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Morrissey: eating meat is the same as paedophilia


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Mozz should have gone into the priesthood, then he could still have repressed his sexuality, and we wouldn't have to listen to his dumb ass. A more perfect fit for a vow of silence I've never seen.

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lol maybe


if you watch him in video interviews


such Morrisseyisms make more sense i think


where you can see that he really tries to flip language like Oscar Wilde


and just to clarify I'm not being an apologist I'm just saying it's not what it looks like


When Morrissey wants to say "I'm sad" he says "the universe is dying"


that's his way

Possibly the most apt descriptions of Morrisey's demeanour I've read. The Lul to post ratio in this thread is very high, keep 'em coming.

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Morrisey has nothing to prove and he doesn't need the money. So he can come into the public domain via the media and say ridiculous things to upset those who wish to be upset. Simple as that really.

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Perfect time to recite old classics:


Hitler was a sensitive man,
Hitler was a sensitive man,
Hitler was a sensitive man,
Hitler was a sensitive man.

He went to art school when he was younger,
He wanted to be a painter.
Hitler was a vegetarian,
He was also a non-smoker.

Hitler was a sensitive man,
Hitler was a sensitive man,
Hitler was a sensitive man,
Hitler was a sensitive man.

He hired gay and handicapped officers,
He was concerned about overpopulation.
If hitler was alive today,
He'd listen to The Cure, The Smiths and Depeche Mode.

Hitler was a sensitive man,
Hitler was a sensitive man,
Hitler was a sensitive man,
Hitler was a sensitive man.



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Guest Pennywise

Do you know what the worst thing is? This cunt has chosen PETA as his charity to fund. So animal cruelty is the same as pedophilia but Morrisey cares more about the animals than children. What a fucking cunt. Hope he gets eaten by a bear.

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