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Predictions for 2064

Soloman Tump

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So I just read Asimov's predictions made 50 years ago, some of which were fairly accurate.


Can we go one up one of the greatest scientific minds of recent times, and accurately predict what will happen 50 years from now?






1. Watmm will not exist so the people of 2064 will never know if these become true or not.


2. Toilet paper will be recycled in-house and formed from a hyper antibacterial polymer.


3. Emigration will be outlawed due to mass transit of peoples. Inter continental travel will be restricted in some way. No need to travel for business.


4. Space travel will still be shit but we will have some science colony on the moon or Mars.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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I predict there will be fewer Predictions for 2064 threads in watmm.


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"hrfff i'm so glad they finally invented sex robots, too bad i'm in my 70s now"

"no grampa watmm that's not a sex robot that's a jar of cheesewiz with a face drawn on it"


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Guest Gary C

The world is divided into two parties, those that welcome their AI overlord who promises equality and world peace and the paranoid conspiracy theorists who believe the AI is buttering us up for something dastardly.

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evryone will be in a social network


i actually wonder if this will become required for citizenship in some places - so they can track ya better right off the start - interesting thought at least

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evryone will be in a social network


i actually wonder if this will become required for citizenship in some places - so they can track ya better right off the start - interesting thought at least



it was a silly.


here's another one: we will listen to music through electronic devices which we stick insider our head.

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I believe that magazines, papers, books etc will all be a thing of the past completely. Trees will be grown and harvested for fuel only in a sustainable fashion. I hope ancient woodlands will be protected from development and kept as places of tranquility.


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evryone will be in a social network


i actually wonder if this will become required for citizenship in some places - so they can track ya better right off the start - interesting thought at least



it was a silly.


here's another one: we will listen to music through electronic devices which we stick insider our head.


I know, that thought just popped into my head when i saw it.


also lol.

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So I just read Asimov's predictions made 50 years ago, some of which were fairly accurate

No, actually they were not - the press just glomed onto what one outlet said.

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  • 5 months later...

overpopulation => food/water/energy/resource shortages => drawn-out conflicts and perpetual unrest.


in a situation like that, harsh policing of transit/migration is very probable. Australia will try to become an island fortress.


but fuck knows really, it's impossible to predict given all the wildcards. some kind of painful readjustment from the bubble we've created is inevitable though.

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