because of the social and psychological costs of not doing so. "


That's something different to government coverups, i think. And it's clearly not restricted to the us.




yes thats something different than a gov coverup, but i would argue, that in the case of the franklin scandal for instance, the public repressed blatant government abuse solely because of its deeply troubling nature. essentially turning the other way and putting the publics seal approval on the official line,.. its easier for the collective to believe the official line because allowing credence to that actual series of events runs counter to all that people believe about this country. or are taught to believe. i just said u.s. cause i live here....

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i suppose my thought process is that deep politics is both the collective repression of facts as well as the denial of any activity by the gov parties involved. so i guess the term works on both levels.

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Drug laws/prison industrial complex.


Maybe in 100 years they can teach kids about it in school because it happened so long ago and we're so much better now.

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yeah but as far as bad coverups go, dude.

the content is kind of moot when it comes to a failure of that magnitude at covering something up.


thanks for clarifying that, because Watergate was extremely tame (and business as usual in a lot of state and federal offices) but yes it was a pretty sloopy coverup

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"Operation Paperclip" was a pretty sketchy cover-up back in the day...




The exoneration of lead Japanese scientists/doctors from Unit 731 was far more heinous than Operation Paperclip. We literally granted war criminals immunity for a watershed of biological and chemical warfare research that even America's most sinister experiments could never achieve. The US government has notably downplayed history of human experimentation. It's overshadowed by far more outrageous and horrendous events in history.


(only a few Operation Paperclip scientists were truly involved in truly morally wrong activities, most were no different than weapons designers the Allies had)


It's so weird to think that "German scientists" were a major prize to win between the US and USSR but that was the case.



The same scientists who build Hitler's V-2 rockets and other war machines worked for NASA and the USSR in the space race, which in turn brought us a plethora of modern inventions and technology for peaceful, civilian uses. Military research eventually gave us the internet, GPS, microwaves, duct tape, etc.

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