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OCD is some weird shit.


For a short while I exhibited traits of literally all of the types of OCD, from hand-washing to avoiding stepping on cracks [i still have some order-related OCD which made me stop and think for a while about the phrase "avoiding stepping on cracks" and then I realized that "stepping on cracks" is a gerund phrase so it functions as a noun] to intrusive thoughts and making sure everything is symmetrical...


There was a week in my life where I didn't leave my apartment because I was afraid of getting stabbed in the neck in the alley outside my apartment. I would sit around and just think about it playing out over and over, and afterwards I'd find myself unconsciously covering my neck with my hand.


Although I'm much less neurotic than I used to be, I still have some vestigial neurosis that I can't seem to shake. For instance, I still have daydreams about horrific things happening to me or the people around me. For instance, crossing the street about an hour ago I had this vision of a car running over me and imagined the feeling of the tire climbing over my chest and had phantom sensations of the pain and bodily damage and claustrophobia of being pinned under the tire.


This stuff used to cause me great deals of anxiety. These days, for whatever reason, I am virtually free of anxiety.


Some of you may have noticed that I edit most of my posts. This is because after I post a comment I start to wonder if maybe there was a typo or grammatical error and so most often I go back and re-read my post and invariably I will find some reason to edit it.


And maybe worst of all, I am obsessed with orderliness and symmetry in music. This is why I volunteer for nearly every WATMM comp record and then never actually submit anything. If I write a melody that has inelegant harmonic rhythm, or I write a synth part that has inelegant voice-leading, or a drum part where the phrasing is inelegant (vis-a-vis balance or timefeel or dynamics or strong beat/weak beat) then the tune is sub-standard and gets filed away in some junk folder.


Ironically, I prefer lo-fi production.

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I can't order fast food through a drive through without playing with my pant leg. I'm not sure if this is OCD or wtf but even when it's happening and I know it's fucked up, I can't stop it from happening.


Also when I'm studying and I'm in EXTREMELY deep concentration in my most difficult academic studies, I pull out my chest hairs.


wtf is that.

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It was a limited time only type of deal. That was mine and Limpyloos bastard child.


I've changed it back to my original profile pic for you mr. =)

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I was pretty OCD as a kid, but have mellowed out since. I still have a few strange nervous ticks - I constantly pop my ears. I developed this one day while I was sick and I could constantly feel the pressure in my ears, so I started to pop them like 2-8 times a minute. I still do this quite frequently. When I first started to do it it freaked people out because I would have to open my mouth to do it. I also separate my toes in my shoes all the time, because when I was a kid I used to freak out because my toes were crammed together in my shoes. I also put my earlobes in my ears a lot, which gets annoying because i have to take out my headphones to do it. I also pinch my earlobes between my fingers at the crux between them.


When I was a kid I used to blink over and over, and shut my eyes really hard. I also hated tags on my clothing.

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I just saw










appear at the top of WATMM from new post after post. good start to the thread imo, fitting. will continue to take notes and submit final evaluation post-mortem.

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Doesn't talk about his sometimes debilitating ocd in this thread. It is easier just to do nothing though, anything that involves decision making ignites the fire. -sie- Over time and once you know what it is, it is easier to push it down. And nowadays they think that it's somewhat of a self reinforcing abnormality. So if you can stop these habitual behaviours and thoughts, you have a good chance of freeing yourself.


It's funny though how it can range from nervous ticks to strange social anxieties, but they could all come from a similar misdirection of the mind by the mind.

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Weird Limpy, I too sometimes get daydreams of awful shit happening, usually something like getting hit by a car, with the accompanying shudder like in one of those nightmares when you're falling.


Another thing is that I will ALWAYS scratch the side of my leg when I'm talking to people

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From reading a body language book by Joe Navarro I learned about pacifying behaviors. They range from scratching one's leg to self-cutting. They are essentially just repetitive, ritualistic movements to alleviate stress or anxiety.

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I can't order fast food through a drive through without playing with my pant leg. I'm not sure if this is OCD or wtf but even when it's happening and I know it's fucked up, I can't stop it from happening.


this is not fucked up.


you guys are mostly describing nervous tics


this, although Limpy sounds like he had bigger problems.

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you guys are mostly describing nervous tics


this, although Limpy sounds like he had bigger problems.



Nervous tics and OCD are related, although obviously OCD falls father (further?) down the spectrum in terms of complexity.


But both are responses to stress. My understanding is that when we're anxious our limbic system ramps up our 'nervous' energy for fight-or-flight purposes and (behavior-wise) both nervous tics and OCD are essentially just what people do with that extra 'nervous' energy.


The big difference, of course, is that OCD has major psychological components.

dammit Delet you beat me to using the word 'spectrum'

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yeah they're related but I'm saying tics are just tics and can exist outside of OCD. if everyone thought of their relatively harmless tics in the context of OCD the world's collective mental health would take a big slide downhill.

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yeah they're related but I'm saying tics are just tics and can exist outside of OCD. if everyone thought of their relatively harmless tics in the context of OCD the world's collective mental health would take a big slide downhill.


Yeah like the people I sometimes run into who conflate clinical depression with being bummed-out.

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That said, i don't think we should then have carte blanche to dismiss regular watmmrs admission of tics or lesser anxieties because they don't quite meet the critical threshold of full blown mega fukt up.

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I definitely don't have OCD now, although as a child my counselor said that I might have (might've had?) it. Now I still have some small traits of OCD but my anxiety problems are mostly a mixture of generalized anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder. The semi-ocd leftovers from my childhood actually aren't that big of a deal in terms of nervous ticks, but it is annoying that I have a hard time starting and finishing assignments because I feel like they have to be perfect before I turn them in. It's not as bad as some other people I know though, including my sister who is close enough to obsessive compulsive to have an IEP, and my friend who actually does have OCD. I have another OCD friend who used to re-drive car routes because he was afraid that he hit someone and didn't notice, and he would think about how he might've left the stove on at random times during the day and freak out about it (he still does this sometimes).

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I find that I get OCD after drinking too much coffee. It is a serious concern of mine.

"C" stands for Crapping in this case.

Srsly Edit: Ran a defrag on my laptop's hard drive two days in a row, even though it said "zero percent fragmented" both times post analysis.

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Seeing that people live more online than they do on the streets, there has to be an online equivalent of "avoiding stepping on the cracks" OCD. But what would it be? Scrolling through Watmm threads in your touch device without seeing half posts on your screen? ( your screen will explode whenever you look at a post which isnt completely visible)





no, you shouldnt have opened this one

if you read this ....OCD




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Seeing that people live more online than they do on the streets, there has to be an online equivalent of "avoiding stepping on the cracks" OCD. But what would it be? Scrolling through Watmm threads in your touch device without seeing half posts on your screen? ( your screen will explode whenever you look at a post which isnt completely visible)





no, you shouldnt have opened this one

if you read this ....OCD





I don't know if this qualifies but I keep marking the text I'm reading with my mouse.

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