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datura stories


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Im partial to my drugs, but it sounds like you would need a brain made of steel to get through a 48 hour trip of full blown delirium. It sounds like the next logical step for a horror junkie that literally cant get the fear from movies any more.




I wonder how insane it gets when you mix it with a normal trip.

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you couldn't pay me enough to try this. the one that was really fucked was the one where the kid wanted to get away from what he was seeing so shut his eyes only to reveal a worse reality. then he opened his eyes and it was even worse, on and on to the point where he couldn't tell if his eyes were opened or closed.


fuck. that.

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Guest deferlow

i know someone who decided that giving birth while tripping on datura would be a good idea.


no, we are not friends.

funny. didn't al hoffy-steez first synthesize L with the hope that i would eliminate labor pains?

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Guest disparaissant
i know someone who decided that giving birth while tripping on datura would be a good idea.


no, we are not friends.

funny. didn't al hoffy-steez first synthesize L with the hope that i would eliminate labor pains?


I have no idea, but giving birth in a kiddie pool while on a nightmare drug hell-ride doesn't sound like my idea of a good weekend.

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I wonder if it's the case that neurotic, angry people are somehow drawn to this drug and thus the mood of the experiences.


I wonder, for instance, what the world's most happy, neurosis-free Zen Buddhist would experience on Datura.

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if you kill someone on datura then.... =





If you are responsible for bringing on the psychotic spell you were in when you killed a person (that you thought was a dragon coming to attack you), then at the least that would fall under the purview of manslaughter.

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if you kill someone on datura then.... =





If you are responsible for bringing on the psychotic spell you were in when you killed a person (that you thought was a dragon coming to attack you), then at the least that would fall under the purview of manslaughter.



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If datura makes people do shit like that, then I'm not touching it.


Edit: Just realized that story is from September 2003. Regardless, I'm generally a pussy when it comes to drugs.

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who knows if that article is even true.


i'm vaguely interested in this because i used to have horrendous, ultra realistic night terrors on a nightly basis for months as a teen. some of the most horrifying shit in my life was the hallucinations i had during that period of stress. i don't actually want to revisit that, but it's interesting to read this stuff as it reminds me of the complete loss of control i'd feel during those experiences.

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However I'm fascinated by the reports of shared hallucinations. That sort of breaks the veil of reality for me.

yea that is messed up

I think it's infinitely more likely that

a) people's hallucinations are susceptible to influence/suggestion


b) there is certain imagery that is common with the drug


c) memory is unreliable and susceptible to influence/suggestion


d) these people are getting a taste of the real reality



(now, that's not to say that the drug isn't revelatory

rather, I think it reveals more about the mind of the person doing it than it reveals about the external world)

Yeah, I think I agree with this. But the "telepathy"/shared visions are so interesting. I've heard of similar things on mushrooms, where two people will "click" and be able to talk to each other over distances, or feel things simultaneously. I think it's possible that certain chemicals reveal mental abilities that are otherwise hidden.


This chemical sounds like it kind of short circuits your brain, so it's probably not worth it to figure out if it has that benefit. Psylocibin, on the other hand..or even marijuana sometimes!

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I wonder if it's the case that neurotic, angry people are somehow drawn to this drug and thus the mood of the experiences.


I wonder, for instance, what the world's most happy, neurosis-free Zen Buddhist would experience on Datura.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that hunter Thompson wouldn't touch this shit.

not that he was a zen Buddhist...

but still, I mean, that has to say a lot

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Heh. I googled it and he said he did it twice. "Jimson weed: that's a bitch. Everybody should do jimson weed --- once. I only did it twice."

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just another reason for me to not like hunter thompson, pretty cool encouraging everyone to try a drug that might cause them to kill themselves or others the first time they do it... maybe only in america could a man be hailed a genius for engaging in suicidal drug behavior, then writing about the nonsense that happened to him during that, and glamourizing it and promoting it to others, as if everyone can handle it.


i knew at least 3, but im pretty sure 4 guys back in high school who did this stuff, and they were the craziest drug-doers there. one may not have gone to the hospital. he told me his sister drove him to school the next day, she didn't want to take him because he was talking to himself all the way there but he refused to go back home. somehow he managed to get through the day i think? or, fuck it's been so long, maybe he got busted... i do remember he told me he was talking to himself during class(es) and other kids told him about it later. its possible he got busted and went to the hospital but i just cant remember anymore. i knew this guy enough to know not to doubt his story (and he died a few years back before turning 30, probably drug related).


2nd guy told me he ate handfuls of seeds after a girl dumped him. nothing happened after an hour so he ate more. thought they wouldn't do anything. eventually he's f'd up. he turned on all the oven burners for no reason then went to his room. his step dad noticed this, and next thing his mom is driving him to the hospital, and he's talking to her about all the people he's going to see at the party. he said he was in there after a stomach pump, and it'd come and go in flashes. he'd be waving at friends out the window who were hanging from tree branches, then theyd disappear and he'd be momentarily sober, and he'd panic because he caught himself waving at/interacting with people who weren't there, and he couldn't stop doing it, over and over. for hours and hours and hours.


the other one or maybe two guys were a year older than me. both were pretty nuts. i'm pretty sure they both went to the hospital and had stomach pumps, but i never heard it directly from them. these stories were enough to make me decide to stay away from that stuff.


to to the watmmr who's friend told him that picking up a 'fireflower' made him trip out, i gotta say your friend bullshitted you.

