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he'll represent ya in court

with possum knowledge he'll retort

he's the baph-man


on topic, Humans Of New York is quite good. I'm enjoying it very much. in fact I daresay it has made me view humanity in a slightly more positive light lately. I bought the book, which is great, but it somehow seems to work even better as a blog.

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on topic, Humans Of New York is quite good. I'm enjoying it very much. in fact I daresay it has made me view humanity in a slightly more positive light lately. I bought the book, which is great, but it somehow seems to work even better as a blog.


i'm probably out of the loop on everything that isn't the possum v. opossum issue, but that blog is new to me. thanks for posting. it is very quite good.

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There are possums in the midwestern region of the US as well, as it turns out.


there are possums in austraiia

there are opossums in the US

people sometimes refer to opossums as 'possums, but they are not the same as possums



This is a virginia opossum:




These are possums:



Captain Cook's botanist, Joseph Banks, named the Australian marsupials "possum" after the 'possum, based on visual appearance. They aren't closely related.


I had a family of opossums living near my house last summer. One of the little fellas got abandoned by the mother opossum (or she died, I dunno). He was adorable and ultimately eaten by a cat.

this is what is known as "baphing."


it's like "gordoing" but informative and pleasant.

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Nearly ran over a possum tonight, turning a blind corner. Nearly running over them is common though, hitting not as much so, given things like brakes and really not wanting to hit the cute little fellas.

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Nearly ran over a possum tonight, turning a blind corner. Nearly running over them is common though, hitting not as much so, given things like brakes and really not wanting to hit the cute little fellas.



but what about cane toads?



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There are possums in the midwestern region of the US as well, as it turns out.



there are possums in austraiia

there are opossums in the US

people sometimes refer to opossums as 'possums, but they are not the same as possums



This is a virginia opossum:




These are possums:



Captain Cook's botanist, Joseph Banks, named the Australian marsupials "possum" after the 'possum, based on visual appearance. They aren't closely related.


I had a family of opossums living near my house last summer. One of the little fellas got abandoned by the mother opossum (or she died, I dunno). He was adorable and ultimately eaten by a cat.




Totally first read that as Vagina Opossum...

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Nearly ran over a possum tonight, turning a blind corner. Nearly running over them is common though, hitting not as much so, given things like brakes and really not wanting to hit the cute little fellas.



but what about cane toads?





They're fair game. Until we can unleash millions of robotic assassins or something (i don't like the idea of tailored sterilization viruses or whatever, in case they cross the species barrier and run amok) , crushing a few on the road has little effect on their ever expanding march throughout my land.

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Nearly ran over a possum tonight, turning a blind corner. Nearly running over them is common though, hitting not as much so, given things like brakes and really not wanting to hit the cute little fellas.



but what about cane toads?





They're fair game. Until we can unleash millions of robotic assassins or something (i don't like the idea of tailored sterilization viruses or whatever, in case they cross the species barrier and run amok) , crushing a few on the road has little effect on their ever expanding march throughout my land.



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The whole world feels like that at the moment. Avalanche of illogic.


Then again, the gorilla plan was a sound one, well unless global warming fucked it up for them.


Man, I feel like Lisa Simpson quite often.






Homer: Not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol must be working like a charm.

Lisa: That’s specious reasoning, Dad.

Homer: Thank you, dear.

Lisa: By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.

Homer: Oh, how does it work?

Lisa: It doesn’t work.

Homer: Uh-huh.

Lisa: It’s just a stupid rock.

Homer: Uh-huh.

Lisa: But I don’t see any tigers around, do you?

[Homer thinks of this, then pulls out some money]

Homer: Lisa, I want to buy your rock.




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When I was in Venice years ago, and was walking around all like "omg Venice" like everyone else does, I heard a FLOP near me. Something fell out of the sky. I went to look at what flopped out of the sky. It was a pigeon carcass.









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on topic, Humans Of New York is quite good. I'm enjoying it very much. in fact I daresay it has made me view humanity in a slightly more positive light lately. I bought the book, which is great, but it somehow seems to work even better as a blog.


Karl Hyde's "Edgeland" movie is a bunch of interviews (monologues?) with random people as he walks along the thames path through London. Random encounters indeed.

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There was a girl at the supermarket today that looked like a girl I used to date and even had the same kind of voice and style of speaking. She lives somewhere in the nearby apartments. I was pretty weirded out. :cerious:

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I don't know why they bothered attaching a camera to your ipod if that is the result, somewhere beyond the pixilation i'm sure there's a great scene, with a wonky horizon line and bad framing, but lovely none the less. Next time listening to music on your phone ;-p


Early in the year for the bulbs to be sprouting?

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I don't know why they bothered attaching a camera to your ipod if that is the result, somewhere beyond the pixilation i'm sure there's a great scene, with a wonky horizon line and bad framing, but lovely none the less. Next time listening to music on your phone ;-p


Early in the year for the bulbs to be sprouting?

yeah, it's still winter here

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Noice yek. We have the same thing here in the Netherlands at the moment; we didn't have much of a wintertime (which some people are complaining about.. really some people always complain. These same people would complain that if it was 'a proper' winter, that it'd be too cold/too much snow/too etc etc. Fucking people sometimes man), and now everything is kinda blossoming. There were already vague hints of blooming in January, and the birds are twittering like it's spring already. I don't really mind. Spring is my favourite time of year, along with August.

Still, weird. Last year was the most perfect year as standard years would go, this year is already off from the beginning.



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  • 4 months later...

Saw four seagulls chasing what looked like an eagle whilst airborne. Not sure why they would, unless the eagle snatched one of their young. They were squawking at it the whole time, so maybe. But they were too far up for a visual confirmation.

What does it meeeaaaaaaan

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In a hostel in Ljubljana currently. A young French girl sitting on the floor outside my room in the hall just said "Bonne nuit!" when I walked back to my room from the bathroom with a toothbrush in my hand.


Also just spent couple of days with this German guy I met on a train from Munich to Ljubljana. And got into to this hostel by his recommendation. It's an old Yugoslavia-era school.


Also today ate a horsemeat burger in a fast food restaurant called Hot Horse. :cisfor:

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I used to live by this park in Bethnal Green which had a lot of squirrels. I used to visit the "squirrel park" in Bristol with my grandparents as a child and liked walking through it every morning on my way to work and watching them going about their business (scampering etc). So one day I was going to meet a friend and I was standing by the bus stop, one squirrel was looking at me intently through the fence. So I wander over to see how it reacts. It just stands there looking at me. So I reach in my bag and get out this pecan and whatsit pastry thing and pick off a pecan nut and hold it out to it. It comes all the way up to me, stops a little short, then takes it out of my hand and eats it. So I feed it all the pecans out of my pastry and the one I bought for my friend. This is probably a boring story, is it relevant to the thread? Yes I think so. THE END

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