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datura stories


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guy i knew a bit just died from an overdose of some drugs, i dont know the details surrounding his death, but i do i know he used to eat the seeds of this stuff, and gave them to unwitting people unaware of how insanely fucked up it is. he was always determined to try a ridiculous amount of different trippy plants and chemicals, it always seemed like a slow but certain spiral into self-destruction, but to OD at 19 is pretty sad.

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I have a datura story... Years ago my friend & I would go for walks in the scrub woods behind his house, looking for interesting/edible plants. Once we found a truly bizarre little plant - it looked for all the world like a Fire Flower from one of the Mario Bros. games: a spiky pod on a short stalk with a "mouth" seam. My friend saw it first, walked over to it & picked the pod. He held it in his palm for a moment, looking at it strangely. When I asked to see it, he gave me an odd look & threw it as far as he could. I took a step after it but he put his hand out and gave me another strange look... something in his face convinced me to leave it alone. Shortly after that he said he was tired & needed to lie down, so I went home. A few days later I talked to him and he told me that when he said he needed to lie down it was one of the most difficult things he'd ever done; shortly after picking the pod he began hallucinating intensely & could barely form the words he told me. These weren't "fun" hallucinations either.. he compared them to being trapped in a nightmare, and the effects didn't fully dissipate for months.


We of course had no idea what the plant was, but I actually managed to ID it using erowid, of all resources. The datura we found was very atypical - there were no leaves on it, just a short stalk & a seedpod. The plant must have been close to death and thus its poison spines were more potent than most. I gather that when my friend picked the pod the spines penetrated his skin, and that was all it took. I've never tried datura myself, and I surely have no desire to!

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Guest disparaissant

i know someone who decided that giving birth while tripping on datura would be a good idea.


no, we are not friends.

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these are fascinating and frightening reads. why would anyone ever want to do this drug? good lord it sounds horrific, but for some reason, I can't stop reading these stories.



love it, the dramamine high-dose ones are equally as good. Spent many hours reading these. Never had the balls to do a proper datura trip but 1 bottle robo + 10 dramamine came pretty close

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i used to read erowid in highschool computer class when i was bored. i recall a datura story where the dude saw his ifirend turn into a werewolf... it really makes you insane. i also heard about people mutilating themselves.

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"Other drugs you eat and you’re like “hey, that’s triply” on jimson wee, you’re like “hey, thats normal.” You NEVER know you’re hallucinating… it’s just like a waking dream.

this is also similar to what it's like if you smoke salvia except with salvia, you can also lose your memory (personally, i forgot how to speak) and you loose track of time (so you interpret 5 minutes as 2 years)

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one of the best parts about datura trip reports involve people hallucinating taking an overdose and going to the hospital, of course its not uncommon for people to actually be taken to the hospital on it but freak-out imagery overdosing is pretty common too.

anybody here taken motion sickness pills to hallucinate? I stupidly did it a few times in my late teens

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one of the best parts about datura trip reports involve people hallucinating taking an overdose and going to the hospital, of course its not uncommon for people to actually be taken to the hospital on it but freak-out imagery overdosing is pretty common too.




Wait you mean like people hallucinating that they ODed and went to the hospital? Reading some of these I can't tell whether some of the people themselves can tell whether they really did or not.


I'm really starting to think Clive Barker (and a couple other horror writers) took Datura.

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Oh yeah. I forgot that taking like a full bottle of Benadryl is similar to datura. Except most likely 100x milder from some of the reports I've read. Are there any positive datura reports?


Anyway Benadryl was like being awake and asleep at the same time. I had VIVID hallucinations, unlike salvia or shrooms they were not spirals or distortions. It was more like I was asleep and I sort of just couldn't register that I was seeing shit that wasn't there.


The weirdest one was thinking that this video game box by my bed was holographic. Like I kept turning it over. Due to reports I'd read on Benadryl I was 100% careful to remind myself not to take anything I saw seriously. Thus the ants and spiders basically everywhere phased me zero, even though I didn't really think about it consciously. It was basically the most forgettable experience ever.


Anyway, obviously datura is much different but I do think Benadryl gives you a slight peak into the most mild idea of what datura does altogether... Though it seems datura has a very negative body high, and that users maintain wakefulness, and thus terror. Benadryl basically just knocked me out after an hour or two of farting around.

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I wanted to try datura yeeears ago (like, 15 years ago), when I had more time to be away from people. What interested me most was the ultra real hallucinations, especially non phantasmical ones (like, a cup being on a table, then disappearing). I did do angel's trumpet, though, but didn't take enough to die. Worst cotton mouth ever. Thing about datura related shiz is that to get the hardcore effects, you need to take an mount that is almost dangerous. Also, I wanted a lot of time, because sometimes vision stays blurry for weeks/months.


But a friend of mine did it and was just talking to his brother who wasn't there, etc. Totally real feeling, but if you really want to trip out in that realistic sort of way, just realize that perception of impulses is how we create our reality, and this really has no correlation to whatever is happening in the background. i.e. There is no "real" reality. You do interpret however you want. Like right now, you are reading this, but you really could be tripping on datura hard, in middle school, as a cute girl with leg braces and a club foot. You just think you're in an electronic music forum, but internet has yet to be invented, because it is 1947. This is what it's like on datura.








Also, you wrote Richard D James album, in 1723, in pencil.

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people, people


imo just stick with mushrooms...maybe acid if your have the constitution for it


datura sounds like a literal living nightmare and hey you might die


sounds like a terrible idea on really all levels

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I had remembered my friend R had been talking about how some grew in his back yard, and his dog had eaten one and stared at the wall barking for like five hours. So I was like hell, why not? If it fucked the dog up, it could be fun.


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Yeah, it's amazing to me how many of these reports are from people who are in high school, in their parents' houses. At least half the reports end in the hospital. I think you have to be kind of a dumbass to give yourself up to this plant.


However I'm fascinated by the reports of shared hallucinations. That sort of breaks the veil of reality for me.

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Guest EleminoP

One of my housemates enjoys datura and takes it a few times a month. He has many strange stories. We've spent a few Sundays hiking around harvesting pods from the plants he knows of around town. Cool looking plants. They like growing in rocky areas. I got pricked by one that we found in some building rubble. It did not make me feel much different.

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However I'm fascinated by the reports of shared hallucinations. That sort of breaks the veil of reality for me.

yea that is messed up



I think it's infinitely more likely that

a) people's hallucinations are susceptible to influence/suggestion


b) there is certain imagery that is common with the drug


c) memory is unreliable and susceptible to influence/suggestion


d) these people are getting a taste of the real reality



(now, that's not to say that the drug isn't revelatory

rather, I think it reveals more about the mind of the person doing it than it reveals about the external world)

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