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NBCnews site redesign disaster


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God, if this is the direction websites are taking then I think I'm gonna spend the rest of the internet using just the Wayback Machine.


I wish the Wayback Machine would provide interlinked sites. you could spend forever in past images of the Net and refuse to catch up the present version.




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Please don't do that to here. Think about that and you'll realise why that site is garbage. Not being able to quickly find information isn't optimisation. And i have no problem on a tablet looking at regular old webpages with normal sized txt hyperlinks if the font is too small you can just zoom in a little, certainly don't need a button that is one quarter of the screen real estate. And i find that the pictures actually distract me from the text underneath that headlines the picture above, further bogging the mind down in useless fudge.

I didn't say I was a fan of this particular style, so rest assured WATMM won't ever go that way (however the new site and forum will be mobile friendly, but there's better ways of achieving that than what NBC did).


Personally, I think having to zoom in on something on a mobile device is terrible - the content should resize itself to fit it's display - that's what responsive design should achieve.

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Part of the problem with my perception of their site redesign is that i was looking at the site on a 70 inch TV with the browser quite wide. The tiles shrink if you narrow it down to the aspect ratio that a tablet has which does give you more options in your field of view to press and bigger text. Still though, i'm a list man and hope eventually as with all fashions, that this fashion goes away as some new design star comes along to inform us that tiles are dead and lists are the way forward.

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Guest fiznuthian

It's looks okay, kinda interesting even.
My eyes hurt after scanning around on it for a while.


I'm sure someone could make a scraper to pull everything off of it.

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lol at chocolate pope, looks like antony hopkins in el rito













the pope's face is priceless lolololol

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