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hunter s. thompson should be hailed as a hero, not for promoting irresponsible drug use, but for his coverage of culture (or counter culture if you will) from an extreme position. It is important to remember that Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is a novel that ultimately deals with the failure of the counter culture movement.

With your views on the hippy bullshit surrounding acid/hallucinogenic use you should appreciate his writing even more.


  • All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours, too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped to create...a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody-or at least some force-is tending the Light at the end of the tunnel.
Also I gotta say - datura sounds like something I should have tried when I was younger.

And reading these stories, the video for a song called "Dreaming" by some band called Smallpools (terrible music btw) seems to be eerily reminiscent of datura trips.

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i think it would be something a lot more people would be trying if it just caused hallucinations and no other physical unpleasant side effects. Datura almost gives you the opposite of an alcohol body high, where your feet feel like they are full of lead and very heavy, you can go temporarily blind, like a literal black-out but awake. It also gives you extreme dry mouth to the point of making it difficult to breathe or swallow. If Dramamine/benedryl high dose is any indicator it's an extremely unpleasant drug completely separate from the hallucinations.

I would argue dramamine/benedryl high dose is safer only because you know the amount you're taking. Another problem with Datura is the potency varies from entire seed pods having almost no active ingredient to a pinch of seeds from a different plant being potent enough to get you fucked up.

I tried 'stepping up' with datura a few times during my psychedelic days, but i never bothered to take enough to actually hallucinate. I bought a pound of datura seeds on the internet, ground them up to a fine powder, shook it up daily and proceeded to take a very small amount every day, starting with about 1/4 teaspoon, i managed to get to a tablespoon about a week later but it only made me feel drowsy. plus i was probably building a small tolerance, which isn't a bad idea to do if you seriously want to partake in this drug. I'm glad i never went through with it. LSD + 7 dramamine was terrifying enough, the photorealistic delusions/hallucinations merged with fractal like patterns and i knew i was in a bad spot when i saw a very generic hallucination straight of a horror movie. I had the garbage pail kids movie poster as my desktop background, one of the garbage pail kids turned his head glared at me then casually walked out of my computer screen towards me. Luckily i had friends near to calm me down

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One possible benefit of datura related singz, is that a very common hallucination (that is, hyperreal, "reality"-real-level)... a very common hallucination is to see friends or people who you haven't seen in ages. This means getting to fuck that one girl you never got to. Or to say goodbye to that one best friend who committed suicide, for that last bro fist. Or to say thank you to Great Grannie Scroggins for raising you as a child and smell her freshly baked cookies one last time; the cookies that only she could bake. Etc. Unfortunately, these are unpredictable, but I do believe they can be programmed. Once when I was tripping on acid, I heard very loud the sounds of Sim City 2000 in my room; a game which I was playing a lot at that time (and no, it was not running). Also, I've been able to give myself wet dreams by focusing on sexual mental imagery for like, the whole fucking day. Or if I want to meet someone on the dream plane, much the same. But I believe contextual setting and intention are also important, because datura seems to also create context.


My friend who was hallucinating on datura and talking to his brother who was not there, just had normal conversation. Then the brother vanished and nothing was thought of it. So even if one programs their brain to be highly focused on a desired hologram hallucination character, if context is not set, one could end up with their dream fuck showing up in the room, but instead of whipping it out, you two talk about breakfast cereals. The other side is that you might fuck a floppy disc drive thinking it's Pamela Anderson or Mike P or whatever.


Anyway, I wanted to trip on datura for the same reasons I did lsd-- to explore perception and the projection/manifestation of consciousness itself. From what I've read about datura- like fur realz- you reading this text could be a datura trip. You seriously just fucking wouldn't know (but it might be blurry). But at the same time, a lot of trip reports are from average dyudez, and I've been meditating regularly since elementary school; more seriously since middle school. Taking that into consideration, I wanted to use datura as a tool to possibly direct into a very positive result. Being that scopolamine (active shiz in datura) is used for "brain washing", that is indicative of its brain and perception programming ability, and if one can program the self on this, the experiences could be fucking incredible and positive and IDM to da max.


But honestly, fuck that shit. Better off using imagination. Kind of HARD WORK to manually do it, but it's the same result. I guess everyone just wants to jack off instead of spending years to find someone to do it with them.

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I had the garbage pail kids movie poster as my desktop background, one of the garbage pail kids turned his head glared at me then casually walked out of my computer screen towards me. Luckily i had friends near to calm me down

that almost sounds pretty awesome.


except, what the hell man? why did you have a garbage pail kids THE MOVIE desktop? i'm saying this as a guy who collected the cards as a kid, but even then knew that the movie did to the cards what the cards did to cabbage patch kids- made a mockery out of them. that movie... is an abomination and it should be erased from history, not put on your desktops. howard the duck is a masterpiece next to garbage pail kids the movie.


seeing a character from that movie look at you and walk towards you, sounds like itd be pretty god damn traumatic

but you live by the sword you die by it


seriously, garbage pail kids the movie desktop plus drugs. great idea. wtf man

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