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All Norwegians now millionaires

Rubin Farr

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Norwegian businesses seem to be recruiting lots of people from here in Finland, but IDK. It's a fucking expensive place. A pizza in Oslo can cost 30 euros.

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It's just another western country.


161,000 bucks/98,000 quid per person is still a hell of a lot of money. This is in addition to an already remarkable social infrastructure... yes, the tax rate is huge but look what you get in return. America is like "27% please, now fuck off" as you're still largely on your own to get yourself educated and not dead of you're unlucky enough to have an accident or get sick.
It's real money too. No Fed-style trickery since it's based on energy assets. On public television, I love to watch New Scandinavian Cooking with chef Andreas Viestad. It makes me jealous because I want to get free healthcare, education and delicious meals of cod, lingonberries, butter, duck, mussels, thyme and halibut. In fact, I learned from that show that the word "halibut" derives from the Old Norse word for "holy fish" and a Neolithic carving said that fishermen fucked their wives the night before a fishing expedition for halibut-catching luck. I would get hookers with Impakt and become a doctor for free. I wonder if you can ever become an honorary Norwegian if you tried hard to integrate? Or if they're like Chinese or Korean people who, no matter how good you are at the language or how much culture you've adapted, you're "forever foreigner". What's your Norwegian million Krone fantasy?


Basically we don't have that many generations of foreigners so the ones we have are still labeled "forever foreigner" by the common joe. And we like to make fun of swedes because they have less money(and thus migrate to Norway and do all the manual labor we don't want to do). But they have a better cultural, industrial and scientific community. Who cares about money? They are virtual.

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A pizza in Oslo can cost 30 euros.


No way. It's still expensive here, though.





270 NOK -> 32 EUR


But yeah, it's "large" or 40cm. A pizza with a diameter of 50cm costs about 15-20e here.

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peppes isnt shit, they have the biffsnadder-pizza... most norwegian pizza ever!


i'm several hundred thousand in debt with no income, so someone must be holding on to those oil crowns doubly...

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